Edit a Dataview
- ClickTap the Dataview A configurable tool for analyzing data and taking actions on a group of employees or an organization. that you want to edit.
- Click Edit

- Go to Administration > Application Setup > Display Preferences > Information Access > Dataview Management, click Add
, and then select Employee View. - Type a name for the Dataview Key. This key is a unique identifier for the dataview and cannot be seen by the end user unless you do not enter a Label name. You cannot edit the key after you save this page. Use the optional Label text box to provide a user-facing name for the dataview. You can edit the label at any point.
- (Optional) Type a Description.
- (Optional) Type a Label to appear as the Dataview name in the Dataview Library. This is recommended. You can edit the name at any time. If you do not enter a label, the dataview name will default to the Key name.
- Select a Timeframe that represents the period of time for the particular data that is being displayed.
- Select how to view the data. Only one method can be selected at a time.
- ClickTap Hyperfind A search engine that filters and selects groups of employees through queries that specify conditions or locations (criteria)., to select the query you would like to use to view employee-based data. The default All Home A query that returns a list of employees associated with a manager's employee group. All Home finds people who are active employees or active users as of today. query displays the base group of employees of all employees assigned to the labor accounts to which you have access.
- ClickTap Location to select the query you would like to use to view organization-based data.
- Select a Category for the Dataview to appear under in the Dataview Library, for example, Timekeeping or Scheduling.
- Select an option from Currency Displayed As to control how the currency is displayed in the Dataview. The selections are Logged-in User, which is the logged-in user's preferred currency (default) or Employee Assigned, which is the employee's assigned currency.
- To insure that your column selections are compatible, the Column Relationship Rules defaults to Yes. If you prefer to choose columns that are outside the rules, clear the check box.
Note: The Column Relationship Rules option is only available when enabled and allowed. See Ability to Disable Column Relationship Rules.

- Go to Administration > Application Setup > Display Preferences > Information Access > Dataview Management, click Add
, and then select Business Structure Represents the logical structure of an organization as it concerns staffing. It contains the locations and jobs to which an employee may be assigned. View. - Type a name for the Dataview Key. This key is a unique identifier for the dataview and cannot be seen by the end user unless you do not enter a Label name. You cannot edit the key after you save this page. Use the optional Label text box to provide a user-facing name for the dataview. You can edit the label at any point.
- (Optional) Type a Description.
- (Optional) Type a Label to appear as the Dataview name in the Dataview Library. This is recommended. You can edit the name at any time. If you do not enter a label, the dataview name will default to the Key name.
- Select the Timeframe of interest for the particular data that is being displayed.
- Select the Location to use. The default Location is All Home, which finds all the active people in your organization in the specified timeframe.
- Select the Location type, for example Department, which is based on the Location that you selected. The location type that you select is key to what you can view because it defines the granularity of the data by that location level. When you pick the Location Type, the list of columns that you can select automatically changes.
- Select the Category under which the Dataview appears in the Dataview Library, for example, Timekeeping or Scheduling.
- Select an option from Currency Displayed As to control how the currency is displayed in the Dataview. The selections are Logged-in User, which is the logged-in user's preferred currency (default) or Location Assigned, which is the Location's assigned currency.
- To insure that your column selections are compatible, the Column Relationship Rules defaults to Yes. If you prefer to choose columns that are outside the rules, clear the check box.
Note: The Column Relationship Rules option is only available when enabled and allowed. See Ability to Disable Column Relationship Rules.
Note: If your organization uses the Simplified Business Structure, the Location Assigned option appears as Default. Default is the currency assigned at the tenant level.