These access control points control the ability to log on to, and use the XML interface.

If Allowed, managers can start an XML session.

If Allowed, managers can perform XML API functions for the following beans. You can Disallow functions for individual beans if necessary.
- Access Profile Beans — If Allowed, managers can view access profile data.
- Accruals Beans — If Allowed, managers can edit or view accrual data.
- Event Manager Beans — If Allowed, managers can add, edit, delete and view Event Manager information.
- Hyperfind A search engine that filters and selects groups of employees through queries that specify conditions or locations (criteria). Beans — If Allowed, managers can view Hyperfind queries.
- Labor Level Beans — If Allowed, managers can edit or view Labor Level Entries and Labor Accounts.
- Person Beans — If Allowed, managers can edit, delete, or view People information.
- Report Beans — If Allowed, managers can choose, execute, and display reports.
- Schedule Beans — If Allowed, managers can edit or view scheduling and grouping information.
- Timecard Beans — If Allowed, managers can edit or view timecard information.
- Workflow Beans — If Allowed, managers can configure the Workflow Manager.
- Table Import Beans — If Allowed, managers can read and set table import information.
- Audit Beans — If Allowed, managers can read audit information.
- Common Beans — If Allowed, managers can read common information.
- Data Access Beans — If Allowed, managers can edit or view audit data access information. Allow one or both of the following:
- Menu Beans — If Allowed, managers can read menu information.
- Bulk Summary Beans — If Allowed, managers can read summary information.
- Business Structure Represents the logical structure of an organization as it concerns staffing. It contains the locations and jobs to which an employee may be assigned. & Job Beans — If Allowed, managers can edit or view organizational structure & job information.
- MobileTime Maintenance Beans — If Allowed, gives access to MobileTime® maintenance information.
- Deduction Rules Beans — If Allowed, managers can read and set deduction rules information.
- Fingerscan Bean — If Allowed, managers can read and set fingerprint information.
- Transaction Assistant Corrects transaction errors in integrations without the need to resubmit entire projects. Beans — If Allowed, managers can load, edit, and view failed XML transactions through the API Bean.
- HR/Payroll Beans — If Allowed, gives access to read and set HR or Payroll information.
- Access to Process Manager data — If Allowed, managers can add, edit, delete, and view Process Manager data.
- Check Advice Beans — If Allowed, managers can specify the characteristics of the check and direct deposit advice stock used to print employees' checks and advices.
- Forecast Beans — If Allowed, managers can edit or view Forecasting information.
- TeleTime IP Bean — If Allowed, managers can edit or view TeleTime IP Plan information.
- Domain Event Navigation — If Allowed, gives access to add, edit and delete a navigation URL.
- Domain Event Category — If Allowed, gives access to add, edit and delete control center categories.
- Data Dictionary Metadata — If Allowed, gives access to data dictionary metadata.

If Allowed, managers can perform Edit Self when not in the All Home A query that returns a list of employees associated with a manager's employee group. All Home finds people who are active employees or active users as of today. Query.

If Allowed, gives access to Add or View the audit items APIs.

If Allowed, gives access to write (Add) log messages.

If Allowed, gives access to Edit or View the log context.

