Day Type Rules
The system validates all options in day type rules Identifies the type of day so that the system filters days and processes accruals correctly.. If any option, such as day of week, holiday, or assigned shift type, does not match the day, the rule does not pass. Example: If the rule defines Monday and a holiday, that holiday must occur on a Monday for the rule to affect the accrual.
If you save a rule but define no options, it filters no days.
- From the Main Menu, select Administration > Application Setup> Scheduler Setup > Day Type > Day Type Rules.
- Click New or select a rule and click Edit or Duplicate. (You can also select a rule and click Activate, Inactivate, or Delete.) Note: Because edits can affect pending requests, create new day type rules rather than edit current rules.
- Enter or change the Name and, optionally, the Description.
- Do one of the following:
Best Practice: Because edits can affect pending requests, create new day type rules rather than edit current rules.
- Click Tap New. Enter a Name .
- Select one rule. Click Tap Edit or Duplicate.
- Select rules. Click Tap Activate or Inactivate.
- Select rules. Click Tap Delete. Click Tap Yes to confirm.
- (Optional) Enter a Description.
- Add Days of the week — From Available, select the days for the rule to evaluate. Click Tap the right arrow
. Select the days for the rule to evaluate from the Available box and click the right arrow
. - If a time-off request Request subtypes that employees use to request time off for vacation, illness or recovery, appointments, personal time, or other absences. Time-off requests can be configured to support many different employment scenarios. spans multiple days, the rule evaluates each day of the span. If any day matches, the rule passes. Example: If you select Monday and Thursday, the rule passes if either Monday or Thursday matches.
- If you select no days or all days, the rule applies to any day of the week. The effect is the same.
- (Optional) Add Holidays — Select the applicable holidays from the Available box and click the right arrow
. - If any selected holiday matches, the rule passes.
- The holidays must be defined in the manager’s GDAP.
- The day type rule considers only the date of the holiday, not the hour when it starts.
- The day type rule cannot verify if a holiday applies to an employee pay rule or employment terms Legal contracts between employer and employee. When scheduled to work hours differ from the hours in their contract, the pay rules of the employees determine the impact on pay..
- In Assigned Shift, select whether the rule validates for assigned shifts during this day type:
- Ignore (default) — Do not validate shifts.
- No — Make sure that the day has no scheduled shift.
- Yes — Make sure that the day has at least one scheduled shift.
- If Assigned Shift is Yes, define the following parameters. All of these parameters must match for the rule to pass.
Select a Shift Type:
- Ignore (default) — Do not validate the type of shifts in the schedule that day.
- Worked — The time is scheduled to be worked. The shift must have at least one regular or transfer segment. Breaks are not counted.
- Unavailable — The time cannot be scheduled for work. A shift that has an Unavailable segment cannot also have other segments.
- Off —The time is scheduled to be time off. A shift that has an Off segment cannot also have other segments.
(Optional) set the following:
- Click Shift Length and enter Minimum and Maximum shift lengths.
- Click Start Time and enter Minimum (earliest) and Maximum (latest) times when at least one shift must start.
- Click End Time and select Minimum (earliest) and Maximum (latest) times when at least one shift must end.
- In the Shift Templates A shift that has a name and defined segments and attributes, but no date or assigned employee. area, select the days from the and click the right arrow
Note:- The day type rule considers only the shift label Replaces start and end times in the schedule with a compact, easier-to-read label. Example: Shift times are 4PM-12:30AM, and the shift label is Evening.. If a shift from a shift template is modified but the shift label remains the same, the rule passes.
- The shift templates must be defined in the manager’s GDAP.
- Click Save & Return.
See Configure Day Types for full configuration steps for Day Types.