Employee Roster report
This Healthcare Productivity Healthcare Productivity allows managers to analyze payroll, volume, and daily labor data so that they can make informed budget and schedule decisions based on metrics for the actual volume, the core scheduling plan, and staffing decisions. Previously, Healthcare Productivity (HCP) was called Healthcare Analytics (HCA). report shows the roster of employees for a work unit Work units (WU) define departments, work groups, and combine business structure nodes or jobs into single entities for productivity analysis. All Healthcare Productivity reports require work units.. It includes the employee’s Work Group, Work Group Description, Job Code (skill code), Standard Hours Non-overtime hours that each employee is expected to work., and demographic data such as Employment Status, Job Title, Hire Date, and Termination Date. Employees are included if they have paid hours during the reporting period, and the work unit is assigned as their home department.
After the roster for each work unit, the employees for the work unit are summarized by Work Group, Employment Status, Number of Employees, Hours, and FTEs.

Note: To schedule reports, see the Schedule and Manage Report Jobs topic.
- Select Main Menu
> Dataviews A configurable tool for analyzing data and taking actions on a group of employees or an organization. & Reports > Report Library. - From the Report Library, click tap Run Report
. - In the Select Report panel, select Healthcare Productivity > the Employee Roster report.
- Click Tap Select.
- Select the applicable report parameters:
By default, the Reference Date is set to yesterday's date (today —1).
- This date changes daily. So, the Reference Date is always the day before the day of the report run.
You manually run a report on Tuesday, November 3; the Reference Date is Monday, November 2.
A scheduled report runs on Tuesday, November 10; the Reference Date is Monday, November 9.
A recurring scheduled report runs every Tuesday; the Reference Date is the Monday before each run.
- You can select a different Reference Date for this run of the report.
Caution: If you change the default Reference Date for a recurring scheduled report, that date becomes fixed for subsequent runs. As a result, the subsequent reports do not show updated data. See the Schedule and Manage Report Jobs topic.
- To configure a different offset from today's date, you can change the site.healthcareanalytics.referencedate.offset system setting; see the Healthcare Productivity System Settings topic.
- This date changes daily. So, the Reference Date is always the day before the day of the report run.
Work Unit Hyperfind A search engine that filters and selects groups of employees through queries that specify conditions or locations (criteria).: Select one of the following hyperfind queries that contains the appropriate work unit:
Caution: If the report will be in Excel format, make sure that the report contains no more than 90 work units because spreadsheets cannot contain more worksheets (tabs), and each work unit occupies one worksheet.
- All My Department Work Units: Show all Department-type work units in the organizational sets that you can access in the business structure.
Example: If you can access 100 departments, and each department has a corresponding work unit, this hyperfind returns 100 department-type work units.
- All My Work Units: Show all work units, regardless of location type, in the organizational sets that you can access in the business structure.
Caution: This hyperfind returns work units of different types that are excluded from reports; the Healthcare Productivity reports show department types only.
Example: If you can access 2 out of 5 facilities, this hyperfind returns only those 2 facility work units plus all department and work group work units that are in those facilities.
- Work unit hyperfinds: Select one of the custom hyperfinds.
- Single Work Unit: Select one work unit.
Note: Typically, you run this report only for department-type work units. (Optional) This report can be run for a facility to report for all employees in the facility.
- All My Department Work Units: Show all Department-type work units in the organizational sets that you can access in the business structure.
Work Unit: (Available only if you select Single Work Unit in Work Unit Hyperfind) Select the work unit. The list shows only work units that you can access.
Note: This report uses the Reference Date for the most recently completed pay period, and you do not have to select a time period.
In Output Format, select one of the following:
Caution: The CSV (comma-separated values) output is not suited for Healthcare Productivity reports because of the complex structure of the reports.
Note: Healthcare Productivity reports support only PDF, Excel, and Interactive formats; other formats are not supported.
Click Tap Run Report.
Status indicators
In-Progress: The report is running. Completed: The report ran successfully without errors. Failed: The report has errors; check the Run Summary for details. Correct the error and run the report again.
Select the report and click tap the right arrow
. - Click Tap View Report.
- To modify interactive reports, see the Organize and modify data with interactive viewer topic.
- Select Menu
and one of the following: - Enable Interactivity: Select to sort, filter, group, or analyze the data in the table. See the Organize and modify data with interactive viewer topic.
- Parameters
- Report output: In Table of Contents: Select to filter the report by one of the following Types:
Note: Both types are sorted by Total > Work (skill) Group > Employment Status > Employee for regular and supplemental labor.
Hours (employees worked): Shows the productive hours, non-productive hours, and total paid hours for each employee.
Money (employees earned): Shows the productive amounts, non-productive amounts, and total paid amounts for each employee.
- Export Content
- Export Data

This report has the following views:
- Employee Detail for full details
- Summary View for a summary by work group
At the top of the report — both views
- Pay Period Reference Date — The report includes data for the pay period that contains this reference date.
Work Unit — The work units that are being reported.
Current as of — The date when the system data was updated; the data is current on this date.
Executed on — The date and time when the report ran.
Printed for — The user name — LastName, FirstName — of the person who ran the report.
In the report — Employee Detail view
If the Summary View of the report is open, click tap Employee Detail.
- WORK GROUP DESCRIPTION: The descriptive label for the work group that is associated to the primary job.
- WORK GROUP: The code or ID for the work group.
- EMPLOYEE: The employee's full name.
- EMPLOYMENT STATUS: The employee's current employment status as defined by the payroll file: Full Time, Part Time, Pool, Per Diem, or Internal Agency.
- STANDARD HOURS: The sum of standard hours for each employee.
Note: Only for full time and part time employees. For Pool, Per Diem, and Internal Agency employees, the Standard Hours equal 0.0 (zero).
- PRIMARY JOB: The job code of the primary job in the labor category entry from the payroll feed.
- PRIMARY JOB DESCRIPTION: A description of the labor category entry.
- JOB NAME: The name of the generic job that is mapped to the job code in the labor category entry.
- HIRE DATE: The date the employee was hired by the organization.
- TERMINATION DATE: If the employee is terminated, the date the employee was terminated by the organization.
- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: Total number of employees in the work unit.
- STANDARD HOURS: The sum of standard hours as defined by the payroll file.
Note: Only for full time and part time employees. For Pool, Per Diem, and Internal Agency employees, the Standard Hours equal 0.0 (zero).
- FTEs: Paid Hours for full-time equivalent (FTE) employees = Standard Hours / Pay Period FTE Factor.
Note: Only for full time and part time employees. For Pool, Per Diem, and Internal Agency employees, the Standard Hours and therefore the FTEs equal 0.0 (zero).
In the report — Summary View
From the Employee Detail view of the report, click tap Summary View.
- WORK GROUP: The code or ID for the work group.
- EMPLOYMENT STATUS: The employee's current employment status as defined by the payroll file: Full Time, Part Time, Pool, Per Diem, or Internal Agency.
- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: Total number of employees in the work unit.
- STANDARD HOURS: The sum of standard hours as defined by the payroll file.
Note: Only for full time and part time employees. For Pool, Per Diem, and Internal Agency employees, the Standard Hours equal 0.0 (zero).
- FTEs: Paid Hours for full-time equivalent (FTE) employees = Standard Hours / Pay Period FTE Factor.
Note: Only for full time and part time employees. For Pool, Per Diem, and Internal Agency employees, the Standard Hours and therefore the FTEs equal 0.0 (zero).