Compressed work week (9/80)
For example:
- Week 1: Employee works 9 hours per day Monday through Thursday, and then works 8 hours on Friday.
- Week 2: Employee works 9 hours per day Monday through Thursday, and is off on Friday.
The 8-hour day is split in half with 4 hours allocated to the first week of the pay period and 4 hours allocated to the second week. The split day and time can be different for each employee.
Note: For 9/80 employees, the Pay period type in their Fixed Rule must be Days (one week or two weeks). Semi-monthly and Monthly are not supported for compressed work weeks (9/80). For more information, see Fixed Rules.
Paycode edits for 9/80 employees
For paycode A category of time or money that employees earn, for example, Regular Hours, Bonus, or Sick. edits that cross the work week divide, hours worked before the work week divide are attributed to the first work week and hours worked after the work week divide are attributed to the second work week. Scheduled paycode edits and timekeeping paycode edits are both split.
For example, a paycode edit from 11am-3pm is entered on the day of the employee’s work week divide. The employee’s work week divide time is set to 12pm, so one hour of the paycode edit is allocated to the first work week and three hours are allocated to the second work week.
Note: If a start time is not entered for the paycode edit, then the amount is split evenly across the first and second week.
Support for paycode total splits include:
- Hours Worked Totals
- Paycode Edit Totals of type “Standard” (Hours only)
- Paycode Edit Totals of type “Duration”
- Cascading paycodes (except for Leave Edits)

- Enable the system setting. Go to Administration > Application Setup > System Configuration > System Settings > Timekeeping and enable:
- site.timekeeping.CompressedWorkWeek.enabled
- Create Overtime Rules for the split day. This day can be different for each employee. Go to Administration > Application Setup> Pay Policies > Work Rule Building Blocks > Overtimes and create a new (or edit an existing) overtime rule with the following attributes:
- For Reset select New week at specified time.
- Set the Reset on and Reset at attributes for the day and time of the split day.
- For example, if the 8-hour split day is a Friday and the employee's work schedule is 8-4 on that day, then set this to Reset on Friday and Reset at 12:00 PM. This designates that the first 4 hours of that day (8-12) belong to the current week and the last 4 hours of the day (12-4) belong to the next week.
- Select the For Work Week option. For Work Week designates the employee as a 9/80 employee, helps to ensure they are paid correctly, and enables you to view work week data in a dataview A configurable tool for analyzing data and taking actions on a group of employees or an organization..
- For more details on creating overtime rules, see Overtimes.
- Assign the Overtime Rule to the employee's Work Rule, and then assign the Work Rule to the employee's Pay Rule.
- To assign an Overtime Rule to a Work Rule, first add the Overtime Rule to a Combination Rule that is part of the Pay Code Distribution assigned to the employee's Work Rule. For more information, see Combination Rules.
- Assign the Pay Rule to the employee in People Information.

Work week data and totals for 9/80 employees can be viewed in a Dataview when the system setting is enabled. When 9/80 employees sign-off their timecards, managers can retrieve data for 9/80 work weeks (including historical correction Edits that occur after timecards are approved and signed-off. data) using Work Week symbolic timeframes.
When the system setting site.timekeeping.CompressedWorkWeek.enabled is enabled, the following symbolic timeframes are available to view 9/80 work week data in a Dataview (including the Employee Summary page):
- Previous Work Week
- Current Work Week
- Next Work Week
Note: For Dataviews that include compressed work week columns, 9/80 work week data only populates when a relevant work week symbolic timeframe is selected.
You can also configure reports and Dataviews with Work Week timeframes (Previous/Current/Next Work Week). Charts can also be created with the work week timeframes and then added to a tile A container that provides navigation or action from its summary view. on an employee’s home page The page that is presented to the user upon login, which contains the tiles that let the user access or navigate to common tasks., where they can see their actual 9/80 hours worked.
The following columns are available in a Dataview for compressed work week:
- Actual Totals Hours (Include Corrections)
- Actual Totals Hours (Exclude Corrections)
- Actual Totals Hours (Corrections Only)
- Projected Totals Hours (Include Corrections)
- Projected Totals Hours (Exclude Corrections)
- Projected Totals Hours (Corrections Only)
- Scheduled Totals Hours
- Actual Hours when Transaction Type Raw Total or Raw Total By Calendar Day
- Work Week Apply Date
- Apply Work Week — Indicates the work week the totals belong to, the first week (1) or the second week (2). When the Apply Work Week column is added to a dataview and a work week timeframe is selected, you can view the split day totals within the pay period in two separate rows instead of rolled up into one row.
- Work Week Apply Day and Date — Displays the work week apply day of week and the date. The date format uses the short date setting in the user’s Locale Policy.
Note: Payroll data can be exported for 9/80 employees based on Work Week symbolic timeframes.

- For 9/80 employees, the timecard displays totals for the timeframes available in the timecard, such as Previous or Current Pay Period. Therefore, totals in the timecard will show alternating weeks of 36 hours and 44 hours.
- When an employee signs off their timecard, sign-off for the split day is full day sign-off, not partial day.