Locations can be physical locations, such as an operating room or a mail room, or logistical units, such as support, administration, or a home care unit.
You can create and manage locations within the business structure to define the hierarchical relationships between them. This defines how the system handles scheduling, timekeeping, reporting, and analytics.
Note: Company is a default type at the top of the tree that provides a starting point. You can edit the Company type.

- Click Main Menu
- Select Manage
- To add a new root location, click Add
- To add a location underneath an existing location, select the Location Name in the table then click Add
- In the New Location panel, enter or select the following:
- Full Name (required) — The full name of the location. The name must be unique between the location's effective date and expiration date.
- Location Name (required) — The display name.
Note: You cannot configure two locations with the same name under the same parent (immediate child).
- External ID — Enter an external ID for the location. External IDs do not require effective dating but must be unique (if the external ID is not unique an error message will appear).
- The external ID can be useful when using integrations to perform actions on the business structure, such as a bulk move.
- Description — Description of the location.
- Address — The location address.
- Type (required) — Select the type of the location. This impacts where the location falls on the tree.
- Currency — The currency for the location. Inherited means the location inherits the currency from its parent location.
- Currency can only be explicitly assigned to a location with a Location Category of Site or none. (Location Category is defined in the Type selected for the location.) Currency cannot be assigned to a location with a Location Category of Department. Locations below a Site level location always inherit their currency assignment from the parent Site location.
- If a currency is not defined for any locations on the Business Structure, then locations use the base currency (the tenant default currency).
- Cost center — Enter the cost center. The cost center can be set at any node (for any location type) in the tree. It is inherited from the closest ancestor where a cost center has been specified.
Only for TeleStaff or Workforce Planner Business Structure Export integrations for organizations that use Institution Focus and operate across multiple time zones, do the following:
- Activate the Time Zone selector; see Configure Time Zones for Business Structure Export.
- In Location Basics, select the Time Zone.
- Transferable location — If you only use Timekeeping and do not plan to configure jobs, check this box to assign a default Work job to the location.
- Root — When Create a new tree from root is selected, a new root location is created. This option is only available when a Location Name is not selected in the table.
- Effective dates — Select a start date and an expiration date. Both are required. Beginning of time and Forever are selected by default. To enter different dates, deselect Beginning of time and Forever, then select a date using the calendar.
- Click Save.
Note: The External ID is only available if the feature switch for this option (DisplayBusinessStructureExternalId) is enabled. See Feature Switch.

- Click Main Menu
- Select Manage
- Select a location, then click Update
- Make the necessary changes in the Edit Location panel, then click Save.
You can edit the Full Name, Location Name, External ID, Description and Address without effective dating. Type, Cost center, Time Zone (if available), Transferable, and Root edits must be effective dated (the current date or a date in the future). Edits to Currency must also be effective dated (tomorrow or another date in the future).
When you make an update using effective dating (including the full name, location name, description, and address) a revision is created. If you do not want a revision made, meaning you do not want the location to exist after the expiration date, then select the Last revision for this location check box. The Forever check box must be deselected to view this option. See Revisions for more information.
Note: The only updates you can make in the past are for full name, location name, description, and address.

You can only copy and paste locations that have future effective dates (tomorrow or later).
- Click Main Menu
- Select Manage
- Select a location, then click Copy Location
- Select where you want to copy the location, then click Paste
Note: When you copy a location, the effective date range of the source location must be within the effective date range of the destination location.

- Click Main Menu
- Select Manage
- Select a location, then click Delete
Note: You can only delete locations that have future effective dates (tomorrow or later). You cannot delete locations that have an effective start date of Today, Beginning of Time, or a date in the past.

- Click Main Menu
- Select Manage
- Select a location, then click Move Location
Note: You can move a root location if you move it to a node type that has a lower hierarchy value (for example, a newly created Company node type with a hierarchy value lower than the current root location’s node type hierarchy). A root location is one with no parent, which could be a department which has no parent, or a company node type with a larger hierarchy value then the destination node type.
- Select the location you want to move to, and click Paste
- In the Paste Location panel, edit the Move effective dates as necessary.
- The effective dates for Move Location are the effective dates for the move operation itself. The existing effective dates of the location you move and the destination location are not changed by the dates entered for the move operation.
- Consider the following for moved locations:
- If the Move expiration date is before the expiration date of the destination location, then the location exists at the new location until the Move expiration date and then it moves back to its original parent location.
- If the Move expiration date is after the expiration date of the destination location, or is set to Forever, then the moved location remains with its new parent until its expiration date, and then the location expires.
- Click Save.

From the Locations toolbar, you can perform the following tasks:
- Find locations — Search for specific locations.
- Add — Create a new location.
- Update — Edit a location.
- Delete — Delete a location.
- Assign Jobs — Attach jobs to a location.
- Copy Location — Copy a selected location.
- Move Location — Move a selected location to another part of the tree.
- Paste — Paste to the selected location or Paste As Root, which creates a new root location.
- A root node is the parent, or very first, node. Generally, nodes can have parent and child nodes, but because the root node is the first node, it only has child nodes. The business structure allows for trees containing multiple root nodes.
- View "as of today" — Show the location type tree as it existed on the selected date. The view defaults to the current day.