Timekeeping System Settings

Navigate to Administration > Application Setup > System Configuration > System Settings > Timekeeping tab.

Key and value details

site.timekeeping.accrualPayOutBeIncludedAsNonCancellingPayCodeEdit — Specifies whether accrual payouts are to be treated as non-cancelling pay code edits.

site.timekeeping.allowEditsThatAffectTotalsOutsideTimeframe — When set to true, you can enter punches that impact totals on the flanking days of the selected time period. The default value is false.

site.timekeeping.allowRequestsInSignedOffPeriod — Specifies whether time-off requests can be processed, submitted, approved, or cancelled for signed-off periods. This setting governs time-off requests that employees initiate for themselves and that managers initiate for employees.
Value: optional; Default = false

site.timekeeping.AutomaticSignOffBatchSize — The number of employees in each batch for Automatic Sign off. Higher number means lesser batches and more processing time per batch.

site.timekeeping.brc.exportFile.aej.day.paycode.Duration — In the AEJ Report, the total number of minutes for the pay codes associated with each Export Key is required. For the Absence Export Key, Day based pay codes are supported. Use this setting to define the number of minutes that represent a day. The default is 480.

site.timekeeping.brc.exportFile.defaultReason — When adding or deleting a punch, a comment is required for AEJ reporting purposes. If no comment is entered, this Reason code/comment is used.

site.timekeeping.brc.exportFile.PTRPdeveloperEmail — An email address that the auditor can contact if there is an issue. A group email address for a support team in Brazil is recommended.

site.timekeeping.brc.mirror.combinedPayCode.name — Specify the combined pay code (Hours type) that is used in the Timecard Mirror report to calculate the duration of time worked by an employee.

site.timekeeping.CompressedWorkWeek.enabled — Enables the For Work Week option within an Overtime Rule, enabling scheduling for compressed work weeks (9/80). The default is false.

site.timekeeping.computeCorrections_earliestCorrectionDateName — Specifies person date to be populated by compute pending corrections API when run through event manager.

site.timekeeping.computeCorrections_latestCorrectionDateName — Specifies the person date to be populated by Compute Pending Corrections API when run through Event Manager.

site.timekeeping.computeCorrections_processedHistoricDateName — Specifies person date to be populated by compute pending corrections API when run through event manager.

site.timekeeping.computeCorrections_referenceDateOffset — Specifies offset from current date to be used as reference date by compute pending corrections API when run through event manager. Default: 90; Minimum: 7.

site.timekeeping.computeCorrections_requestedHistoricDateName — Specifies person date to be populated by compute pending corrections API when run through event manager.

site.timekeeping.computeCorrections_runDateTimeName — Specifies person date to be populated by compute pending corrections API when run through event manager.

site.timekeeping.DateToEnableOverrideWagesForAdjustments — For Adjustment Rules and Percent Allocation Rules, if an employee has a wage override in effect then the wage override is used as the wage to modify instead of the base wage.

To enable this behavior, enter an effective date. Keep in mind that if you enter a date that is earlier than the last signed-off pay period historical corrections may occur.

site.timekeeping.deductUnpaidTimeFromOnCall — Specifies whether non-worked segments are deducted from On Call.

Value: required; installed default=true

site.timekeeping.displayScheduledPCEStartTime — Determines how duration paycode edits can be entered in the timecard. The edit can be scheduled or not scheduled.

If set to false, you can only enter a duration paycode with a symbolic amount. The In and Out times are not editable.

If set to true, you can enter a duration paycode in either of the following ways:

  • Enter a symbolic amount in the Amount column
  • Enter the time of the duration in the In and Out columns

Value: required; installed default=true

site.timekeeping.editScheduleIgnoreNoSaveRules — When set to true, all No Save schedule rules are ignored when editing the schedule from the timecard. The default value is false.


site.timekeeping.enforceGeofenceForKiosk — Specifies whether geofencing should be enforced for Kiosk. True indicates that Kiosk punches will have their geolocation validated by the list of known places.

site.timekeeping.enforceGeofenceForQuickTimestamp — Specifies whether geofencing should be enforced for Quick Timestamp. True indicates that Quick Timestamp punches will have their geolocation validated by the list of known places.

site.timekeeping.filterProjectedExceptions — The boolean of timekeeping to filter the projected exceptions.

site.timekeeping.fixedOneTimeGrantAppliesOnReferenceDay — Specifies whether fixed, one time only grants should be applied on the reference day of the date pattern. The default is false.

