Configure Schedule Score Definition
The schedule score provides a metric to enable managers to assess the quality of the schedule. It represents how well the schedule meets the organization's business needs and provides insight for managers to make better scheduling decisions. When managers edit the schedule, they can see how their edits increase or decrease the quality of the schedule.
You can create one or more schedule score definitions, and then associate each definition to a specific Schedule Planner. You can edit and delete schedule score definitions; however, you cannot delete a definition that is currently associated with a Schedule Planner.
Schedule scores are displayed for a selected location and timeframe (90 days or less) in the Schedule Planner, and are shown on the Schedule Score add-on. Schedule scores cannot be displayed when a Hyperfind A search engine that filters and selects groups of employees through queries that specify conditions or locations (criteria). is selected.

Function access profiles must be configured to allow managers to configure schedule score definitions, and to activate or deactivate category factors.
- Go to Administration > Application Setup > Access Profiles > Function Access Profiles.
Select a profile and go to Manager - Common Setup > Schedule Configuration.
- Set Schedule Score Setup to Allowed. This automatically sets Factor Deactivation and Schedule Score Definition to Allowed.
- To prevent managers from activating or deactivating category factors, set Factor Deactivation to Disallowed.
- To prevent managers from configuring schedule score definitions, set Schedule Score Definition to Disallowed
- Click Tap Save & Return.

Before configuring a schedule score definition, ensure that the category factors you want to use are activated.
- Go to Administration > Application Setup > Scheduler Setup > Factor Deactivation.
- Select the category factor you want to activate and click Edit.
- Select Active.
- Click Save.
In the Active column, a black circle displays for category factors that are active. An empty circle displays for factors that are inactive.
For more information, see Deactivate schedule score factors.

Create a schedule score definition by specifying a quality rating definition (optional), one or more categories (Coverage and Employee Preference) and their weighted values, and the category factors and their weighted values to include in each category.
To configure a schedule score definition:
- Go to Administration > Application Setup > Scheduler Setup > Schedule Score > Schedule Score Definition.
- In the Schedule Score Definition page, click Create.
- Enter a Name and Description for the schedule score definition.
- (Optional) In Quality Rating Definition, specify the ranges for the quality of the schedule. For example, you may want to indicate that a schedule score of 90 — 100 is considered good.
- Click Create.
- Enter a Label. For example, Good.
- In Start, enter an integer for the starting number for the range.
- In End, enter an integer for the ending number for the range. End value must be greater than or equal to the Start value.
- Click Save.
- Enter additional ranges as needed. Ranges cannot overlap with an existing quality rating definition.
- If desired, you can reorder the quality rating definitions. Click Re-Order Selection, then in Assigned Quality Rating Definition, select a definition and use the up and down arrows to reorder, then click Save Order.
- In Category, create the categories to use for calculating the schedule score.
- Click Create.
- In Category, select a category — Coverage or Employee Preference.
- (Optional) In Label, enter a label for the category.
- In Weight (%), enter the associated weight for the category. Weight values must be from 0% to 100%.
- Click Save.
- Click Create to add additional categories. Only one instance of a specific category type can be included in a schedule score definition.
Note: The sum of all the category weight values must equal 100%.
- Specify category factors to include in each category:
- In Category, select the category you want to add factors to.
- In Category Factor, click Create.
- In Factor, select a category factor from the list. See Factor Descriptions and Score Calculations below for more information about category factors.
- In Weight (%), enter the associated weight for the category factor. Weight values must be from 0% to 100%. The sum of all the category factor weight values in a category must equal 100.
- Click Save.
- Click Create to add additional category factors to the category. Only one instance of a specific category factor type can be included in a category.
- Click Save.
- Over Coverage — Evaluates how much of the total demand is covered.
- Score = (Coverage - Over Coverage) / Coverage
- Over Coverage (Constrained Labor) — Evaluates how much of the total demand is covered using constrained labor.
- Score = (Coverage - Over Coverage) / Coverage, using constrained labor forecast
- Under Coverage — Evaluates how much of the total coverage is tied to demand.
- Score = (Coverage - Over Coverage) / Workload Specifies a number of employees needed for a certain job at a certain location over a certain span of time.
- Under Coverage (Constrained Labor) — Evaluates how much of the total coverage is tied to demand using constrained labor.
- Score = (Coverage - Over Coverage) / Workload, using constrained labor forecast
- Over Coverage including Open Shifts — Evaluates how much of the total demand is covered including open shift A shift that is scheduled for a job, but no employee is assigned to work it. hours.
- Score = (Total Coverage (day) - Total Over Coverage (day) / Total Coverage (day)
- Preferred Availability — Evaluates if employees are scheduled when they prefer to work.
- Score = (Shift length intersection with preferred availability) / Shift length
Note: This calculation is based on Elapsed Time, not Totalized Time.
Note: For shifts that cross the day divide Time that defines when one day ends and a new day begins. The day divide is defined in a pay rule. If a shift crosses the day divide, the pay rule defines how the hours are allocated: to the day before, the day after, or to the day on which the worked hour occurred., the shift start time of the day the shift falls on is used.
- Preferred Days Off — Evaluates if employees are being scheduled on a preferred day off.
- Score = 1 - ((Shift length intersection with (Unavailable + Preferred Unavailable Employee prefers to be unavailable during this time, in other words, the employee prefers not to work during this time.)) / Shift Length
- Preferred Job — Evaluates if employees are being scheduled to work their preferred job.
- Score = For each shift segment Parts of shifts that are assigned to a job in the business structure, either primary or transfer jobs., (Sum of (segment length * segment job preference)) / sum of all segment lengths
Note: Ranges can only be from 0 to 100. Configured ranges cannot overlap. Defined ranges do not need to cover all values from 0 to 100.

The following provides a description of the factors for each category and how the score for each factor is calculated:
Category: Coverage
Category: Employee Preference
Note: The employee's primary job is used if no other job preference is defined

To configure the schedule planner to display the Schedule Score add-on:
- Go to Administration > Application Setup > Scheduler Setup > Schedule Planner.
- Click Create
or select an existing Schedule Planner and click Edit . For more information, see Configure Schedule Planner. -
In Add-ons, in Available Add-ons, select Schedule Score.
In Schedule Score Definition, select a configured schedule score definition to associate with the Schedule Planner.
Click Save.