Configure Custom Tiles for TeleStaff

- Click Tap Main Menu
> Administration > Application Setup > Common Setup > Custom Tiles A container that provides navigation or action from its summary view.. - Click Tap Create
. - Enter a unique Name.
- Enter a Label.
- In Tile Type, select Embedded Content.
- Leave Icon blank.
- In Content Provider, select TeleStaff.
- In URL, do the following:
- Enter the uniform resource locator as a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to the location of the content. The URL must be an absolute path and use HTTPS.
- Enter /telestaff at the front of the address.
Example: /telestaff/contactLog/count?cssProvider=....
- Select Navigation to display navigation details in the bottom-right corner of the tile. Configure the following:
- Navigation Type: Select the type of display to show the embedded content. Select one of the following:
New Tab to open the content in a new browser tab.
Navigate to display a link to the content.
Caution: Do not select Pop Up or Slider.
- Navigation Menu: Enter a label for the menu.
- Navigation Label: Enter a label for the tile.
- Navigation URL: Enter the uniform resource locator. Normally, this is the same address as in URL.
- Navigation Type: Select the type of display to show the embedded content. Select one of the following:
- Click Tap Save.

Extra-Duty Events (EDE) is an advanced event management add-on module with specific event fields. The EDE module is an extension of the standard event staffing features used to deploy units on the Roster, but with additional extra duty functions, and a centralized location to store and manage extra duty event activity.
You can configure a custom tile on the Home page The page that is presented to the user upon login, which contains the tiles that let the user access or navigate to common tasks. that links directly to EDE in TeleStaff.
- Click Tap Main Menu
> Administration > Application Setup > Common Setup > Custom Tiles. - Click Tap Create
. - In Name, enter Extra Duty Events. This name must be unique in the system.
- In Label, Extra Duty Events. This label is displayed at the top of the tile.
- In Tile Type, select External URL to embed the content from TeleStaff.
- In URL, enter {domain} This uniform resource locator (URL) must be a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to the location of the specific web site.
- In URL Text, enter Extra Duty Events. This label is displayed rather than the URL.
- (Optional) Enter a Description.
- Click Tap Save.

Assign custom tiles to the display profiles and home pages of the people who need to see the tile. Assign the profiles to the people according to their role.
Note: For details about all of the options, refer to the Home Page Management and Display Profiles help topics.
- Click Tap Main Menu
> Administration > Application Setup > Display Preferences > Home Page Management. - Select a profile to update. Click Tap Edit
. - In Tiles, select the tile to add to the profile.
- Click Tap Save.
- Repeat for other profiles.
- Click Tap Main Menu
> Administration > Application Setup > Display Preferences > Display Profiles. - Assign the Home Page Profile to the person's Display Profiles.
- Repeat for other profiles.