Quick Actions
Quick Actions A tool that allows simple schedule edits to be made more easily, particularly when the same action must be taken on several items are one-click shortcuts in the action bar that you use to complete repetitive tasks, speed up data entry, and reduce errors.
How Quick Actions work
Note: For multiple assignments employees: The employee's default assignment is used with the entity that is added to the Schedule Planner using Quick Actions, such as inserting a shift template A shift that has a name and defined segments and attributes, but no date or assigned employee. or assigning a shift. An employee's default assignment is the highest ranked assignment that you have access to through your organizational set in your Employee Group and based on the selected location.
Note: You cannot perform any Quick Actions on days where the employee does not have any eligible assignments; these days are indicated by gray cells in the Schedule Planner. For more information, see Current time and visual cues.
On days that contain a day divide Time that defines when one day ends and a new day begins. The day divide is defined in a pay rule. If a shift crosses the day divide, the pay rule defines how the hours are allocated: to the day before, the day after, or to the day on which the worked hour occurred. between a signed-off pay period and an open pay period (when an employee has a non-midnight day divide configured), Quick Actions are available only for the schedule items that start in the open period.
Quick Actions operate a little differently from other buttons and controls:
- ClickTap Quick Actions
and select a Quick Action. - ClickTap the item you want to modify or take action on. If the action is associated with two items, you must also clicktap the second item.
- When you select a Quick Action, it remains enabled until you disable it. You can continue clickingtapping additional similar to apply the same action. There is no need to select the Quick Action icon again when you do this.
- When you are finished with a Quick Action, clicktap it again to disable it. If you do not disable it, the next item you select will have the selected Quick Action applied to it.
- There are two other ways to disable a Quick Action when you are finished with it:
- Click Tap Quick Actions
. - ClickTap Close
at the right end of the Information Bar .
- Click Tap Quick Actions
Example: Open the Quick Actions
Note: When a Quick Action is enabled, the Information Bar
Available Quick Actions
The following is a list of all Quick Actions available in the Schedule Planner.
Note: Depending on your system configuration, you may not have access to certain Quick Actions.

What: Assigns open shifts to employees.
How: Click Tap the open shift A shift that is scheduled for a job, but no employee is assigned to work it., then click tap the employee. Repeat as needed.
If the Adjust breaks automatically for Quick Actions and glances setting has been selected in the Schedule Planner configuration, the system automatically adjusts the break times within the shift to comply with the adjusted shift length or work rule transfer. Breaks are added or adjusted based on Automated Break Placement rules that are configured in employees' default work rules, such as required break length, time without a break, and coverage.
If the system is not configured to adjust breaks automatically, breaks in the assigned shift are not updated and may violate Automated Break Placement rules.
To manually reassign the breaks:
- Right-clickTap the shift.
Click Assign Breaks
in the glance (also known as a contextual callout) Provides information and actions in a dialog box for an item on the screen when the user right-clicks or taps the item..
Note: If the employee’s primary job does not match the job of the open shift, the segment becomes a transfer job Jobs that an employee can perform but that are not the employee's primary job.. Work rule or labor level transfers remain the same.

What: Unassigns an assigned shift to create an open shift.
How: ClickTap an assigned shift. An open shift is created, having the same job as the shift did before you unassigned it. ClickTap additional assigned shifts as needed to unassign them as well.
If the Adjust breaks automatically for Quick Actions and glances setting has been selected in the Schedule Planner configuration, the system automatically adjusts the break times within the shift to comply with the adjusted shift length or work rule transfer. Breaks are added or adjusted based on Automated Break Placement rules that are configured in employees' default work rules, such as required break length, time without a break, and coverage.

What: Changes the job for a shift; all segments of the selected shift are assigned the selected job. Other data associated with the shift remain unchanged.
- Select the job from the list. The list contains only jobs that are included in your current transfer set.
Note: If the number of locations/jobs is too large to display in the drop-down list, the system displays an informational message instructing you to search for more results.
- ClickTap one or more scheduled shifts.

