Enter time off

Managers use Enter Time Off requests to enter absences on behalf of employees, bypassing the request and approval process. The system automatically calculates the correct duration of the absence based on the employee’s schedule for the day or based on contract hours.

Depending on your system configuration, you may not have access to enter time off for employees whose jobs are not included in your employee group on the date that is being modified. An error message displays when you submit the time off request if you are not authorized to do so.

If you do not have access, you cannot enter time off in the following situations:

  • When a full or partial shift has a job that is transferred out of your Employee Group
  • When there are multiple shifts on the same day where one or more shifts have jobs that are not in your Employee Group
  • When you select a range of dates to enter time off for multiple days, and one or more days have shifts where the job is not in your Employee Group
  • When there is no shift scheduled on a day, and the employee's primary job on that day is not in your Employee Group

Note: If historical time-off requests Request subtypes that employees use to request time off for vacation, illness or recovery, appointments, personal time, or other absences. Time-off requests can be configured to support many different employment scenarios. are enabled, the timecards are signed off, and edits are enabled for historical corrections Edits that occur after timecards are approved and signed-off., you can enter time off in signed-off periods.

Time-off requests across day divide

Note: To ensure the hours are totalized correctly for processing time-off across the day divide Time that defines when one day ends and a new day begins. The day divide is defined in a pay rule. If a shift crosses the day divide, the pay rule defines how the hours are allocated: to the day before, the day after, or to the day on which the worked hour occurred., the administrator must set the effective date to 1/1/1900 in the global.totalizer.duration.useOriginalShift.effectiveDate Global Values system setting. For more information, see the Application Setup > System Configuration > Global Values help topic.

On a single shift that crosses an employee's day divide, when you enter two half-day time-off requests (1st Half and 2nd Half), the entire shift is overridden. Two half-day pay code edits are created and open shifts are created for each overridden portion of the original shift, based on the day divide time and the employee's fixed rules.

Example: An employee has a day divide shift that starts on Tuesday at 10pm and ends on Wednesday at 6am. You enter Vacation for a 1st Half duration resulting in 4 hours of vacation (Tuesday 10pm to Wednesday 2am). The remaining shift is Wednesday 2am to 6am. You then enter Sick for a 2nd Half duration.

The result is two half-day paycode A category of time or money that employees earn, for example, Regular Hours, Bonus, or Sick. edits: 4 hours (10pm - 2am) and 4 hours (2am - 6am). The entire original shift is overridden, and two 4-hour open shifts are created.

If you select consecutive days with shifts that cross an employee's day divide, when you enter two half-day time-off requests (1st Half and 2nd Half), the entire shifts on all consecutive days of the time-off request are overridden. Two half-day pay code edits are created for each day and open shifts are created for each overridden portion of the original shifts, based on the day divide time and the employee's fixed rules.

Example: An employee has an 8-hour day divide shift on two consecutive days — Sunday 10pm to Monday 6am, and Monday 10pm to Tuesday 6am. You enter Vacation for a 1st Half duration resulting in 4 hours of vacation from Sunday 10pm to Monday 2am, and 4 hours of vacation from Monday 10pm to Tuesday 2am. The remaining shifts are Monday 2am - 6pm and Tuesday 2am to 6am. You then enter Sick for a 2nd Half duration by selecting the dates of the remaining shifts (Monday and Tuesday.

The result is two half-day paycode edits created for each day: 4 hours (10pm - 2am) and 4 hours (2am - 6am). The entire original shifts are overridden on the consecutive days, and four 4-hour open shifts are created.


To enter time-off for an employee:

  1. Right-clickTap anywhere in the row of one employee.
  2. In the glance (also known as a contextual callout) Provides information and actions in a dialog box for an item on the screen when the user right-clicks or taps the item., select Enter Time Off . The Enter Time Off slider opens. Note that the content of the slider changes as you enter information.
  3. Note: If the button is not available, the schedule has unsaved changes. Click Tap Save .

