Indicator formulas
The following formulas are available when you configure indicators.

Note: If the value of the Employee Average Wage Rate equals zero, the value of all cost indicators equals zero.
Note: For Actual Cost, Scheduled Cost, and Projected Cost, where the wage rate comes from the Base Wage in the Person Record, the employee Base Wage is effective dated.
For example, if the Indicators tab shows Projected Cost from Monday 3/7 to Sunday 3/13, and the employee Base Wage changes on Wednesday 3/9 from $10 to $20, the system uses $10 to calculate the Projected Cost for Monday and Tuesday, and uses $20 to calculate the Projected Cost for each day from Wednesday through Sunday.
Note: For employees that have multiple assignments, the system calculates the Actual Cost, Scheduled Cost, and Projected Cost for a day based on the wage rate of each assignment.
For example, when multiple shifts are worked or scheduled in the same day with different assignments, the Indicators tab displays the total Projected Cost of a day as the sum of the projected costs from each assignment.
- Actual Cost
Actual cost of the hours that employees worked. The hours are recorded in the timecard. The wage rate comes from the Base Wage in the Person record.
Actual Costs = (Paid Hours + Pay Code Multipliers or Additions) X Base Wage
Select the Scheduled Hours Type: Productive, Non-Productive, or Other.
SelectAll Schedule Hours Types (default) or No Schedule Hours Type.
Select the type of hours: Direct, Indirect, or Total.
- Budgeted Cost
Baseline Workload Specifies a number of employees needed for a certain job at a certain location over a certain span of time. multiplied by the average wage rate for all employees at a location. The wage rate comes from the Employee Average Wage Rate in the Location Profile. Unlike the other cost indicators, Budgeted Costs does not display a value when grouped by Employee or Schedule Group Assembles employees who share schedules or any other work characteristics..
Select the type of hours:Direct, Indirect, or Total.
- Cost Variance
For past dates: Cost Variance = Actual Cost – Budgeted Cost
For current and future dates: Cost Variance = Scheduled Cost – Budgeted Cost
- Scheduled Cost
Cost of the number of Scheduled Hours. The wage rate comes from the Base Wage in the Person record.
Scheduled Cost = (Scheduled Hours + Pay Code Multipliers or Additions) X Base Wage
The totals returned from the database are filtered as follows:
- Values from uncategorized pay codes (pay codes configured with None) are kept.
- Negative totals are kept.
- Holiday totals are kept.
- Totals from historical edits are removed.
- Totals generated from Pay Codes to which the currently logged on user does not have DAP access are removed.
- Projected Cost
Cost of the hours that employees are projected to work. The wage rate comes from the Base Wage in the Person record.
Projected Cost = Projected Hours X Base Wage
Projected Hours is the hours that employees are projected to work based on the Actual Hours worked and Scheduled Hours. Projected Hours = Actual Hours + Remaining Scheduled Hours
Projected Cost = (Actual Hours + Remaining Scheduled Hours) * Base Wage = Actual Cost + Remaining Scheduled Cost
- Hours—Cost Summary
SummaryScheduled Costof the hours that employees are projected to work
Budgeted Cost/Volume (Currency)
Budgeted Cost / Budgeted Volume
Budgeted Cost is the amount from the average wage rate setting in the employee's location profile used when calculating the cost.
Budgeted Volume comes from the Workload Planner Tracks and edits staffing plans that define the number of workers that are needed for each shift or schedule zone and job..
- Scheduled Cost/Volume (Currency)
Scheduled Cost / Planned Volume
Scheduled Cost is the amount that corresponds to the number of hours an employee is scheduled to work, based on shifts and pay code in the Schedule Planner. The wage rate is taken from the employee record Base Wage attribute under Timekeeping.
Planned Volume comes from the Workload Planner.
- Actual Cost/Volume (Currency)
Actual Cost / Actual Volume
Actual Cost is the amount that corresponds to the number of hours an employee actually worked (based on the totalized shifts, pay code hours). The wage rate comes from the employee record Base Wage attribute under Timekeeping.
Actual Volume comes from the Workload Planner.
- Cost/Volume Variance
Cost Variance – Budgeted Cost per Volume * Volume Variance
For current and future dates:
- Cost Variance = Scheduled Cost
- Volume Variance = Projected Volume
For dates in the past:
- Cost Variance = Actual Cost
- Volume Variance = Actual Volume
- Hours/Volume Variance
(Hours Variance/60) – (Budgeted Hours per Volume * Volume Variance) * 60
For current and future dates:
- Hours Variance = Scheduled Hours
- Volume Variance = Projected Volume
For dates in the past:
- Hours Variance = Actual Hours
- Volume Variance = Actual Volume
Budgeted Hours Per Volume = Budget Hours/Budget Volume

