Volume Drivers
You can configure as many as 31 named entities for volume drivers, such as sales, items, cartons, and customers. Then you assign each driver to one or more categories in the Business Structure Represents the logical structure of an organization as it concerns staffing. It contains the locations and jobs to which an employee may be assigned..
You can create all your volume drivers and then assign each volume driver to a category in the Business Structure, or you can create and assign them one at a time.
Note: The recommended way to assign volume drivers is bottom up, starting with the lowest forecast categories and working up to departments and sites.
Volume drivers can be converted into metrics Measures and tracks workforce performance by comparing planned with actual workload or coverage, or by showing variances at any organizational level. and KPIs for use in the operational dashboard, Dataviews A configurable tool for analyzing data and taking actions on a group of employees or an organization. and reports. See the description of the VOLUMEDRIVER mapping category in the Application Setup > KPI Key Performance Indicator measures the result of an activity in an organization so that you can compare it to operational or strategic goals and attempt to improve performance. Builder online help for additional information.

- Go to Administration > Application Setup > Forecaster Setup > Volume Drivers.
- Enter a Name.
- On the Create Volume Drivers tab, click New or select a volume driver and click an action.
- Enter a Name.
- In Row Number enter the placement of the row in the Forecast Planner. For example, 1 designates the left-most position.
- In Decimal select how many decimal places to display; for example, enter 2 to have decimals calculated to one hundredths (0.00).
- If you are tracking an amount of money, select Currency. The symbol for your currency displays in the forecast factor Forecast factors are the basic elements of the volume and labor forecasts. You can arrange these elements in a variety of ways depending on your needs and interests for that driver.
- If this driver is a dependent driver and its value depends on another driver value, select Dependent.
- Click Save & Close.
Note: You cannot delete a volume driver if a forecast category is assigned to it.

Note: Volume Label field must match the label in the imported volume data file. This provides the proper mapping for importing volume data.
- Click the Assign Volume Drivers tab.
- Select a Forecast Week.
- On the business structure, select the category to which you are assigning the volume driver.
- Select the driver that you are assigning to the category.
- If the volume data goes directly to the category, click Direct.
- Click Save.

You can create volume driver metrics, and KPIs that employ those metrics, to be used in a Dataview or report. When a user runs a Dataview that includes metrics that are mapped to volume drivers (either directly or because the metrics are used in KPI definitions), the most up-to-date, accurate volume driver data is returned to the Dataview or report.
- Actual Volume
- Budget Labor Cost
- Budget Labor Hours
- Budget Volume
- Earned Hours
- Forecasted Hours
- Forecasted Volume
- Generated Forecasted Hours
- Generated Forecasted Volume
To summarize the process:
- Decide which volume drivers whose data you want to appear in Dataviews and reports. For example, you may want to display sales, customercustomer, and the volume for any other volume driver for forecasted (forecasted and generated), actual, and budget data.
- In each case that you selected, you must create a mapping category that maps the volume driver by its exact name in Forecasting to the VOLUMEDRIVER mapping category type . You do this in Administration > Application Setup > KPI Builder > Mapping Category Definition .
- Using Administration > Application Setup > KPI Builder > Metric Definition define each volume driver metric that you want to use in Dataviews and reports, ensuring that each is mapped to the appropriate VOLUMEDRIVER mapping category that you created above.
The defined metrics are now available to be selected as columns to be displayed in Dataviews and reports.