Configure Delegate Authority
When a manager expects to be unavailable, the manager (delegator) can delegate authority to another manager (the delegate) to access and receive his or her notifications and complete tasks during the absence. For example, the delegate can approve time-off requests Request subtypes that employees use to request time off for vacation, illness or recovery, appointments, personal time, or other absences. Time-off requests can be configured to support many different employment scenarios. while the regular manager is on vacation.
The types of delegation are as follows:
- Manager Delegation is a direct request between Manager A and Manager B. Manager A (delegator) initiates a delegation request and Manager B (delegate) can accept or reject the delegation request.
- Admin Delegation is an indirect request between Manager A (delegator) and Manager B (delegate). A System Administrator initiates an admin delegation on behalf of Manager A and sends the request to Manager B. Manager B can accept or reject the delegation request.
Once you have configured delegate authority, you can use Dataviews A configurable tool for analyzing data and taking actions on a group of employees or an organization. and reports to collect information on delegation activity. See Reporting delegation information.
Note: To configure delegate authority, you must have administration rights to Application Setup. It is also useful to make note of the information about the delegator and delegate as you work through the configuration process.

Configure the Function Access Profile of both the delegator and delegate so they can delegate authority to other managers or accept delegation requests.
From the Main Menu
, select Administration > Application Setup. - On the Setup page, select Access Profiles > Function Access Profiles.
- On the Function Access Profiles page, select the profile assigned to the delegator.
- On the Edit Function Access Profile page, do the following:
- Expand + Everyone, then set the Control Center access control point to Allowed.
- Click Save.
- Expand + Manager - Department Manager, then set the Manager access to Business Process An organized flow of activities or tasks that achieves a business goal. An automated business process minimizes the amount of paperwork and manual tasks to complete that process by way of automatic actions, online forms, and automatically generated messages. Library access control point to Allowed.
- Click Save.
- Expand + Manager - Common Setup, then set the Delegate Profiles access control point to Allowed.
- Expand + APIs, then expand API Beans and set the Common Beans access control point to Allowed.
- Click Save & Return.

A Role Profile identifies a Function Access Profile (FAP) and a Display Profile. A FAP identifies what a manager can do, and a Display Profile identifies what a manager can see. To delegate authority, you assign a Role Profile to both the delegate and delegator.
When the delegator initiates the delegate authority process in Control Center, he or she must select the Role Profile appropriate for his or her delegate. The delegate's Role Profile must provide the level of functionality needed for the delegate to serve in the delegating manager's capacity. For example, if the delegator is able to approve timecards, the FAP in the Role Profile associated with the delegate should be configured to allow this as well.
Before you start
Configure the managers' Display Profiles to include the following:
- Control Center Profile — Select Administration > Application Setup > Event/Notification > Control Center Profile Configuration. In Categories, add Tasks to the profile.
- Home Page The page that is presented to the user upon login, which contains the tiles that let the user access or navigate to common tasks. Profile — Select Administration > Application Setup > Display Preferences > Information Access > Home Page Management. Add My Business Processes to the profile.
To create a Role Profile for the delegator and delegate:
From the Main Menu
, select Administration > Application Setup. - On the Setup page, select Common Setup > Role Profiles.
- On the Role Profiles page, create or edit a profile.
- To create a profile, click New, then enter a name and description.
- To edit a profile, select a profile and click Edit or Duplicate.
- On the Role Profiles Editor page, make sure there is a name and description, then select the applicable Function Access Profile and a Display Profile.
- Click Save & Return.

A Delegate Profile identifies the managers to whom a manager can delegate authority.
From the Main Menu
, select Administration > Application Setup. - Select Common Setup > Delegate Profiles.
- On the Delegate Profiles page, create or edit a profile.
- To create a profile, click New, then enter a name and description.
- To edit a profile, select a profile and click Edit or Duplicate.
On the Delegate Profiles Editor page, select managers who can be delegates.
- Click Search.
- From Available Delegates, select the applicable managers and click the right arrow
. Alternatively, click the double right arrow to select all items. - To remove delegates, select the applicable managers from Selected Delegatesand click the left arrow
. Alternatively, click the double left arrow to remove all items.
Alternatively, enter names and click Search to find delegates.
- Click Save & Return.

