Paycodes for Scheduler
Paycodes A category of time or money that employees earn, for example, Regular Hours, Bonus, or Sick. organize time or money that employees earn, and identify spans of time for payroll purposes.
When you edit paycodes in a schedule, you specify how employees spend time and how to pay that time. Examples: Work regular time, transfer to another job, take a vacation, stay home sick, enjoy a holiday.
Scheduler uses paycodes to schedule leave time and to account for supplemental pay items (such as bonus pay).
Configure the scheduling components of paycodes:

Scheduled Hours Type — Classifications to categorize paycodes and track where labor hours are spent
- Default scheduled hours types are Productive and Non-Productive. You can configure more types, such as Indirect or Other.
A Scheduled Hours Type of None behaves the same way as the Productive Scheduled Hours Type.
- For each type, specify whether to include the hours in the Hours Summary Totals, and whether the hours affect the employee’s availability.
- Select Application Setup > Pay Policies > Paycodes > Scheduled Hours Type.
- Add or delete a scheduled hours type.
- Select a scheduled hours type to change. Click Insert a New Row.
- Select a scheduled hours type to remove. You cannot delete the scheduled hours type if any paycode is associated with it. Click Delete this Row.
- Enter a Name.
- To summarize hours of this type in the Hours Summary tab, select Include in Sum of Daily Scheduled Hours.
- To include hours of this type in the productivity monitor calculations, select Include in Productivity Monitor.
- The Productivity Monitor monitors labor productivity efficiently because it can exclude non-productive paycodes.
- If cleared, the Productivity Monitor does not monitor paycodes of this scheduled hours type.
- Click Save.
- Associate a scheduled hours type to a paycode to add it to the Hours Summary tab:
- Select Application Setup > Pay Policies > Paycodes > Definition.
- Select the paycode. Click Edit.
- In Scheduling Options, select the Scheduled Hours Type.
- If edits to the paycode affect employee availability, select Edit Affects Availability to be Scheduled.
- Click Save & Return.
Note: To include paycodes in hour or cost calculations, select Include in Sum of Daily Scheduled Hours.

The Paycode screen includes a Short Name text box for each paycode. The Scheduling Options area allows you to classify a paycode as a Scheduled Hours Type. You can also indicate whether the paycode affects employee availability.
Availability — When a manager edits a paycode and the paycode affects availability, the manager can update the employee’s availability to Unavailable.
- Select Application Setup > Pay Policies > Paycodes > Definition.
- Create or edit a paycode.
- Click New.
- Select a paycode to copy. Click Duplicate.
- Select a paycode to change. Click Edit.
- Select a paycode to remove. Click Delete. Click OK to confirm.
- Enter a Name.
- Enter a Short Name from 1 to 3 characters long. The short name is an abbreviation to save space and show more days of a schedule at once.
- In Scheduling Options, select the Scheduled Hours Type. The Scheduled Hours Type for paycodes holds time data. Non-productive time is deducted from the schedule total.
- If edits to the paycode affect employee availability, select Edit Affects Availability to be Scheduled. When you edit paycodes in Scheduler, define how the paycodes affect availability.
- Example: An employee is on vacation and is not available. Configure the Vacation paycode to affect availability. The employee is paid for the normal shift time, but is unavailable for the day.
- Click Save & Return.
Important: This setting can impact schedule rules Defines restrictions and requirements to ensure that a schedule meets certain criteria.. If a Scheduled Hours Type counts toward the schedule total, the time counts toward schedule rules. Otherwise – for example if non-productive time is deducted – the time is excluded from the calculation for schedule rules.

By default, a paycode edit overrides only the first shift during a day if an employee has more than one scheduled shift on that day.
Example: The employee has a shift from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., and a second from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. Even if Override Shifts is selected, the second shift is not replaced by the paycode edit.
- Select Setup > System Configuration > System Settings > Global Values tab.
- (Optional) global.AdjacentShifts.ScheduleMergeSetting – Define how to pay worked shifts when an employee is scheduled to work more than one shift during the worked time. Select either:
- Disabled (default) – Process only the first shift.
- Favor earlier shift – Apply transfers from both scheduled shifts to worked time. If worked time overlaps both shifts, pay according to the earlier shift.
- Favor later shift – Apply transfers from both scheduled shifts to worked time. If worked time overlaps both shifts, pay according to the later shift.
- For global.WTKScheduler.OverrideAllShiftsForFullScheduledDayEdit, select True so that the paycode edit overrides all scheduled shifts that begin on the same day.
- Otherwise if you select False (default), the paycode edit overrides only the first shift for a day.
- Click Save.
- From Scheduler, create the paycode edit:
- Select the By Employee, By Group, or By Employment Terms Legal contracts between employer and employee. When scheduled to work hours differ from the hours in their contract, the pay rules of the employees determine the impact on pay. tab.
- Select a date cell of an employee.
- Select Paycode > Add. Select the Paycode.
- Select Override Shift.
- Select Whole Shift. Otherwise if you select Partial Shift, the paycode edit does not override all shifts that begin on that day.
- To create an open shift A shift that is scheduled for a job, but no employee is assigned to work it. with the same attributes as the replaced shift, select Create Open Shift.
- Click Save.

If an employee is assigned multiple shifts during a single day, Paycode Amount in the Scheduler allows you to choose to replace a single or all shifts that day with a paycode. The behavior depends on a system setting that controls the Schedule Day options.
To configure the behavior of the Schedule Day options:
- Select Application Setup > System Configuration > System Settings > Global Values tab.
- Edit:
- global.WTKScheduler.OverrideAllShiftsForFullScheduledDayEdit
True (default) – Select to replace all shifts during a day with a pay code if Schedule Day is selected when assigning the paycode.
When Schedule Day is selected – Add all shifts that day to calculate the amount for the paycode edit, remove all shifts and replace each with open shifts.
False – Select to not override all shifts during a day if Schedule Day is selected.
When Schedule Day is selected – Add all shifts that day to calculate the amount for the paycode edit, but remove only the selected shift and replace it by one open shift.
- global.WTKScheduler.OverrideAllShiftsForFullScheduledDayEdit
- Click Save.