If a location does not have a workload, all coverage indicators for that location and time have a value of N/A(not applicable).
If a job has a mixed workload, the Metrics Measures and tracks workforce performance by comparing planned with actual workload or coverage, or by showing variances at any organizational level. definitions display only the workload that is based on, respectively, labor volume, shift set Contains a collection of shifts used to define workload (staffing) requirements for locations. Example: An organization has shifts that the majority of employees work: 7 AM-3 PM and 3 PM-11 PM., or zone set Contains non-overlapping schedule zones that together comprise a full day based on hours of operation for a location..
Employees Count
Daily total of the number of employees who worked
Coverage (Duration)
Total number of Scheduled Hours that meets coverage for the grouping strategy and time period. It may not equal Scheduled Hours, because Coverage (Duration) does not account for employees, pay rules, scheduling rules Defines restrictions and requirements to ensure that a schedule meets certain criteria., breaks, and deductions.
Select the type of hours:Direct, Indirect, or Total.
Coverage Effectiveness (%)
How well the Scheduled Hours are used; the percentage of Scheduled Hours that exceed the number of required hours
Coverage Effectiveness = (100 * (Coverage – Overcoverage)) ÷ (max (1, Coverage))
- If 100%, all Scheduled Hours are needed, even if the hours do not cover all requirements.
- If 50%, only half of the Scheduled Hours are needed.
The calculation occurs every minute and the result is never less than 0.
Example: Calculation of averages for coverage effectiveness over periods longer than one day
The system calculates the average of Coverage Effectiveness from the sum of the Coverage Effectiveness for each day. Rounding Rounding is a way to simplify payroll accounting and reporting, and to enforce shift start and end times. Punch rounds divide hours into equal segments of an hour. during calculation can affect averages, in this case because Scheduler rounds the totals for each day and bases the calculation for longer periods – such as a week – on these rounded totals.
Indicator Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Coverage (hours)
Overcoverage (hours)
Coverage – Overcoverage (hours)
Coverage Effectiveness (%)
= (Coverage – Overcoverage) ÷ (Coverage) %93.12
Average of all days of the week = Sum of Coverage Effectiveness for 7 days / 7 days = 78.15%
Coverage Effectiveness for each day
(100 * (Coverage – Overcoverage)) ÷ (max (1, Coverage))
(Coverage – Overcoverage) ÷ (Coverage) %
Coverage Effectiveness for the week
(Sum of the Coverage Effectiveness for each day) / 7 days
= (93.12 + 70.00 + 83.40 + 81.38 + 79.83 + 68.46 + 70.86) / 7
= 78.15%
Note: The formula above is the sum of the Coverage Effectiveness for each day of the week. The following configurations are also available: Average, Minimum, and Maximum.
Coverage Ratio to Time Span (Headcount)
Coverage ÷ the time period
Coverage Service Level (%)
How well the workload or labor volume is covered; the percentage of hours that are required, but not met by the number of Scheduled Hours
Coverage Service Level = (100 * (Adjusted Workload – Undercoverage)) ÷ (max (1, Adjusted Workload))
- If 100%, the Scheduled Hours fill the required workload or labor volume.
- If 50%, only half the required hours are covered.
Coverage Service Level is calculated each minute and is never less than zero (0).
Coverage Variance (Duration)
Difference between the staffing plan and the current schedule
Coverage Variance = Coverage – Adjusted Workload
Coverage Variance = Coverage – Labor Volume
- A positive number indicates overcoverage.
- A negative number indicates undercoverage.
Coverage Variance Ratio to Time Span (Headcount)
Coverage Variance ÷ the time period
- A positive number indicates overcoverage.
- A negative number indicates undercoverage.
Overcoverage (Duration)
Total number of Scheduled Hours that exceeds the required workload or labor volume
Overcoverage = Coverage – Adjusted Workload
Overcoverage = Coverage – Labor Volume
This formula measures every minute of overcoverage during a day and ignores undercoverage.
Overcoverage is calculated each minute and is never less than zero (0).
Select the type of hours: Direct, Indirect, or Total.
Overcoverage Ratio to Time Span (Headcount)
Overcoverage ÷ the time period
Primary Job Headcount
Number of employees who perform a primary job for the grouping strategy, time period, and selected location. Does not include inactive or terminated employees, or employees who do not have a Scheduler license.
Undercoverage (Duration)
Total number of hours in the workload or labor volume that Scheduled Hours do not cover
Undercoverage = Adjusted Workload – Coverage
Undercoverage = Labor Volume – Coverage
Measures every minute of undercoverage during a day and ignores overcoverage
Undercoverage is calculated each minute and is never less than zero (0).
Select the type of hours: Direct, Indirect, or Total.
Schedule Rating (Daily) (%)
Provides a rating score to indicate whether a location (or job) has enough coverage for the day to meet the workload.
[100 - ((CoverageHours — Workload) / Workload) * 100]
Workload = Adjusted Planned Workload
What the rating scores indicate:
- Less than or equal to 99%: Overcoverage
- 100%: Coverage meets workload
- Between 100% and 200%: Undercoverage
- 200%: No coverage
Example: Calculation of Schedule Rating (Daily) indicator
Day: Sunday, October 8
Intervals: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Location: Bakery
Job: Bakery Clerk
12:00-12:15 12:15-12:30 12:30-12:45 12:45-13:00 Total Workload 3 3 3 3 12 Scheduled 2 3 5 3 13 Bakery Clerk Daily Rating = 100 - (((13 - 12 )/ 12) * 100) = 91.7%
Schedule Rating (15-Minute) (%)
Provides a rating score to indicate, with a 15-minute precision, whether employees are scheduled at the right time to meet the workload needs for a location (or job).
[100 - ((OverHrs + UnderHrs) / Workload) * 100]
Workload = Adjusted Planned Workload
What the rating scores indicate:
- Less than or equal to 99%: Overcoverage
- 100%: Coverage meets workload
- Between 100% and 200%: Undercoverage
- 200%: No coverage
Example: Calculation of Schedule Rating (15-Minute) indicator
Day: Sunday, October 8
Intervals: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Location: Bakery
Job: Bakery Clerk
12:00-12:15 12:15-12:30 12:30-12:45 12:45-13:00 Total Workload 3 3 3 3 12 Scheduled 2 3 5 3 13 Absolute Over or Under 1 0 2 0 3 Bakery Clerk 15-Minute Rating = 100 - (((1 + 2) / 12) * 100) = 75%
Undercoverage Ratio to Time Span (Headcount)
Undercoverage ÷ the time period

