Work Rules
Work rules are combinations of work rule building blocks that apply specific pay rules to shifts. These rules determine how employee hours accrue.
For details about the work rule building blocks, see Work Rule Building Blocks.
A default work rule is usually part of a pay rule, but work rules can also be assigned in the timecard and Scheduler.
Use the Work Rules page (Administration > Application Setup> Pay Policies > Work Rule Building Blocks > Work Rules) and the following information to configure work rules.
- Click New or select a work rule and click Duplicate or Edit.
- Enter or edit the name and description.
- TeleTime IP Alias — A numeric TeleTime IP alias of up to 10 digits. TeleTime IP aliases are not effective-dated. If you add or change an alias for a work rule, that alias is in effect whether you update the current version or create a new version.
- As a result, if that is the only change you are making, you should update the current version of the rule. Although the TeleTime IP Alias field requires digits, the field is interpreted as a string. As a result, values such as 0 and 001 are both acceptable and unique.
- Version Effective Date —
The date on which the work rule takes effect:
- Select a Version Effective Date from the list.
- If you need a date that is not in the list, click Save, and then select Create New version or Update this version.
- Create New Version — Takes the same rule and applies a version change. Use this option when new employment contracts begin.
- Update this version — Maintains the version with modifications that you made. For example, you changed a condition of the rule, but want to maintain a version number already in use.
- Enter the appropriate information in the following tabs: General, Pay Code Distribution, and Automated Break Placement.
- Round Rounding is a way to simplify payroll accounting and reporting, and to enforce shift start and end times. Punch rounds divide hours into equal segments of an hour. — Select the rounding rule.
- Shift Guarantee — Select the shift guarantee.
- For a work rule for a call-in shift, select a shift guarantee only if employees are eligible for a guaranteed amount each time they report to work during the call-in shift. (If employees earn only one guaranteed amount per call-in shift, select the guarantee when you create or edit the call-in rule.)
- Exceptions — Select the exception rule. Punches The entries on a timecard that mark the beginning (in-punch) or end (out-punch) of a work interval, such as the beginning of a shift or transfer. that trigger these exceptions appear on timecards and determine which employees appear on exception reports.
- Auto-Resolved Exception — Select the Auto-Resolved Exception rule. When employees miss scheduled work time because of a late in-punch, an early out-punch, a long break, a core hours violation, or an unexcused absence, a duration paycode A category of time or money that employees earn, for example, Regular Hours, Bonus, or Sick. edit automatically occurs in the timecard.
- Call-In — Select the call-in rule for a call-in shift.
- Day Divide Time that defines when one day ends and a new day begins. The day divide is defined in a pay rule. If a shift crosses the day divide, the pay rule defines how the hours are allocated: to the day before, the day after, or to the day on which the worked hour occurred. Override — Select the day divide override value that supersedes the fixed rule day divide for shifts that use this work rule.
- None
- Scheduled shift start time — The day divide is the scheduled start time of the shift.
- Scheduled shift end time — The day divide is the scheduled end time of the shift.
- Only one day divide can be associated with a scheduled shift.
- The work rule in effect at the start of the shift determines the day divide for the shift. A day divide that is associated with a work rule that results from a mid-shift work rule transfer is ignored.
- A modified day divide, specified in a work rule, is not applied to unscheduled shifts that are assigned to that work rule. All hours of an unscheduled shift are assigned to calendar days, using the standard day divide (defined by the pay rule that is in effect).
- Pay Code for Unapproved Overtime — Select the overtime hours that violate an overtime rule, a zone rule, or a schedule deviation rule that requires approval, are transferred to this paycode.
- Unapproved overtime can be displayed in a Detail Column set, to identify employees whose timecard displays this paycode for unapproved overtime.
- Pay Code for Denied Overtime — Select the paycode for overtime denied by a manager.
- Weighted Average — Allows you to specify which paycodes are included for the hours and wage processing of the weighted average rate calculation.
- For Combined Wages, select the appropriate paycode. This list includes only combined money or wage paycodes A type of money paycode that converts historical correction hours into a wage amount that goes to payroll..
- For Combined Hours, select the appropriate pay code. This list includes only combined hours paycodes.
- To include the minimum wage in the calculation, select Include Minimum Wage Adjustment.
- This is not a required field. If paycodes are not selected, then the legacy weighted average rate processing is used.
- Note: If the Wages for the pay code contribute to the weighted average rate option is selected in the Pay Code Definition and combined paycodes are selected here for Weighted Average, then this latter option takes precedence over the Pay Code Definition.
- Also see Weighted average rate calculation.
- Breaks — Select the rules that are used when employees punch for a break from the Available Breaks box and move them to the Selected Breaks box.
- Bonuses/Deductions — Select the bonuses and deductions used in this work rule from the Available Bonuses/Deductions box and move them to the Selected Bonuses/Deductions box.
- Core Hours — Select the core hours used in this work rule from the Available Core Hours box and move them to the Selected Core Hours box.
- Paycode Distribution — Select the pay plan for employees who are assigned this work rule.
- Default Pay Code — Select the default paycode.
- When a default pay code is selected, once you save the Work Rule a Pay Code Distribution and Combination Rule are generated with the same name as the Work Rule. For more information, see Simplified timekeeping configuration.
- You can select a maximum of eight items (schedule deviations, overtimes, or zones) when using the Default Pay Code option.
- Deviations — Select the schedule deviations in the selected paycode distribution and move them to the Selected Deviations box.
- Overtimes — Select the available overtimes in the paycode distribution move them to the Selected Overtimes box.
- Zones — Select the time zones in the paycode distribution move them to the Selected Zones box.
- Majorities — Select the majority rules in the paycode distribution move them to the Selected Majorities box.
- Add automated break placement information to the work rule
- Add a shift length
- Copy from Existing Work Rule — Select an existing work rule that contains the appropriate automated breaks. The automated breaks are copied into the new work rule.
- Minimum time between breaks — The minimum number of hours employees must work between breaks.
- Minimum time between beginning of shift and first break — The minimum number of hours employees must work from the start of the shift and the first break.
- Minimum time between start of last break and end of shift — The number of hours that employees must work between the start of the last break and the end of the shift.
- Shift length/Breaks (Min, Max) — Shift lengths that are currently in the system. The Break list displays the minimum and maximum break lengths. You can add shift lengths.
- Click New Shift
- Enter a shift length, then complete the break information in the table.
- Click the horizontal arrow to add a row, X to delete a row, and the up and down arrow to rearrange the rows.
- Click Save or Save & Return.
- Break rules that are configured relative to 12 midnight cannot be automatically scheduled.
- The automated scheduler rounds the values to the nearest quarter hour.

Use Automated Break Placement to provide break placement rules to the scheduler. Break placement rules are relative to shift length. On this tab, you can
For example, employees who work at least a six-hour shift are entitled to one 15-minute break and one 30-minute break. The breaks must occur two hours after the start of a shift and two hours before the end of the shift. For the same employees, if the shift is eight hours or longer, they are entitled to two 15-minute breaks and one 30-minute break. The 30-minute break must occur four hours after the start of the shift and four hours before the end of the shift.
Use the following information to complete the Automated Break Placement tab.

To add a shift length: