Translation - Setup Data

Translation - Setup Data enables you to extend the translations in language packs. Language packs, in general, provide translation of application pages and system data. Translation - Setup Data enables you to translate certain data that you created during setup.

Use the Translation - Setup Data page (Administration > Application Setup > System Configuration > Translation > Setup Data) to select configured data to be translated.

The default, or base language, is typically English but can be any installed language. You can export the Setup data to an Excel file, and send the file to a vendor for translation or have the translation done in-house. Following translation, import the file into the system with the translated values. The system creates a separate spreadsheet for each language.

You can select the following entity types to translate. The fields that are translated for each type are listed.

Note: If you need to revert a translated value to the value in the Original column, remove the translated value in the Translated column and then enter the value from the Original column in the Translated column. If you only clear the value from the Translated column, the Translated value will still be used.
