Configure the Fiscal Calendar Import for Healthcare Productivity
A fiscal calendar is a single, configurable place to organize symbolic time periods (STP) to match the fiscal calendar and reduce the complexity of resolving date or time ranges for reporting.
The default fiscal calendar is the calendar year from January through December. If you use a different fiscal calendar, you can import your own fiscal dates.

- Open the FiscalCalendar.xls file in Excel.
Note: Multiple files are not supported for this integration, that is, it can run only one file at a time from the SFTP server.
- Add a row for each required date in the fiscal calendar and enter values for all of the following:
Note: All of the information is required.
- Calendar Date: (Required) Enter the date of the first day of the fiscal year for each calendar. Use the format MM-DD-YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY.
- Fiscal Day of Year (Number): (Required) Enter the day of the fiscal year for each date row as a number. Example: For the 22nd day of the fiscal year, enter 22.
- Fiscal Week of Year (Number): (Required) Enter the week of the fiscal year for each date row as a number. Example: For the second week of the fiscal year, enter 2.
- Fiscal Month of Year (Number): (Required) Enter the month of the fiscal year for each date row as a number. Example: For the third month of the fiscal year, enter 3.
- Fiscal Month (Name): (Optional) Enter the full name of the month for each date row. Example: March
- Fiscal Quarter of Year (Number): (Required) Enter the quarter of the fiscal year for each date row as a number. Example: For the first quarter of the fiscal year, enter 1.
- Fiscal Quarter (Name): (Required) Enter the name of the quarter for each date row. Use the format: Q#. Example: For the fourth quarter, enter Q4.
- Fiscal Year (Number): (Required) Enter the year of the fiscal year for each date row. Use the format: YYYY
- Fiscal Month Hours: (Optional) Enter the number of full-time working hours that a single, full-time employee worked during the fiscal month for each date row. Include the hours for the current day, but do not include overtime hours. This value is for the calculation of full-time equivalent (FTE) hours during the fiscal period.
- Save your changes.

The integration does the following validations on the input file during processing:
- Fields that cannot be empty are checked to make sure that they contain a value that is not blank or 0 (zero). Otherwise, the import of the fiscal calendar fails.
- Data continuity is checked. That is, no dates during a fiscal year can be missed. If dates are missing, the import of the fiscal calendar fails. This error does not fail the integration run so that other fiscal calendars in the file can be imported.
- No validation is done for start and end dates of the fiscal calendar and the number of the days of a week
- Only 2 date formats are supported: MM-DD-YYYY and MM/DD/YYYY.
- Input data must conform to the data type. Example: Numeric values must be integers; text values must be alphanumeric text.
- The maximum data length is 9999 numbers before the decimal and 4 numbers after.

The source file is formatted as an Excelâ„¢ stylesheet that provides the input data to the integrations. However, the integrations cannot import the data directly from this file format. So, after you define the data values, you must convert the file from .xlsx format to a comma-separated values (.csv) format file. This file defines the fields and values that the integration processes.
- Click Tap Generate CSV.
- Navigate to and select the location to store the files.
Caution: If you schedule the integration runs, you must store the corresponding CSV files on the SFTP Server.
- Click Tap Select.
- Close the FiscalCalendar.xls file.
- Navigate to the folder to confirm that the FiscalCalendar_{DateTimeStamp}.csv file was generated; it has a date-and-time stamp.
Example: Fiscal_Calendar_YYYYMMDD_123456.csv
- Open the CSV file in a text editor.
- Values in the table cells are enclosed within double quotation marks ("_") in the CSV file; this allows values to include commas (,). Excel filters out these quotation marks, so to see the quotation marks, open the file in Notepad++.
- To avoid errors in Excel, make sure that no table cells contain values that include double quotation marks (") or asterisks (*). Example: If the last character in a data column is a double quotation mark ("), Excel merges the data with data in the next column.
The generated CSV file has the following column headers:
- Calendar Date: Format = MM-DD-YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY.
- Fiscal Day of Year: Example: The 22nd day of the fiscal year = 22.
- Fiscal Week of Year: Example: The second week of the fiscal year = 2.
- Fiscal Month of Year: Example: The third month of the fiscal year = 3.
- Fiscal Month: Example: March
- Fiscal Quarter of Year: Example: The first quarter of the fiscal year = enter 1.
- Fiscal Quarter: Example: Fourth quarter = Q4.
- Fiscal Year: Format = YYYY.
- Fiscal Month Hours: (Optional)