Number of hours that employees worked and that are recorded in the time card
- Select the Scheduled Hours Type: Productive, Non-Productive, or Other.
- Select All Schedule Hours Types (default) or No Schedule Hours Type.
- Select the type of hours: Direct, Indirect, or Total.

- For past dates: Hours Variance = Actual Hours – Budget Workload
- For current and future dates: Hours Variance = Scheduled Hours – Budget Workload

Number of hours that employees are scheduled; calculated by the Totalizer. It may not equal Coverage (Duration), because Scheduled Hours accounts for scheduling rules, breaks, and deductions.
Caution: Scheduled Hours totals can be inaccurate when a shift contains multiple segments and the first segment is a transfer segment. This is the default behavior. To alter the behavior, edit the Pay Rule and select Scheduled time without a transfer is treated as a transfer to primary account and default work rule.

Hours that employees are projected to work based on the Actual Hours worked and Scheduled Hours
Projected Hours = Actual Hours + Remaining Scheduled Hours

Requires the Forecasting license.
Number of hours of required labor that is forecasted to support the forecasted business demand.

Requires the Forecasting license.
Number of labor hours that should have been scheduled based on Actual Volume.

Actual Cost ÷ Actual Hours
If Actual Hours equal zero, Actual Hourly Cost equals zero.

Budgeted Cost ÷ Baseline Workload
If Baseline Workload equals zero, Budgeted Hourly Cost equals zero.

Budgeted Cost ÷ Scheduled Hours

Scheduled Cost ÷ Scheduled Hours

Hours/Volume formulas display a value only for indicators that are grouped by Location Type or Zone Set.

- Sum of the time card hours for all selected jobs and locations
- Blank if data is missing
- Actual hours can be configured as worked or paid hours.
- Because time accumulated against pay codes cannot be broken into segments, actual hours from the time card can differ from scheduled hours.