You must add a deployed Delegate Authority process model to a Process Profile.
Caution: To make sure that you get the latest features, deploy the most recent version of both Delegate Authority business process models: Manager Delegation and Admin Delegation. Select Administration > Application Setup > Business Processes > Process Models; see the Deploy Business Process Models topic.
Note: For information about process profiles, see Process Profiles setup page
From the Main Menu
, select Administration > Application Setup. - On the Setup page, select Business Process Setup > Process Profiles.
- On the Process Profiles page, create or edit a profile.
- To create a profile, click tap New, then enter a name and description.
- To edit a profile, select a profile, then click tap Edit. You cannot edit All Process Templates A file that automates and directs the flow of a business process. It contains the tasks, people, and rules that define the process. or Empty Profile.
- The available deployed models are listed in the Available Items area.
- From Available Items, select the newest version of the Delegate Authority process model and click tap the right arrow
. - Remove the old version of the Delegate Authority process model as follows: Select the old model from the Selected items, and click tap the left arrow
Caution: Although your environment can be different, typically two delegation models are listed: Manager Delegation and Admin Delegation. Make sure to replace the old version with the newest version of both.
- From Available Items, select the newest version of the Delegate Authority process model and click tap the right arrow
- Click Save.

Assign the Process Profile and Delegate Profile to the delegator and delegate.
From the Main Menu
, select Maintenance > People Information. - On the People Information page, select a person, then do the following:
- Select Employee > Process Profiles and complete the following fields:
- Manager Profile — Select the Process Profile that can access the delegation process.
- Employee Profile — Select a Process Profile.
Click Save
. - Select Employee > Access Profilesand complete the following fields:
- Notification Profile — Ensure that the profile listed includes the Control Center destination. (If you need to reconfigure the Notification Profile, go to Application Setup > Event/Notificaion > Notification Profile. and edit the applicable profile.)
- Delegate Profile — Select the Delegate Profile you configured in Step 3.
Click Save
- Repeat as necessary for other people.

A workflow notification Informs people to run business processes or integrations, complete forms, or respond to events in business processes. Example: Approve a time-off request. and corresponding Control Center notification mapping must be configured for task assignments to flow to the Control Center panels for both the delegator and delegate to act upon.
Notifications for the following tasks go to the delegate:
- The delegator requests that the delegate takes authority.
- The delegator cancels a delegation request.
Notifications for the following events go to the delegator:
- The delegate accepts a request to take authority.
- The delegate rejects a request to take authority.
Configure notifications for the delegate authority business process:
- From the Main Menu
, select Administration > Application Setup. - On the Setup page, select Event/Notification > Workflow Notifications.
- On the Workflow notification page, click tap New, select Generic notifications from the Select Notification Type, and click tap OK.
- Configure the following fields for the Workflow Notification:
- Name — Enter a meaningful name.
- (Optional) Description
- Priority — Select a priority level. Example: Select Medium.
- Subject, Long Message and (Optional) Short Message — Because there is only one mapping for Control Center Task Assignments, make the messaging as generic as possible to alert the user they have a task to take action on.
- Recipients — Select Recipient List will be supplied at runtime and Send to employee.
- Suppress Duplicate Alerts — Select Do not suppress duplicates.
- No other fields have to be configured. However, you can use Control Center Fields to make the notification more visible on the Home Page.
- For Field 1, enter Delegator's Name in Label, and <Delegator Name> in Value.
- For Field 2, enter Delegate Name in Label, and <Delegate Name> in Value.
- Click Tap Save.
- Repeat to configure the following notifications to the delegator for delegate actions:
- Delegate accepts the request:
In Name, enter Delegation_Ack_Accept_Notification.
In Subject, enter Delegation Request Accepted by <Delegate Name>.
In Long Message, enter Delegation Request Accepted by <Delegate Name> (<Delegate Person Number).
Set Recipients and Send to employee as above.
Select Send to employee's manager.
Set Suppress Duplicate Alerts and Control Center Fields as above.
- Delegate rejects the request:
In Name, enter Delegation_Ack_Reject_Notification.
In Subject, enter Delegation Request Rejected by <Delegate Name>.
In Long Message, enter Delegation Request Rejected by <Delegate Name> (<Delegate Person Number).
Set Recipients and Send to employee as above.
Select Send to employee's manager.
Set Suppress Duplicate Alerts and Control Center Fields as above.
- Delegate accepts the request:
Configure Control Center mapping for delegating authority
Note: There can be only one Control Center notification mapping designation for a Business Process task assignment. Before going through this configuration, double check to see if this mapping is configured already.
- From the Main Menu
, select Administration > Application Setup. - On the Setup page, select Event/Notification > Control Center Notifications Mapping.
- On the Control Center Notification Mapping page, click tap Create, and complete the following fields:
- Event Name — Enter a meaningful name.
- Domain — Select Business Process.
- Event Type — Select Task Assignment.
- Notification — Select the Task Assignment Workflow Notification.
- Navigation Page — Leave blank.
- Icon — Select an appropriate icon.
- Click Tap Save.

You can use Dataviews and reports to collect, organize, and evaluate delegation information such as:
- Who has requested to delegate their manager role
- What profile was associated with the delegation request
- Who received the request
- What time period the request covers
Note: Reporting delegation information requires deploying the Admin Delegation v14 or later and Manager Delegation v13 or later business process models. See Preconfigured Business Process models for more information.
See these related topics for more information on how to use delegation information: