Holiday Credit Rules
Holiday credit rules specify the requirements for holiday credits and how holiday credits are calculated.
To create the Holiday Credit Rule:
- Navigate to Administration > Application Setup > Pay Policies > Holiday Credit Rules. The Holiday Credit Rule workspace appears.
- Click New or select an holiday credit rule and click Edit or Duplicate. The Edit Holiday Credit Rule page opens. There are three tabs: Eligibility, Credits, and Target Hours The difference between actual and target hours for employees who work according to employment terms. Example: A contract employee is paid for the target 40 hours a week even if they work fewer or more actual hours..

Use the Eligibility tab to specify the requirements for holiday credits. Provide the following information:
- Must work scheduled shift — Defines when employees must work: before holiday, after holiday, either before or after holiday, or on holiday.
- When a holiday credit depends upon the day after shift being worked on a future date, the holiday appears in the employee timecard. A denied flag indicates that it is a conditional holiday grant.
- Scheduled shift means — Defines the shift that employees must work.
- Actual scheduled shift — Employees must work their actual scheduled shift, before, after, or on the holiday.
- Any shift on day of scheduled shift — Employees must work any shift on the day of the scheduled shift, before, after, or on the holiday.
- Work history qualifiers — Select the work history qualifiers from the Available list and move them to the Selected list.
- Must satisfy selected work history qualifiers — Select one of the following:
- All — All selected work history qualifiers are required to be satisfied.
- At least one — At least one selected work history qualifier must be satisfied.
- Minimum time employed — The minimum number of days, weeks, or months an employee must be employed, before a holiday is eligible for holiday credits. You can define the minimum time employed based on the employee's hire date, or one of the employee's Person Dates (for example, a rehire date).
- From date of hire — The amount of time employed is based on the employee's hire date.
- From specific date — The amount of time employed is based on one of the employee's Person Dates. If no Person Dates are defined for the employee, this option is disabled.
- Minimum time active — The minimum number of days, weeks, or months an employee must be active before a holiday, to be eligible for holiday credits.
- Alternate holiday credit rule — Select an alternate holiday credit rule. If the eligibility requirements for the current holiday credit rule are not satisfied, the alternate holiday credit rule is applied.
Note: An employee’s entire Employment Status history is taken into consideration when determining the minimum time active eligibility. Each record in an employee's history that is marked as active is eligible to contribute towards the minimum time active value defined here.

Use the Credits tab to define how holiday credits are calculated. Select from the following credit types:

This area determines the number of hours issued for the holiday credit. Select one of the following:
- Amount — Enter the number of hours to issue for the holiday credit.
- Credits go in paycodes A category of time or money that employees earn, for example, Regular Hours, Bonus, or Sick. — Click Select to choose the paycodes to receive credits.
- Time deducted from holiday credit — Select one of the following to determine how worked hours affect holiday credits:
- Use zone rule setting — Use the setting in the associated zone rule.
- None — Worked time does not affect the credit.
- Amount worked — Reduces the credit by the amount of time that the employee worked during the holiday.
- Entire credit — Eliminates the credit if the employee works during the holiday.
- Count toward overtime limits — Specify when hours from holiday credits count toward overtime limits.
- As per paycode — Use the related setting in the paycode definition. If you selected more than one paycode in “Credits go in paycodes,” select a paycode as a basis.
- Always — Credits always count toward overtime limits.
- Never — Credits never count toward overtime limits.
The setting in the paycode definition is ignored for Always and Never.
- Count toward consecutive day overtime — When the hours from holiday credits count toward the minimum hours that are required for a day to count toward consecutive day overtime.
- As per paycode — Use the related setting in the paycode definition. If you selected more than one paycode in Credits go in paycode, you must select a paycode as a basis.
- Always — Credits always count toward consecutive day overtime limits.
- Never — Credits never count toward consecutive day overtime limits.
The setting in the paycode definition is ignored for Always and Never.

Define the amount of money for the holiday credit:
- Amount — Enter the amount of money.
- Credits go in pay codes — Click Select to choose the paycode that receives the credits

Use the “hours from schedule” calculation to issue the holiday credit based on the employee’s schedule. Enter the following information:
- If more than one shift is scheduled for a day — Specify how to handle days that contain multiple scheduled shifts.
- Use first shift — Pay credits only for the hours in the first shift.
- Use sum of all shifts — Pay credits for the sum of all shifts.
- Hours belong to — Select one of the following:
- Use fixed rule setting — Use the “Hours belong to” option in the fixed rule to allocate the hours.
Note: Fixed rules are used by the Pay rule definition to control how time and attendance information is processed for each employee. Fixed rules define the pay period (for example, weekly, monthly, etc.), day divide Time that defines when one day ends and a new day begins. The day divide is defined in a pay rule. If a shift crosses the day divide, the pay rule defines how the hours are allocated: to the day before, the day after, or to the day on which the worked hour occurred. (when one day ends and another begins), and how the hours are allocated (scheduled shift start, scheduled shift end, etc.)- Scheduled in-day — Use the day on which the scheduled shift starts. If a shift begins on the holiday, the employees receive holiday credits.
- Scheduled out-day — Use all hours of the shift on the day on which a scheduled shift ends. If a shift ends on the holiday, the employees receive holiday credits for the entire shift.
- Day with majority worked hours — If the majority of worked hours in a shift occur on the holiday, the employees receive holiday credits for the entire shift.
- Day actually worked — Give holiday credits only for those hours that fall within the holiday zone.
- Holiday zone defined by — Select one of the following:
- Times in holiday table — Uses the start and stop times as specified in the Holiday table.
- Day divide — Uses the day divide as specified in the employee’s fixed rule. The holiday zone is shifted to the day divide. For example, the day divide is 7:00 A.M. A holiday that runs from midnight of one day to midnight of the following day is shifted by 7 hours. The holiday then runs from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 A.M.
- Pay the credits — Select one of the following:
- As if worked — Credits for scheduled hours are distributed to the paycodes as if the employee actually worked the day.
- Work Rule — Select an alternate work rule that determines how the scheduled shifts are distributed to paycodes.
- To selected paycodes (using the contract amount if available) — Credits are distributed to paycodes selected for this rule. For this option, the duration used to pay the credit is taken from a contract(if one is in effect). If you select this option, additional fields open:
- Credits go in paycodes — Select paycodes to hold the credits and specify how the credits are counted toward overtime limits and consecutive day overtime. Specify As per paycode, Always, or Never for the overtime options.
- Time deducted from holiday credit — Define the effect of worked hours on holiday credits. When a holiday zone rule is in effect, the following options determine the effect of the worked hours on holiday credits:
- Use zone rule setting — Uses the setting in the holiday zone rule.
- None — Worked time does not affect the holiday credit.
- Amount worked — Reduces the holiday credit by the amount of time that the employee worked during the holiday.
- Entire credit — Eliminates the holiday credit, if the employee works during the holiday.
- Count toward overtime limits — Select Always, Never, or As per paycode.
- Count toward consecutive day overtime — Select Always or Never.

Use this value to issue a holiday credit based on the wages that are paid for worked shifts preceding the holiday. Enter the following information:
- Percent — The percent of the total wages from the contributing shifts paid as the holiday credit
- Contributing shifts — The shifts before the holiday that contribute to the total wages value used for holiday credits.
- Credits go in paycodes — Click Select to choose the paycodes to receive holiday credits. If you select more than one paycode, holiday credits are issued to all of the selected paycodes this value

Use this value to issue holiday credit based on the average length of all contributing shifts. To set the contributing shifts tat are included in this calculation use the Averaging tab.
- Maximum amount —The maximum amount of holiday credits available in this holiday credit rule. If the calculated amount exceeds the maximum amount, the maximum amount prevails.
- Credits go in paycodes — Click Select to choose the paycodes that receive holiday credits. If you select more than one paycode, holiday credits are issued to all of the selected paycodes.
- Time deducted from holiday credit — Select an option to define the effect of worked hours on holiday credits when a holiday zone rule is in effect.
- Use zone rule setting — Uses the setting in the holiday zone rule.
- None — Worked time does not affect the holiday credit.
- Amount worked — Reduces the holiday credit by the amount of time that the employee worked during the holiday.
- Entire credit — Eliminates the holiday credit if the employee works during the holiday.
- Count toward overtime limits — Define when hours from holiday credits count toward overtime limits.
- As per paycode — Depends on the paycode definition. If you selected more than one paycode in Credits go in paycodes, select a paycode.
- Always — Holiday credits always count toward overtime limits.
- Never — Holiday credits never count toward overtime limits.
- Always and Never override the setting in the paycode definition.
- Count toward consecutive day overtime — Define when hours from holiday credits count toward the minimum hours that are required for a day to count toward consecutive day overtime:
- As per paycode — Depends on the paycode definition. If you selected more than one paycode in Credits go in paycodes, select a paycode.
- Always — Holiday credits always count toward consecutive day overtime.
- Never — Holiday credits never count toward consecutive day overtime.
- Always and Never override the setting in the paycode definition.

