Scheduling System Settings

Navigate to Administration > Application Setup > System Configuration > System Settings > Scheduling tab.

The Scheduling system settings contain information about the following:

  • Job display in coverage areas of the scheduler
  • Defining the color of cells in the Daily Coverage area of the Scheduler
  • Minor rules
  • Which Employee Self-Service functions are available
  • Viewing the Daily Coverage information by default
  • The number of business structure levels to display in numerous areas of the system

Key and value details

site.scheduling.schedulePlanner.hppd.hoursPerVolume.decimalPlaces — Number of decimal places to display for hours per volume.
Value: required; installed default=2

site.scheduling.schedulePlanner.hppd.actualVolume.useSumOfSelfAndChildrenValues.locationTypes — List of comma separated Location Types that define Actual Volume as the sum of the Location's stored value and children location values

site.scheduling.minorrules.requirebirthdate — If true, the Birth Date field in the General Information workspace in People Information is a required field.

If this setting is false, the Birth Date field is not required.

Value: required; installed default=false

Note: If a person whose birthday indicates that they are a minor does not have both a minor rule set and a school calendar assigned to them in People, the Scheduler will not schedule them to any shifts.

site.scheduling.schedulePlanner.hppd.scheduleVolume.useSumOfSelfAndChildrenValues.locationTypes — List of comma-separated Location Types that define Projected Volume as the sum of the location's stored value and children location values.

site.scheduling.payCodeEdits.contractPCEHalfDayRules.useTotalizerHalfDayAmounts — Specifies if first and second half day contract pay code edits created in the Schedule Planner use half day rules or totalized durations.

site.scheduling.workWeek.useOutsideOfWorkWeekHours — If true, specifies whether hours outside of work week are excluded when validating weekly employee schedule rules.

Value: required; installed default=false

site.scheduling.schedulePlanner.hppd.actualVolume.useLargestChild.locationTypes — List of comma-separated Location Types that use the largest value of the Actual Volume of its children location instead of using the sum of the values.

site.scheduling.reportsWithCoverage.ShowZeroRows — Default = true.

site.scheduling.schedulePlanner.hppd.budgetVolume.useLargestChild.locationTypes — List of comma-separated Location Types that use the largest value of the Budget Volume of its children location instead of using the sum of the values.

site.scheduling.schedulePlanner.hppd.budgetVolume.useSumOfSelfAndChildrenValues.locationTypes — List of comma-separated Location Types that define Budget Volume as the sum of the location's stored value and children location values.

site.scheduling.schedulePlanner.hppd.budgetHPPD.useImportedValue.locationTypes — List of comma-separated Location Types that import Budget Hours/Volume rather than calculate.

site.scheduling.schedulePlanner.enterTimeOff.authorizeManagerWithJobMembershipInEmployeeGroup — If true, managers cannot enter or cancel time off in the Schedule Planner for employees on shifts where the job is not included in the manager's Employee Group on the date that is being modified. If false, managers can enter or cancel time off for any employees whose shifts are visible in the Schedule Planner.

Value: required; installed default=false


site.scheduling.schedulePlanner.hppd.budgetHours.deriveHoursFromHPPDValue.locationTypes — List of comma-separated Location Types that define Budget Hours as Budget Hours/Volume times Volume.

site.scheduling.calendarsynchronization.displaylinktoProWFM — If true, a link to the event in UKG Pro WFM is included in the event summary in the employee's personal calendar.

site.scheduling.schedulePlanner.metrics.hourscategory.maxItems — The maximum total number of Jobs and Pay Codes which can be included in an Hours Category Setup definition.

Value: required; installed default=20 — The maximum number of job transfer entries displayed in job transfer set drop-down lists. Job transfer set drop-down lists display an informational message and a search mechanism when the number of job transfer sets in the system exceeds the limit specified here. The default is 1000. — Defines whether shifts that do not have overcoverage can be transferred from the Assignments tab.

Value: required; installed default=false

site.scheduling.schedulePlanner.hppd.scheduleVolume.useImportedValueOnly.locationTypes — List of comma-separated Location Types that always display stored Projected Volume values for Target and Scheduled rows.

site.scheduling.auditing.displayTimeInUsersTimeZone — Use the user time zone (true) or UTC (false) to display the time in the dataView.

site.scheduling.scheduleplanner.dailycoverage.showViewAll — Specifies if the default view for spans is View All (true) or Total Shifts (false).
Value: required; installed default=false

site.scheduling.managePosting.postedBy.displayFullname — Display manager's full name on the Manage Schedule Posting panel.

site.scheduling.metrics.rollup.filters.enabled — This setting enables rollup filters for Metrics in the Schedule Planner Widget


site.scheduling.manager.schedule.tiles.employee.limit.for.hyperfind — Sets the limit for the number of employees returned by the Schedule Manager tile Hyperfind.

site.scheduling.dataview.poston.displayTimeInUsersTimeZone — A Boolean indicator of whether or not the user's time zone is used to display the post on time in a dataview. When false, the UTC time zone is used.

site.scheduling.orgPathLevelsToDisplay — The number of business structure levels to display in Scheduling, Employee Self-Service, Staffing Dashboard, Control Center, and certain tags in Workflow Notifications.

