Wi-Fi Access Points
Wi-Fi Access Points are the communication components of a Wi-Fi Network. A working Wi-Fi Network must contain at least one Access Point. Each Wi-Fi Access Point contains a unique identifier called a BSSID; sometimes referred to as a MAC Address. The BSSID is a series of 6 two-digit pairs with periods, dashes, or semi-colons separating each pair. The digits must be hexadecimal (0-9, A-F). For example, these are valid BSSID formats:
56-ae-4d-94-3B-A4 / 56:ae:4d:94:3B:A4 / 56.ae.4d.94.3B.A4
How to create a Wi-Fi Access Point
To create a Wi-Fi Access Point from Administration > Application Setup > Common Setup > WiFi Access Points:
- Select Create. The Create WiFi Access Point workspace appears.
- Enter a Name and a Description for the new Access Point.
- Enter the BSSID.
- Save the new WiFi Access Point.
Once saved, the Access Point will be included in the list used to create the WiFi Network.