Use this value to issue holiday credits based on the average wages of all contributing shifts. Click Select to choose the paycodes and then click Save & Return. Click the Averaging tab to set the contributing shifts.

Use this value to issue holiday credit based on the average shift length, using the parameters defined in a Time-Off Rule. Enter the following information:
- Time-Off rule — Select a Time-Off rule from the list.
- Maximum amount — The maximum amount of holiday credits that can be granted for this holiday credit rule. If the calculated amount exceeds the maximum amount, the maximum amount is used.
- Credits go in paycodes — Click Select to choose the paycodes that receive holiday credits. If you select more than one paycode, holiday credits are issued to all of the selected paycodes.
- Time deducted from holiday credit — Select an option to define the effect of worked hours on holiday credits when a holiday zone rule is in effect.
- Use zone rule setting — Uses the setting in the holiday zone rule.
- None — Worked time does not affect the holiday credit.
- Amount worked — Reduces the holiday credit by the amount of time that the employee worked during the holiday.
- Entire credit — Eliminates the holiday credit if the employee works during the holiday.
- Count toward overtime limits — Define when hours from holiday credits count toward overtime limits.
- As per paycode — Depends on the paycode definition. If you selected more than one paycode in Credits go in paycodes, select a paycode.
- Always — Holiday credits always count toward overtime limits.
- Never — Holiday credits never count toward overtime limits.
- Always and Never override the setting in the paycode definition.
- Count toward consecutive day overtime — Define when hours from holiday credits count toward the minimum hours that are required for a day to count toward consecutive day overtime:
- As per paycode — Depends on the paycode definition. If you selected more than one paycode in Credits go in paycode, select a paycode.
- Always — Holiday credits always count toward consecutive day overtime.
- Never — Holiday credits never count toward consecutive day overtime.
- Always and Never override the setting in the paycode definition

Use this setting to issue holiday credit based on a percent of wages, using the parameters defined in a time-off rule. Enter the following:
- Time-Off rule — Select a Time-Off rule from the drop-down list.
- Wages — Select one of the following:
- Use base wage rate
- Use actual wages
- Credits go in paycodes — Click Select to choose the paycodes that receive holiday credits. If you select more than one paycode, holiday credits are issued to all of the selected paycodes.

Use this setting to issue holiday credit based on a percentage of wages using the parameters defined in a Time-Off rule. Enter the following:
- Time-Off rule — Select a Time-Off rule from the list.
- Percent — Enter the percent of the total wages from the contributing shifts paid as the holiday credit.
- Credits go in paycodes — Click Select to choose the paycodes that receive holiday credits. If you select more than one paycode, holiday credits are issued to all of the selected paycodes.

If you are using the following credit types, the Averaging tab becomes active:
- Average wages
- Average shift length
- Average shift length using Time-Off rule
- Average wages using Time-Off rule
Use this tab to define how to calculate the average hours or wages for all contributing shifts associated with the holiday credit rule. Select the following:
- Contributing shifts — The shifts, before the holiday, that contribute to the calculation of the average shift length or average wages.
- If more than one shift is worked on a day — Specify whether the length of the longest shift of the day or the sum of all shifts of the day contribute to the average shift length.
- For wage calculations — Define whether to use the employee's base wage rate or the actual wages of the worked shifts to calculate the average wage for the contributing shifts.
- Average shift rounding Rounding is a way to simplify payroll accounting and reporting, and to enforce shift start and end times. Punch rounds divide hours into equal segments of an hour. — Specify a round by which to move the average shift length backward or forward to the next even increment. Enter a grace Graces determine when shift start and end times round to the previous increment and when they round to the next increment. to specify whether the average shift length rounds to the next increment or to the previous increment.
- Averaging type — Defines how the average shift length is calculated. Determines the average shift length and the average wage.
- Number of qualified shifts — The total number of qualified hours is divided by the total number of qualified shifts. You can also set a minimum number of shifts.
- Number of qualified days — The total number of qualified hours is divided by the total number of qualified days. You can also set a minimum number of qualified days.
- Fixed number — The total number of qualified hours is divided by a specified fixed number.