Logon Profile


Configuration of Logon Profiles differs according to the authentication service that your system uses:

Note: To determine which authentication service your system uses, check the Log In screen. If it appears in the center of the screen, your system uses Auth0. If it is on the left side, your system uses OpenAM.

  • For UKG Authentication, a single Logon Profile defines password requirements for logging on to the system.
    • Only one setting — Minimum Password Length — is available to set password strength, so the Password tab is not available. For a list of all password requirements, see the Password Policy topic.
    • Passwords do not expire unless the administrator requires a password reset the next time the person logs in.
    • The Session Restrictions and Mobile App tabs are not available.
  • For UKG OpenAM authentication, Logon Profiles define the rules for logging on to the system including password requirements and Mobile App user authentication. Only one setting — Minimum Password Length — is available to set password strength.