If the setting is false, one-time fixed grants are applied on the second instance of the date pattern.

If the setting is true, one-time fixed grants are applied on the first instance (start) of the date pattern.

site.timekeeping.historicalCorrectionsIncludeInTotals — Specifies whether totals for corrections are included in the next pay cycle by default. Totals are always included in the Historical Date.

True (the default) specifies that corrections are included.

site.timekeeping.historicalCorrectionsPersistingWithoutEditPermission.comment — When the system setting site.timekeeping.historicalCorrectionsPersistingWithoutEditPermission.enable is set to true, automatic comments are included for each pending correction saved by a user without permission to edit signed-off time. The default comment is “Correction saved without access”. You can use this system setting to change the default comment.

The selection list includes all comments in the Paycode category. For auditing purposes, it is not recommended to remove the comment. If you do need to remove the comment, you can do this by selecting the blank row.

site.timekeeping.historicalCorrectionsPersistingWithoutEditPermission.enable — Specifies how to handle historical corrections saved by users without permission to edit signed-off time. The default is false.

Once this setting is set to true, automatic comments are included for each pending correction saved by a user without permission to edit signed-off time. The default comment is “Correction saved without access”. To change the comment, use the following system setting:site.timekeeping.historicalCorrectionsPersistingWithoutEditPermission.comment

When this setting is enabled, you can also configure if corrections saved by users without permission are included in totals (see the site.timekeeping.historicalCorrectionsPersistingWithoutEditPermission.includelnTotals system setting).

See also Historical corrections saved without privileges.

site.timekeeping.historicalCorrectionsPersistingWithoutEditPermission.includelnTotals — Specifies if corrections saved by users without permission are included in totals in the next pay cycle. Totals are always included in the Historical Date. The default is false.

  • This setting is only in effect when the setting “site.timekeeping.historicalCorrectionsPersistingWithoutEditPermission.enable” is also set to true.
  • This setting overrides the “site.timekeeping.historicalCorrectionsIncludeInTotals” system setting only in the specific scenarios where the logged-on user does not have permission to edit timecards after sign-off.

site.timekeeping.includeOnCallHoursInDailyTotalsOnTimecard — Specifies whether on-call hours contribute to the daily total in the timecard grid and the Totals add-on. The default is true.

site.timekeeping.MAX_ALLOWED_GEOLOCATION_ACCURACY — Maximum allowed accuracy of punch geolocation (in meters). A punch entered with an accuracy greater than this value is considered a punch without a valid geolocation.


site.timekeeping.MaxDaysToTriggerCTWhenLoadingTimecard — Limits triggering of the Callable Totalizer when the timecard is loaded prior to the number of days specified. Default: 500

site.timekeeping.MultipleAssignments.GroupEditEnabled — Enables group edits for multiple assignment employees.

site.timekeeping.optimistic_lock_buffer_size_in_minutes — Specifies the amount of time, in minutes, to add to the end of the time period to verify that there are no conflicting edits to the employee’s timecard before performing a save function. The system automatically verifies that no other changes have been made in the same time frame. This key lengthens the time period to be checked.

Value: required; minimum=0; installed default=0

site.timekeeping.PayCode.EditExcusesCoreViolation.Enabled — If pay codes are configured to excuse absences, core violations will also be excused if true.

Value: required; installed default=true

site.timekeeping.paycodedist.display_limit — Set the maximum number of paycode distributions to display in the Paycode Distribution editor. The default value is 0 (unlimited).

site.timekeeping.payperiodCreationBoundsInDays — Controls the amount of time (in days) that past pay periods are retained. Default 730 (2 Years); Maximum 1825 (5 years)

site.timekeeping.payrolllock.recalculating — True is current behavior, totals are recalculated. False is new behavior, totals are not recalculated and accruals are not displayed.


