Publish reports

When you create a report, it is unpublished. Before managers can access the report, you must publish it. When you publish a report, you add a number of display options that are used when users run reports. After you publish the report, you must add it to a Report Data Access Profile and assign it in a manager's People Information record.

You publish reports from the Report Management - Unpublished Report page. Publishing reports is usually an administrator task. You must have access to Application Setup.

To access the Report Management - Unpublished Report page:

  1. From the Main Menu, select Administration > Application Setup.
  2. From the Setup page, select Common Setup > Unpublished Reports. The Report Management - Unpublished Reports page opens.

From the Report Management - Unpublished Report page:

  1. Select a report and (missing or bad snippet)Publish. .
  2. In the New Published Report window, provide the following information:
    • Report Name — Enter the name of the report.
    • Description — (Optional) Enter a description.
    • Label — (Optional) Enter the name that is displayed in the user's list of published reports.
    • Default Output Type — Select from:
    1. PDF
    2. XLSX
    3. Interactive
    • Category — Select the category of the published report. The category is used to organize the published reports. For example, if you are publishing a Time Detail report, it should probably be organized within the Timekeeping category.
    • If necessary, you can publish the report in more than one category.
    • Report Parameters — Although the parameter list cannot be modified, you can modify the parameter label and whether or not it is mandatory or displayed to the user.
    • To change a parameter, select it, click tapEdit then make the necessary changes.

By default, when you publish a report, it can be accessed by the All Reports data access profile.