HCM Profile Setup

HCM Profiles provide a way to centrally manage time and attendance field values that can be accessed by human capital management (HCM) applications as well as workforce management (WFM) applications. The streamlined user interface eliminates the need for cross-reference tables (CRTs).

HR administrators can create, update, and deactivate HCM Profiles using effective- and future-dating behavior. With this functionality, they can handle more exception cases and can delegate the input of the fields to managers, without needing to create new profiles or to override values directly in WFM. Fields are available in HCM on the Employee Information page, as a mass edit, and can be added to HR Actions.

HR administrators can also create default profiles, assign profiles to individuals or groups of employees, and use the profiles throughout the entire employment life cycle.

To create profiles for your organization, you use the following standard profiles listed on the Standard Profiles page:

After you apply these profiles in HCM, you can also run an import to update the WFM People Information component with the same information.