Value: installed default=500

site.timekeeping.percentAllocationStopCascadeAfterTriggerMatchFound — Specifies whether Percent Allocation Rules continue to evaluate triggers once a match is found. The default is false. True indicates the first matching trigger is used and evaluation completes.

Note: As a best practice, make changes to this system setting at the beginning of a pay period boundary. Additionally, refrain from making changes to the system setting value if totalization is occurring. When changing the system setting to true, historical corrections may be generated.

site.timekeeping.prevailingWages.mandatoryColumns — This property can be used to define a comma-separated list of mandatory column names for the prevailing wages table. A maximum of 3 column names can be specified in this property.

site.timekeeping.punchExtractMaximumEmployeeCount — Controls the maximum number of employees that can be retrieved on a single page when running the Punch Extract API. Default: 25; Minimum: 1; Maximum: 50.

site.timekeeping.QTS.attestationTimeout.Seconds — Specifies the amount of time in seconds that employees have to review and answer the questions in each Attestation form when using Quick Time Stamp. After the amount of time specified here, the form times out.

Default=10 seconds

site.timekeeping.recordTimestampAfterApproval — Specifies whether employees can record timestamp if their timecard is approved.

Default = false

site.timekeeping.removeEmployeeApprovalWhenManagerEditsTimecard — Specifies whether an employee's timecard approval should be removed on a day that a manager edits. This function access control point is typically used with attestation so that when a manager changes an employee's time after the employee attested and approved his or her time, the employee is asked to re-attest and re-approve the modified time.

Value: required; installed default=true

site.timekeeping.retainDefaultLaborCategory — Persists entries from employee's Default Labor Category when the value is valid for the Business Structure and is not specified in a transfer.

Value: default is false; when set to true, default Labor Categories persist for transactions where the explicit transfer either excludes the category or does not include a valid Labor Category entry for that category.

site.timekeeping.service.attestation.lookback.minutes — Maximum look back minutes for attestation, any in-process shifts with start time older than this time will be filtered out.

Default: 900 (15 hours)

site.timekeeping.shared.usePreviousPunchForGeofence — When true, the Known Place associated with the previously submitted punch will be used during the punch validations for geofenced employees.

site.timekeeping.signOffCurrentPayPeriodAllowed — Specifies whether the user can sign off on the current pay period. This setting accommodates changes in time zones and is also useful during a holiday week, for example, to sign off on employees before leaving for the week.

Value: required; installed default=false; recommended value: false

site.timekeeping.signOffGracePeriodDeltaInMinutes — Specifies the amount of time, in minutes, in which punches can be added at the boundary of a signed off region. When an employee works over a day divide and the previous pay period is signed off, the user loses access to the in-punch of the first shift of the current pay period. This key lengthens the current time period into the previous pay period to gain access to the in-punches that fall into the previous pay period.

Note: This setting does not affect system generated punches. For example, you cannot edit Pay From Schedule punches within a signed-off pay period, even when they occur within the grace period.

Value: required; minimum=0; installed default=0

site.timekeeping.timecardRefresh — Refresh timecard automatically.


site.timekeeping.TimeEntryEditsAttestation.Enabled — Specifies whether punch edits are supported for Time Entry Attestation.

site.timekeeping.tk.alerts.actionButtons.Enabled — Controls the display of Actionable Buttons for OVERTIME APPROACHING, OVERTIME MISSED, MISSED PUNCH, and UNEXCUSED ABSENCE on the Timekeeping Push Notifications.

Default = false

site.timekeeping.TransferSliderMaxListSize — The maximum number of transfers that can be loaded in the transfer slider drop down lists.

site.timekeeping.validateIncludingFutureHires — When set to true, managers can enter time-off in the Schedule Planner for employees who have a future hire date. For example, a manager could enter vacation time for an employee who has not yet started.


site.timekeeping.managerAttestationProfile.enable — Enables manager Attestation when editing employee timecards.

site.timekeeping.managerAttestationProfile.name — Specifies the name of the Attestation Profile used by managers when editing employee timecards.