Tag Definitions
Tags provide additional information about a shift segment Parts of shifts that are assigned to a job in the business structure, either primary or transfer jobs. or a date cell in the schedule. Depending on the configuration, a tag can specify a work rule condition that the Scheduler considers, or a tag can specify no work rule and serve only as a visual reference for the manager. Schedule tags A graphic on the schedule that identifies a specific characteristic that applies to a specific employee on a specific day. Not a shift or a pay code. Example: On call. can be configured to appear on the Schedule Planner and Employee Calendar for swapped shifts.
From the Main Menu, select Administration > Application Setup > Scheduler Setup > Tag Definitions.
- Click Create
or select a tag and click Edit . - If you are editing a tag, select one of the following:
- Save changes everywhere that the named entity is used. Entity: {Name} to save the edits to all instances of the tag
- Save as a new named entity to Save the edits to a new tag.
- Enter or change the Name. This name identifies the tag in the date cell or the shift segment (depending on the Tag Type).
- In the General section, enter or change the following:
- Description (Optional) — Defines or describe the tag's meaning or purpose.
- Tag Color — Select a color or edit the values to create a custom color. Click OK.
- Can Override Color — To allow managers to select a different color for their own view of the schedule tag, select Yes. The updated tag color also displays in the employees' calendars.
- Visible To Employees — To show the tags in employees' calendars, select Yes.
- Tag Icon — (For Schedule Tags only) Select an icon to display for the Schedule Tag. If you do not select an icon, the default Schedule Tag icon is displayed.
Schedule Tag icons display as follows:- If Visible to Employees is selected, employees can see the Schedule Tag icons in their My Schedule tile A container that provides navigation or action from its summary view. on the home page The page that is presented to the user upon login, which contains the tiles that let the user access or navigate to common tasks., in their Calendar, and in the Events tab in their Calendar.
- If Use in Timecard is selected, employees and managers can see the Schedule Tag icons in the employee Timecards. The icons do not display to managers in the Schedule Planner.
Note: In Application Setup > Calendar Views Setup > Calendar Configuration, ensure that Schedule Tag is selected in Available schedule items and Visible schedule items.
- Tag Type — Select any of the following:
- Employee — Apply the tag to categorize employees for an effective date span. Employee tags can be used instead of creating a schedule group Assembles employees who share schedules or any other work characteristics..
- Schedule — Apply the tag to whole shifts. Identify a date cell or a portion of a date cell as having specific characteristics that apply to that employee for that period.
- Segment — Apply the tag to shift segments. Identify a shift segment in the schedule grid when an employee has a specific responsibility or characteristic such as trainer or trainee, for a specific period of the day.
- Predictive — Apply the tag to whole shifts. Identify that the employee assigned to the shift will receive compensation because a shift change violated the configured predictive scheduling rule Defines restrictions and requirements to ensure that a schedule meets certain criteria..
- (Optional) Only for a Schedule Tag type:
- Select Use in Timecard to apply any associated transfers (Cost Center, Work Rule, Business Structure Represents the logical structure of an organization as it concerns staffing. It contains the locations and jobs to which an employee may be assigned., or Labor Category) to the totalization of worked time within the Start and End times of the Schedule Tag. By default, this option is not selected.
- When Use in Timecard is selected, the Schedule Tag start and end times, and the Schedule Tag icon, are visible in the timecard Schedule column. Punched The entries on a timecard that mark the beginning (in-punch) or end (out-punch) of a work interval, such as the beginning of a shift or transfer. time is transferred to the work rule assigned to the schedule tag, and the total hours are transferred to the Cost Center, Work Rule, Business Structure, or Labor Category associated with the Schedule Tag.
- When Use in Timecard is not selected, the Schedule Tag does not display in the timecard and does not trigger any transfer of worked time.
- Enter a Default Start Time and Default End Time.
- In Work Rule, select one of the following:
- Optional: The manager can select a different work rule for the shift.
- Not Supported: Work rules are not available for the shift.
- In Labor Category, select one of the following:
- Optional: The manager can select a different labor category or cost center for the shift.
- Not Supported: Labor categories and cost centers are not available for the shift.
Note: Once Use in Timecard has been selected and saved for a Schedule Tag, you cannot clear the option.
If you selected Optional, select a Default Work Rule to show when the manager assigns the schedule tag. The manager can change the work rule or remove it from that instance of the schedule tag.
- Click Save.

- Click Column Selection
- In the Column Selection popup box, select Description or Tag Type for the search criteria and enter the search value.

- Click Filter
. A blank line appears on each of the three columns: Name, Description, and Tag Type. - Enter the value for the filter.

- Select a tag
- Click Delete
- Review the confirmation message and click Yes or No.