This setting affects how the organizational job path is displayed in the following areas:

  • Schedule Planner — All schedule entities that show the organizational job path; all tooltips; all drop-down lists
  • Employee Self-Service
    • My Schedule
    • My Schedule tile
    • Swap, Open, and Cover shift requests
    • Shift details and refined shifts displayed on the Events and Requests tabs in My Calendar
    • Printed schedule
    • Location Schedule
  • Staffing Dashboard
  • Control Center
  • Tags used in Workflow Notifications
    • Open Shift
    • Open Shift Available
    • Request to Cover
    • Shift Swap
    • Schedule Posting

Example: An organizational job of RN in a hospital might have the following full path: Hospitals/GeneralHospital/Floor1/Maternity/RN

If you specify the site.scheduling.orgPathLevelsToDisplay setting as 3, the job path is truncated to the last 3 levels and is displayed as:


Value: required; installed default = 15.

site.scheduling.schedulePlanner.metrics.hourscategoryset.maxItems — The maximum number of Hours Categories which can be included in an Hours Category Set Setup definition.

Value: required; installed default=5

site.scheduling.schedulePlanner.skipPersistenceOnNonUpdates.enabled — Specifies whether to skip performing a database update of schedule items when no values are changed.

site.scheduling.schedulePlanner.export.exportCoverageData — Specifies if the schedule coverage information is exported when a user attempts to export a schedule's data.
Value: required; installed default=false

site.scheduling.schedulePlanner.hppd.scheduleVolume.useLargestChild.locationTypes — List of comma separated Location Types that use the largest Projected Volume value of its children locations for the Target and Scheduled rows instead of using the sum of the values

Default = /usr/local/kronos/wfc/applications/fatiguemanagement/log/

Default = false

site.scheduling.schedulePlanner.metrics.indicators.maxItems — The maximum number of Indicators which can be included in a Metrics Setup definition.
Value: required; installed default=20


site.scheduling.schedulePlanner.metrics.strategies.maxItems — The maximum number of Rollup Strategy groups which can be included in a Metrics Setup definition.
Value: required; installed default=5

site.scheduling.schedulePlanner.skillcertificationcoverage.proficiencylevelmatchingmode.Reference — Defines how to compare the skill or certification proficiency levels of employees to the required proficiency levels in the skill and certification profiles of shift segments.

Value: required; installed default=ignored

site.scheduling.schedulePlanner.hppd.hoursStatistic.paidHoursPerVolume — If true, specifies if hours per volume is paid time instead of actual time.

Value: required; installed default=false

site.scheduling.schedulePlanner.hppd.budgetVolume.useImportedValueOnly.locationTypes — List of comma-separated Location Types that always display stored values of Projected Volume for Target and Scheduled rows.

site.scheduling.schedulePlanner.hppd.volume.useAverage.locationTypes — List of comma-separated Location Types that use average volume for the day instead of largest volume for the day.

site.scheduling.shift.validateconsistentoncallrules — Validate that all segments within a shift point toward the same Call-In rule

site.scheduling.teamdefinition.member.limit.pagination — The maximum number of team members displayed for a team definition. Team definitions display an informational message and a search mechanism when the number of team members exceeds the limit specified here. The default is 1000.

site.scheduling.schedulePlanner.hppd.actualVolume.useImportedValueOnly.locationTypes — List of comma-separated Location Types that always use stored Actual Volume values.

site.scheduling.schedulePlanner.hppd.useFirstScheduleZoneForDayStart — If true, uses a location's first Schedule Zone to determine when a day starts and ends on the Hours/Volume tab.

Value: required; installed default=false

— Apply the Maximum Consecutive Days rule in Minor Rule Set to the calendar week only.
Value: required; installed default=true

site.scheduling.shiftlengthrule.effectivetime.useTotalizer — When set to True, the Timekeeping Totalizer will be used to compute the Effective Time in the Employee Rule Set Shift Length Rules, which will impact performance. When set to False, the Scheduling Totalizer is used to compute the Effective Time and unpaid breaks are excluded from the shift length calculation.

Value: required; installed default=false