Daily Headcount report

This report shows a daily schedule by location along with the number and categories of healthcare staff employed or contracted by the facility, as well as the total number of hours worked by licensed and unlicensed healthcare staff who are directly responsible for resident care. The report also provides the census by time span.

Healthcare managers can use this report to continually evaluate the hours per volume (HPPD) metrics Measures and tracks workforce performance by comparing planned with actual workload or coverage, or by showing variances at any organizational level. in their unit to ensure patient care needs are being met and to plan healthcare staffing. Central staffing managers can use this report to monitor staffing levels across the facility to ensure patient needs are being met and to make sure adequate nursing care hours are provided for each unit.

The report displays a separate daily table per location. Each location begins on a new page. When a location requires multiple pages, the location name is repeated on each page.

Note: You cannot change this report, but you can copy it and modify the copy.