Call-In rules specify how employees are compensated when they are on call, called back to work, or both. When configuring call-ins, the following distinction is important:
- On-call (also known as standby) — The time when employees are at home and are being paid.
- Call-back (also known as call-ins) — The time when an employee works while being on call.
Use the Call-Ins page (Administration > Application Setup > Pay Policies > Work Rule Building Blocks > Call-Ins) and the following information to set up Call-Ins rules.
Enter the Call-In rule name, then specify the details on the following tabs:

Specify the portion of the Call-In rule that defines how the system interprets time as on-call. Employees are assigned to a callback shift, but they do not earn on-call hours until they actually report to work.
- Pay On-Call Using — The work rule that assigns the default hour type with an on-call paycode A category of time or money that employees earn, for example, Regular Hours, Bonus, or Sick.. On-call is not paid without a work rule.
- Maximum On-call — The maximum number of on-call hours that employees can accrue during a standby shift. This amount is calculated after callback hours are deducted from on-call hours. The locator determines when the maximum is applied.
- On-call Locator — The time when on-call hours start accumulating.
- For example, employees work an on-call shift from 11:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. and the locator is 4 hours. Hours start accumulating at 3:00 A.M.
- The locator also indicates when to apply the maximum amount, which is always applied before the end of the shift.
- Deduct callback from on-call — Specifies that hours worked or the guaranteed shift amount is deducted from the on-call hours that accrued.
- To deduct the guaranteed shift amount, specify a guaranteed shift on the callback tab in a Call-in rule, or in the callback work rule.
- Actual Amount Only — Select to deduct the guaranteed shift amount from the total on-call hours, the actual amount of time worked is deducted.

Configure the requirements used to link hours actually worked to a callback shift. These requirements are useful when on-call shifts are scheduled directly before and after regular shifts.
- Minimum Callback Near Regular — The amount of time that employees are required to work before they start accruing callback hours. Actual punches The entries on a timecard that mark the beginning (in-punch) or end (out-punch) of a work interval, such as the beginning of a shift or transfer. are compared to the minimum. This option prevents shifts that briefly enter an on-call shift from qualifying as callback hours. It also prevents on-call shifts that briefly enter a scheduled regular shift from qualifying as regular time, unless the minimum has been met.
- For example:
- An employee punches in within a scheduled on-call shift but punches out after the scheduled start of a regular shift.
- If the time between the scheduled start of the regular shift and the out punch is greater than or equal to the Minimum Callback Near Regular amount and the Transfer from Callback at Regular Schedule Start option is selected, that time is paid via the regular shift’s work rule. If the option is not selected, then the time is paid using the on-call shift’s work rule.
- An employee punches in within a scheduled regular shift and punches out after the scheduled start of an on-call shift.
- If the time between the scheduled start of the on-call shift and the out punch is greater than or equal to the Minimum Callback Near Regular amount and the Transfer to Callback at Regular Schedule End option is selected, that time is paid via the on call shift’s work rule. If the option is not selected, then the time is paid using the regular shift’s work rule.
- Early Schedule Margin — The earliest time that employees can punch in early for a callback shift and start accruing callback hours. This margin overrides the early schedule margin in Punch Interpretation rules.

Configure how hours accrue when employees report to work during a callback shift.
- Shift Guarantee — Select a shift guarantee if a shift guarantee is not expected to be applied each time employees report to work during a callback shift.
- If a shift guarantee applies each time employees are called back, assign the guaranteed shift to the callback work rule instead.
- Shift Guarantee Applies
- To First Short callback — Apply the guarantee only to the first time that employees report to work for less than the guaranteed shift amount. All subsequent times employees report to work during the callback shift do not receive the guarantee.
- Once per On-Call — Compare the total of all the times that employees report to work during a callback shift to the guaranteed amount. If the total is less than the guaranteed amount, the guarantee applies to the last callback shift.
- Transfer from Callback at Regular Schedule Start — Select if:
- Employees are scheduled for regular shifts next to callback shifts.
- Employees work during the callback shift and the regular shift.
- Employees stop accruing callback hours and start accruing regular hours when the regular shift starts.
- Pay Both Callback and Regular — Select when a manual transfer is required to stop accruing both regular and callback hours during the regular shift.
- Transfer to Callback at Regular Schedule End — Select if:
- Employees are scheduled for regular shifts next to callback shifts.
- Employees work during the callback shift and regular shift.
- Employees stop accruing regular hours and start accruing callback hours when the callback shift starts.
- Separate Shift from Other Work rules — Select to specify that any worked span using this call-in rule is considered a separate shift. This option is system-selected when you select a guaranteed shift in the callback tab or when you select Pay Both callback and Regular.
- Unscheduled Shift Length — Enter the length of callback shifts that are invoked by an activity code at a data collection device.
For more information, Configure on-call and call-back pay policy.