In the Employee section of People Information, you can enter or modify information in the Information, Contacts, Additional Information, Person's Dates, Process Profiles, and Access Profiles groups.

Basic employee information:
- Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Short Name
If configured, you can enter phonetic full names, which help employees recognize and pronounce unfamiliar names in multi-national environments.
- ID — The employee's ID.
- Birth Date — The employee's date of birth.
- Hire Date — The employee's hire date.
- Employee photo — Click Edit
- For best results the image should be 100 x 100 pixels, 1 MB or less in size, and must be either a .jpg or .png file.
Employee Status:
- Employment Status and Effective Date.
- Username — The user name for the account.
- UPN — The user name that is compliant with UKG Authentication for the user account. This field streamlines user account management and avoids disruptions during user-name updates.
Compliant user names must be as follows:
- Can include only alphanumeric characters and the following: @ . _ + - ! # $ ' ^ ` ~
- Can be an email address but cannot duplicate an email address that is configured in the person record
Valid if Username is person@abc.com, and Email is person@def.com
Not valid if both Username and Email are person@abc.com
- Cannot include spaces and accented letters
- Authentication Type — Select Basic or Federated.
- Select Basic authentication if you manage authentication within your tenant. With basic authentication, you also specify and confirm the user’s password, indicate if a password change is required at the next logon, and indicate if an employee is a clock-only user.
- Select Federated authentication if your environment uses an identity provider, with or without single sign-on, to authenticate users. Passwords and authentication are provided by your identity provider.
- For more information, see the Authentication topic.
- Password (Only for basic authentication) — Add and confirm a password.
- (not editable) Last Password Change (Only for basic authentication) — Indicates the date and time of the last password change.
- Require password change at the next logon (Only for basic authentication) — If selected, the employee must change their password the next time they log on.
- Account Locked — Select this check box to manually lock out a user from the system. When a user account is locked and the person attempts to log in with the correct password, an error message indicates that the account is locked and provides information about how to unlock the account.
To unlock a user account, clear Account Locked.
Account Locked is not available when Account Lockout is set to disabled in the user's Logon Profile.
For access to Account Locked, Lock out access control must be set to Allowed in your Function Access Profile.
Caution:If an account is locked because of too many failed attempts to log in with a one-time password (OTP), do the following to unlock the account:
- Select Account Locked to manually lock the account.
- Save the changes.
- Clear Account Locked to manually unlock the account.
- Save the changes.
Alternatively, reset the password to unlock the account.
- Clock Only User — Select this check box for users who interact with the system only through a clock, including the Smart Views on the clock. They will have a user name but no password and no Web access to the application. This option is only available for users with the Authentication Type of Basic.
- MFA Required — If selected, this user account uses multi-factor authentication (MFA), and the person receives a one-time message or email with instructions for completing the logon.
Caution: You cannot turn off MFA for manager and administrator user accounts.
- API Only User — Set a user account as an API-only user account. This type of user account is for system-to-system API calls — such as for integrations — and the account supports only API calls; you cannot use it to log in from a browser or mobile app.
- User Account Status — Every user is assigned one user account that contains authorization and logon information. A person entered as both a manager and an employee is assigned only one user account.
- Primary Job, Primary Labor Category, and Effective Date — Specify the employee's primary job, primary labor category, and effective date.
- Show Primary Job Name — Select Current Name to display the employee’s current primary job, or select When Job was assigned to display the name of the job when it was assigned.
- Time Zone — Select the employee's time zone.
- Reports To — Select the name of the person's manager.
- Seniority Date — The employee's seniority date.
- Position Code — Enter the employee's position code (used for integration purposes) and the effective dates.
Note: Reserved characters are not allowed in the username. But, if used in an alphanumeric string, these reserved characters are allowed in the Username: . @ _ + - ' ^ ` ~ $

Specify personal and contact information, such as address, telephone, and email address.
Phone — You can enter up to three telephone numbers. Select the check box next to the telephone number if the number is an SMS number. Generic notification messages can be sent as an SMS text message to a hand-held device. Selecting the SMS check box enables the system to send SMS messages to one of the phone numbers listed.
Email — For security purposes, the email address entered here should only be accessible by employees with privileges for this account. If the same email address is used for multiple employees, be aware that anyone with access to the email address entered here could potentially access accounts they may not have privileges to by using the Reset Password option at login.