Actual Hours / Actual Volume

One of:
HV Actual Hours / Actual Volume
- Imported from an external source
- Blank if data is missing

Budgeted Workload / Budgeted Volume

- Adjusted hours from the Workload Planner of all jobs for all selected locations and jobs
- Blank if data is missing

Scheduled Hours / Projected Volume

HV Scheduled Hours / Projected Volume
- Blank if data is missing

Cost of the open shift A shift that is scheduled for a job, but no employee is assigned to work it. hours. The wage rate comes from the Location Profile.
Open Shifts Costs = Open Shift Duration X Open Shift Average Wage Rate

Total time duration that represents the cost of open shifts.

Number of open shifts for the grouping strategy and time period. A shift that spans midnight counts once only on the day that the shift starts.

Number of hours of open shifts for the grouping strategy and time period

Number of hours of Coverage for all open and scheduled shifts for the grouping strategy and time period

Reports how well the open shift hours are assigned in Scheduler; the percentage of open shift hours compared to the hours of all open and assigned shifts
Unassigned Service Level = (Open Shift Coverage ÷ max (1, (Open & Assigned Shift Coverage))) * 100
- If 100%, none of the open shift hours are assigned.
- If 0%, all of the open shift hours are assigned.
- If N/A, no assigned hours or open shift hours exist.
Unassigned Service Level is calculated each minute and is never less than zero (0).

Actual sales imported into the system.

Forecasted sales, including any applied edits.

The Sales Variance Ratio.
Actual Sales / Forecasted Sales

Sales goals assigned to an employee.
Projected Sales by 15-Minute Increment / Number of people scheduled for that period (excluding meals and breaks)

Sales calculated at the job level.
Projected Sales by day for a forecasted job

Displays the forecasted productivity by selected locations and time period.
Forecasted Sales / Scheduled Hours

Displays the actual productivity by selected locations and time period.
Actual Sales / Actual Hours

These indicators can be used while creating Schedule metrics, as long as they are configured with a grouping strategy of Department.

How well the scheduled hours are used; the percentage of Scheduled Hours that exceed the forecast hours
Calculated using the standard Coverage Effectiveness (%) formula except that it uses System-Adjusted Labor Forecast values instead of standard labor forecast values:
[100 * (System-Adjusted Labor Forecast hours — Overcoverage)] / [max(1, System-Adjusted Labor Forecast hours)]
- If 100%, all Scheduled Hours are needed, even if the hours do not cover the forecast hours.
- If 50%, only half of the Scheduled Hours are needed.
The calculation occurs every minute and the result is never less than 0.

How well the budget adjusted labor forecast is covered; a percentage of the hours that are required but not included in Scheduled Hours
Calculated using the standard Coverage Service Level (%) formula except that it uses System-Adjusted Labor Forecast values instead of the standard labor forecast values:
[(System-Adjusted workload — Undercoverage)] / [max(1, System-Adjusted workload)]
- If 100%, the Scheduled Hours fill the system-adjusted labor forecast.
- If 50%, only half of the forecast hours are covered by the Scheduled Hours.
The calculation occurs every minute and the result is never less than 0.

When scheduled hours exceed the System-Adjusted Labor Forecast hours, shows the difference as a duration of time
Coverage — System-Adjusted Labor Forecast
Measures every minute of overcoverage during a day and ignores undercoverage.
The calculation occurs every minute and the result is never less than 0.

When Scheduled Hours are fewer than the System-Adjusted Labor Forecast, shows the difference as a duration of time
System-Adjusted Labor Forecast — Coverage
Measures every minute of undercoverage during a day and ignores overcoverage
The calculation occurs every minute and the result is never less than 0.

The System-Adjusted Labor Forecast by duration.

- Volume of work from the workload for the grouping strategy and time period.
- Apply Weight Level – Select for weighted volumes. Clear for unweighted volumes.
- Select one of:
- Average
- Maximum
- Minimum
- Sum

- Budgeted volume from the workload for the grouping strategy and time period.
- Apply Weight Level – Select for weighted, clear for unweighted volumes.
- Select one of:
- Average
- Maximum
- Minimum
- Sum

- For past dates:Volume Variance = Actual Volume – Budgeted Volume
- For current and future dates:Volume Variance = Projected Volume – Budgeted Volume
- A positive number indicates overcoverage.
- A negative number indicates undercoverage

Imported labor budget in hours.

Imported volume budget.

Labor driver that was used for constraining labor.