- Setup — If Allowed, gives access to public Rest APIs.
- Comments API Setup — If Allowed, gives API access to the Comments.
- Missing External Identifier Read
- Employee Preferences Assignments Read — If Allowed, gives all read APIs access to employee preference access control points (ACP).
- Schedule Group Assembles employees who share schedules or any other work characteristics. Profile Assignments Read — If Allowed, gives all GET and multi-read APIs access to schedule group profile ACPs.
- Punch The entries on a timecard that mark the beginning (in-punch) or end (out-punch) of a work interval, such as the beginning of a shift or transfer. Extract API — If Allowed, managers can view the Punch Extract API to schedule multi-read punch extractions.
- Punch on Behalf of Employee — If Allowed, an authorized user account can make punches on behalf of an employee.
- Predictive Scheduling — If Allowed, gives the manager access to the Predictive Scheduling API.
- Run Scheduling Engine — If Allowed, gives access to public Run Scheduling Engines Rest APIs.
- Retrieve Symbolic Reviewers and Listeners — If Allowed, gives access to retrieve reviewers and listeners of employee requests.
- Invalidate Cover Request API — If Allowed, automatically invalidates requests to cover that are submitted to the Shift Market based on the Market Shift Expiration Before Shift Start parameter in the request subtype Classifications of schedule requests from employees..
- Pattern Template A repeating pattern of shifts and paycodes that is saved with a name, but without dates or assigned employees. Profile Assignments Read — If Allowed, gives all GET and multi-read APIs access to the Pattern Template Profiles ACP.
- Schedule Rule Defines restrictions and requirements to ensure that a schedule meets certain criteria. Evaluation API — If Allowed, gives access to the Schedule Rule Violation Evaluation API.
- Worker Type Assignments Read — If Allowed, gives all GET and multi-read APIs access to the Worker Type Assignments ACP.
- Shift Template A shift that has a name and defined segments and attributes, but no date or assigned employee. Profile Assignments Read — If Allowed, gives all Read APIs access to the Shift Template Profiles Get ACP.
- Employee Comments — If Allowed, gives access to all types of comments and notes by way of the API.
- Self-Scheduling with Shift Templates — If Allowed, gives access to self-scheduling with shift templates by way of APIs.
- External Identifier — If Allowed, gives access to retrieve, assign, and unassign external identifiers.
- Pay Code Name List — If Allowed, gives the manager or employee access to view the list of paycode A category of time or money that employees earn, for example, Regular Hours, Bonus, or Sick. names.
- Pending Corrections — If Allowed, gives access to the Pending Corrections API.
- Allow access to notification actions execute API — If Allowed, gives access to the Notification Actions Execute API which passes actions (Approve, Reject) to notifications in the Control Center.
- Lightweight Employee Records API — If Allowed, gives access to retrieve Lightweight Employee Records by way of the API.
- Current User Information API — If Allowed, gives the ability to retrieve one's user information by way of the API.
- Notification API V2 — If Allowed, gives access to send GET and DELETE requests.
- Employee Photo — If Allowed, gives access to retrieve and view the employee photo by way of the API.
- Automatic Sign-off Read API — If Allowed, gives access to the Automatic Sign-Off Read API.
- Forecast Metrics Measures and tracks workforce performance by comparing planned with actual workload or coverage, or by showing variances at any organizational level. — If Allowed, gives access to analyze forecasting metrics.
- School Calendar Profile Assignments Read — If Allowed, gives access to the School Calendar Profiles Read API.
- Bypass Predictive Rules Processing via API — If Allowed, gives access to bypass the Predictive Scheduling mechanism.
- Schedule Score — If Allowed, gives access to the Schedule Score API.
- Edit Employee Assignment — If Allowed, gives access to edit employee assignments by way of the API.
- Read Employee Assignment — If Allowed, gives access to read and view employee assignments by way of the API.
- Notification API V1 — If Allowed, gives access to get all notifications based on start and end date and time, and non-mandatory fields.
- Employee Punch Interpretation Rule Assignment API If Allowed, gives access to retrieve the punch-interpretation rule.
- Hyperfind Setup API
- Annotation API — If Allowed, gives access send create, read, and delete requests.
- Wage Service API — If Allowed, gives access to the Wage Service Rest API.
- Employee Availability Requests — If Allowed, gives access to the Employee Availability Requests API.
- Employee Insights — If Allowed, gives access to the Employee Insights API.

If Allowed, managers can access the Business Process An organized flow of activities or tasks that achieves a business goal. An automated business process minimizes the amount of paperwork and manual tasks to complete that process by way of automatic actions, online forms, and automatically generated messages. public API.

If Allowed, integration APIs bypass organization-set filters and access all locations in the business structure. Do not enable this access for managers. See Configure Access to Integrations.

If Allowed, gives access to Dataviews A configurable tool for analyzing data and taking actions on a group of employees or an organization. option menu.