Exceptions are flags in timecards, reports, and Dataviews A configurable tool for analyzing data and taking actions on a group of employees or an organization. that identify when shifts deviate from normal work patterns. Use exceptions to identify employees who arrive early or late, forget to punch The entries on a timecard that mark the beginning (in-punch) or end (out-punch) of a work interval, such as the beginning of a shift or transfer. out, and so on.
Use the Exception Rules page (Administration > Application Setup > Pay Policies > Work Rule Building Blocks > Exceptions) to set up exceptions.
Add or edit the exception name, and then use the Punches and Breaks tabs to configure the exception.

- Unscheduled — Generate an exception when an unscheduled employee punches in.
- Long Interval — An unusually long time between an in-punch and an out-punch. The rounded Rounding is a way to simplify payroll accounting and reporting, and to enforce shift start and end times. Punch rounds divide hours into equal segments of an hour. time between the punches is used to compute this exception.
- Punches for breaks reset the interval. The default, 99:00, disables this exception.
- If the time between the in-punch and the out-punch is equal to or greater than the long interval, the long exception appears. For example, the long interval is set to 10:00. An employee punches in at 7:00 A.M., and punches out at 4:53 P.M. (15/07 rounds and graces Graces determine when shift start and end times round to the previous increment and when they round to the next increment.). The rounded interval length is 10:00, so the exception appears on the timecard. In this example, a 4:52 P.M. out-punch would not trigger the exception.
- If an employee punches in at 7:00 A.M., punches out at 5:00 P.M, and has an automatic deduction of one hour, a total of nine hours appears in the timecard. The long interval exception does not show. If, however, you edit the punch and perform a "cancel meal deduct," the exception appears.
- Short Shift — The duration of a short shift. Exceptions appear when rounded shift lengths are less than or equal to the short shift. For example, the short shift is set to 6 hours, the in-punch is 7:00 A.M., and the out-punch is 12:45 P.M. (15/07 rounds and graces). The difference between the in-punch and out-punch is 5:45, which triggers the exception. In this example, a person who punches out at 1:08 P.M. would not trigger the exception. The default, 0:00, disables this exception.
- Very Early — The time for Very Early in-punches. Exceptions appear when employees punch in before their scheduled start times and at or before this amount. For example, the scheduled start is 7:00 A.M. and the Very Early amount is :30. Punches at 6:30 A.M. and earlier trigger the Very Early exception.
- Set this exception for an amount of time greater than the early exception.
- The default, 24:00, disables this exception.
- Early — The time for early in-punch and out-punch exceptions.
- For in-punches, exceptions occur when employees punch in before their scheduled start times, or at or before this amount.
- For out-punches, exceptions occur when employees punch out before their scheduled end times, or at or before this amount.
- Actual punches are compared to this exception.
- For in-punches, it is necessary for this amount to be less than the Very Early exception.
- The default, 24:00, disables this exception.
- Late — The time for late in-punch and out-punch exceptions.
- For in-punches, exceptions occur when employees punch in after their scheduled start times, or at or after the late in amount.
- For out-punches, exceptions occur when employees punch out after their scheduled end times, or at or after the late out amount.
- Actual punches are compared to this exception.
- For out-punches, it is necessary for this amount to be less than the Very Late exception.
- Very Late — The time for Very Late out-punches. Exceptions appear when employees punch out after their scheduled end times, or at or after the Very Late out amount. For example, the scheduled end is 5:00 P.M. and the Very Late exception is :30. Punches at 5:30 P.M. and later trigger the Very Late exception. Actual punches are compared to this exception. Set this exception to an amount of time greater than the late exception. The default, 24:00, disables this exception.

On the Breaks tab, you can specify:
- Short break exceptions, long break exceptions, and break sequence exceptions
- Total break paid amount
- Total break rounding
Total break exception processing and total break paid amount are based on the shift length. For example, for shifts of up to 3 hours and 59 minutes, configure a long total break exception if the total of all breaks in the shift equal 30 minutes or more. For shifts of 4 hours or more, the configure the same exception for breaks that total an hour or more.
You can also specify the sequence in which breaks for a shift length must be taken.
Use the following information for the Breaks tab.
- Round — Rounding period used for time that exceeds the total paid break amount.
- Grace — Grace period used for time that exceeds the total paid break amount.
- Shift Length — Shift length for the total break amounts that are being calculated in the row. The shift length, which is elapsed time (no rounding), ranges from the specified length up to the next shift length in the rule. The settings in this row apply to worked shifts that equal or exceed this length, and are less than the next shift length in the rule.
- Short Break — Minimum amount of unrounded break time that can be taken during the shift. A Short Break exception occurs if the total unrounded break minutes are less than or equal to this amount.
- Long Break — Maximum amount of unrounded break time that can be taken during the shift. A Long Break exception occurs if the total unrounded break minutes are equal to or exceed this amount.
- Paid Amount — Total break paid amount. This amount is an alternative to using Paid Amount for individual breaks. It specifies the total break time within the shift that is paid as worked time. Break time in excess of this amount is deducted from the shift.
- For example, a rule pays up to 30 minutes of break time for any shift that is 4 hours or longer. If employees take one break of 20 minutes and another break of 45 minutes, the first break is paid, and ten minutes of the second break is paid. The remaining 35 minutes of the second break are unpaid.
- Break Sequence — The order in which breaks must be taken, for example, rest, meal, rest.
- To edit break sequences, click the arrow below the Break Sequence column to open the break sequence dialog box to:
- Specify the order in which employees must take breaks
- Add a break: click Insert a new row
- Change a break sequence: select a break, move it to the appropriate position in the sequence, and then click OK.
- Remove a break: select the appropriate row, then click Delete
. Click OK.
Note: Save the exception rule to save the sequence.