  4. Verify the employee name in the Assign To field. If needed, you can change the employee by selecting another name from the menu.
  5. If available, use Auto Approve to indicate whether or not you want the request to be automatically approved when you submit it.
  6. If the employee has multiple assignments, select the assignment for the time-off request from the Assignment list.
  7. The employee's default assignment — which is the highest ranked assignment that you have access to through your organizational set in your Employee Group and based on the selected location — is pre-selected when you select Enter Time Off from the employee glance or the day glance. When you right-click a shift to enter time off, the assignment associated with the shift is pre-selected.

  8. Select the Type of Time Off from the list of available time-off requests.
  9. Time-off requests are configured for your site. Various types may be available, such as vacation, sick time, appointments, personal time, or other absences.

  10. Click Tap tap Apply.
  11. In Dates, accept the default date or select the dates for your request.
  12. Use the calendar to identify one or more dates, consecutive or not. You can use shift-select to specify a range of consecutive dates. To remove a previously selected date from your selection, select it again.

  13. If you have a single day selected and there are multiple shifts scheduled on that day, select an option in Apply To for how you want to apply the time off:
    • Whole day — Apply the time-off request to the full day. This option is selected by default if you initiate the time-off request from the employee glance or the schedule cell glance.
    • Selected shift — Apply the time-off request to a specific shift. This option is selected by default if you initiate the time-off request from the shift glance after selecting a specific shift in the schedule.
    • Select the shift that you want to apply the time-off request to from the list of scheduled shifts that have a start time within the selected day.

  14. Select a Duration. Depending on the type of time off you selected, you may not see all of these options because the available symbolic durations depend on the configuration of the request subtype Classifications of schedule requests from employees..
  15. For a single day with multiple shifts, when Whole day is selected in Apply To, you can only select a duration of either Full or Hours.

    Note: If the request subtype does not have the symbolic amount Instead of entering a specific amount for a paycode, a symbolic amount lets users enter a value such as full day, which translates to the number of hours in your shift. Other default symbolic amounts include half day, 1st half day, and 2nd half day. of Full or Hours configured, an error is displayed.

      • When you select Full duration: The global setting global.WTKScheduler.OverrideAllShiftsForFullScheduledDayEdit governs how shifts are overridden for a full day. If this setting is True, all shifts on the day are overridden, open shifts are created for every overridden shift, and the paycode edit amount is the sum of all shifts on the day, excluding breaks. If this setting is False, only the first shift on the day is overridden, an open shifts is created for the overridden shift, and the paycode edit amount is the sum of all shifts on the day, excluding breaks.
      • When you select Hours duration: The parts of the shifts that intersect the specified Start and End hours are overridden, open shifts are created for the overridden parts of the shift, and a paycode edit is created for the specified Start and End hours.
    • Full — Entire shift that day
    • Half — Half the total time of shifts that day
    • Note: The time off starts when the first shift of the day starts. For other half-day amounts, select 1st Half, 2nd Half, or Hours.
    • 1st Half — Total time of the first half of shifts that day
    • 2nd Half — Total time of the last half of shifts that day.
    • Hours — Enter Start Hours and End Hours.
  16. In Pay code, select the pay code for the time-off request.
  17. If available, select a paycode to Deduct From. Otherwise, the default paycode is used.
  18. Click Tap Review to see the options you have selected.
    • To change any of the details of the time-off request, click Edit .
    • To add a comment, click to select from the available comments. To add an optional note, enter text below the comment. Click Tap Delete to remove a comment.
    • (Optional) Click Tap Add if you want to include another period or paycode in this time-off request.
  19. Click Tap Submit.
  20. If Auto Approve is selected, the request is automatically approved and the change to the schedule is saved.

  21. Do one of the following: 
    • To cancel the time-off request, click Cancel Request, then click OK.
    • Note: When a time-off request is canceled, the schedule is restored based on the configured Request Cancellation setting for the request subtype.

    • To close the Enter Time Off slider, click tap TapDone.