Productivity Detailed Hours Daily Report

This Healthcare Productivity report shows productivity details aggregated daily or over a date range. It is a flat tabular report that lists productivity by work unit so that managers can compare productivity between work units daily or over a date range. Totals are identified as favorable and unfavorable based on threshold logic.

The report shows the following:

  • Totals: By Actual hours, Target hours, and Productivity Index.
  • Favorable Totals (green): Based on threshold logic by Actual hours, Target hours, and Productivity Index.
  • Unfavorable Totals (red): Based on threshold logic by Actual hours, Target hours, and Productivity Index.
  • Work Units with Favorable Productivity Index
  • Work Units with Unfavorable Productivity Index

Note: The Analytics & Healthcare Analytics license automatically enables Healthcare Productivity metrics, however you have to manually enable timekeeping metrics to make these timekeeping metrics available for daily Healthcare Productivity reports.Refer to the Enable timekeeping metrics for Healthcare Productivity help topic.