To ensure employees in a specific locale have unique email addresses, you can configure the system to check for duplicate email addresses. When you create or update an employee record and then save, if the email address already exists for any other employee, an information message appears to indicate this. You can then enter a unique email address for the employee and save the record.
To configure the system for this:
- Enable the site.email.enforceUniqueness system setting.
- Open the locale policy (or create a new one) and select the Email Uniqueness option.
For employees assigned a locale policy with the Email Uniqueness option selected, email duplication is checked when their employee record is created or updated.
Note: If your organization has existing employee records that you do not need to update but still need to verify if there are duplicate email addresses, you can run a Dataview A configurable tool for analyzing data and taking actions on a group of employees or an organization. to discover existing duplicate email addresses across the locale and correct those as needed.

Specify information customized for your site. The custom fields, such as emergency contact, are created during setup using the Custom Field Labels option in Display Preferences. The field names are read-only. You can add or modify information for a specific person in the text box next to each Additional Information field.
If you need additional custom field labels, go to Application Setup > Display Preferences > Custom Field Labels. The default number of custom fields is 10, but may be increased if needed. To configure the number of custom fields:
- Go to Application Setup > System Configuration > System Settings > Global Values.
- Find the global.customFields.count value and modify as necessary, up to a maximum of 30.
- Click Save.
KnowledgePass Learning Path — The code that specifies the KnowledgePass courses that a user can access. (KnowledgePass Learning Paths are defined in KnowledgePass.)
Restricted User — When selected, restricts the user to their Learning Path only. Otherwise, they see all KnowledgePass courses.

Specify and view dates, such as anniversary or enrollment, as customized for your site. The details of the dates, such as default dates, are configured in Accruals setup for an individual employee. To override a given date, select a date in the Override Date column.

Assign a Process profile to an employee or manager. The Process profile enables the use of Actions or My Actions (for example, time-off requests Request subtypes that employees use to request time off for vacation, illness or recovery, appointments, personal time, or other absences. Time-off requests can be configured to support many different employment scenarios.), based on the process templates A file that automates and directs the flow of a business process. It contains the tasks, people, and rules that define the process. that are in the profile.

Assign profiles that specify what tasks users can perform, the data to which they have access, and what appears in their system display.
If multiple manager roles are enabled, the Function Access Profile and Display Profile for managers display (with the profiles for the manager's default role) in the Access Profiles section, but are controlled in Manager Role-Assignments.
Note: If an employee has their manager capability removed, then all manager related sections in People Information are removed and the Function Access Profile and the Display Profile become active in the Access Profile section. If the same employee has their manager capability reinstated, then all of the manager related sections are available again, their previously saved roles are reinstated, and Function Access Profiles and Display Profiles are managed from Manager Role-Assignments.
- Function Access Profile — Specifies the components (by function access points) that a user is allowed to access and the functions that they can perform on those components (for example, Add, Edit, Delete, or View). See Administration > Application Setup > Access Profiles > Function Access Profiles.
- Display Profile — Specifies how data is displayed; for example, data formats, accruals display, and so on. See Administration > Application Setup > Display Preferences > Display Profiles.
- Locale Policy — Contains regions settings, such as language, date and number format. See Administration > Application Setup > System Configuration > Locale Policy.
- Notification Profile — Indicates the destination for generic notifications, based on the notification's priority level. See Administration > Application Setup > System Configuration > Notification Profiles.
- Delegate Profile — (Managers) Names the individuals who can act in the manager’s role when the manager is absent; for example, to approve timecards, absences, and so on. See Administration > Application Setup > Common Setup > Delegate Profiles.
- Generic Data Access Profiles — (Managers) Divides configured pay rules and accruals data among different business units or locations within your organization.
If you do not want to assign a profile, select <None > , Empty Profile, or No Profile.