What: Creates and assigns shifts from a shift template.
How: Select the template from the list that appears, then select a date cell, whether empty or not. Click Tap other date cells as needed to assign the same template to them as well.
If the Adjust breaks automatically for Quick Actions and glances setting has been selected in the Schedule Planner configuration, the system automatically adjusts the break times within the shift to comply with the adjusted shift length or work rule transfer. Breaks are added or adjusted based on Automated Break Placement rules that are configured in employees' default work rules, such as required break length, time without a break, and coverage.
- Search for the name of a template by typing any part of the template name in the search box.
- You cannot assign templates to locked or signed-off days.

What: Assigns a segment tag to a shift
How: Select the segment tag from the list that appears, then click tap a shift. The segment tag is added to all segments of the shift, except for break segments. Click Tap other shifts as needed to assign the same segment tag to them.
If there is a Work Rule transfer associated with the segment tag, an asterisk (*) displays next to the segment tag name in the list. The Work Rule configured for the segment tag replaces the existing Work Rule transfer defined in the shift segment Parts of shifts that are assigned to a job in the business structure, either primary or transfer jobs..
The shift displays with the tag icon. If the segment tag has an associated Work Rule transfer, the transfer icon is also shown.
Search for a segment tag by entering any part of its name in the search box.

What: Assigns a comment to a shift or a paycode A category of time or money that employees earn, for example, Regular Hours, Bonus, or Sick.
How: Select the comment from the list that appears, then click tap a shift or a paycode. Click Tap other entities as needed to assign the same comment to them.
Search for a comment by entering any part of it in the search box.

- Manager - Department Manager > Scheduling > Schedule pay code edits in Full Days
- Manager - Department Manager > Scheduling > Schedule pay code edits in Half Days
What: Replaces an assigned shift with a paycode. Only duration paycodes can be added to shifts when using Quick Actions.
How: Select the paycode, then click tap an assigned shift:
- When there is one shift on the day: The paycode replaces the entire duration of the shift.
- When there are multiple shifts on the day: The paycode uses Full Schedule Day as the Duration, so the paycode amount is the total duration of all shifts on that day. For example, if there are two 4-hour shifts on the day and you replace one of the shifts with a paycode, the resulting paycode amount is 8 hours.
The system automatically creates an open (unassigned) shift with the same start and end time as the replaced shift. If a segment tag is configured for the paycode, the segment tag is automatically added to all the segments — except for breaks — of the open shift. The segment tag alerts you that the open shift was created for a particular reason — such as vacation or sick leave — and needs to be filled immediately.
ClickTap additional shifts as needed to replace them with the same paycode.
Note: You cannot replace an empty cell, a shift segment, a locked shift, or a shift during a locked or signed-off day.

What: Copies and pastes a shift, a paycode, a tag, availability or any combination of these items.
How: On the
If the Adjust breaks automatically for Quick Actions and glances setting has been selected in the Schedule Planner configuration, the system automatically adjusts the break times within the shift to comply with the adjusted shift length or work rule transfer. Breaks are added or adjusted based on Automated Break Placement rules that are configured in employees' default work rules, such as required break length, time without a break, and coverage.

What: Deletes a shift or a paycode.
How: Click Tap the item to delete. Repeat to delete additional items.
To restore items deleted by mistake, do not save but instead select Refresh
Warning: When you refresh the page, you lose all changes since the last save.

What: Locks or unlocks a shift. (You cannot lock or unlock days with this quick action.)
How: Click Tap an unlocked shift to lock it, or a locked shift to unlock it. You can click tap additional shifts to lock or unlock as needed.

What: Swap shifts or days with no shifts.
How: ClickTap the first item, then select the second item. Repeat as needed.
If enabled in the Schedule Planner configuration, shifts swapped by employees display the swap shift icon. The shift swap icon and a message that the shift was swapped also displays in the shift tooltip and in the glance.
If the Adjust breaks automatically for Quick Actions and glances setting has been selected in the Schedule Planner configuration, the system automatically adjusts the break times within the shift to comply with the adjusted shift length or work rule transfer. Breaks are added or adjusted based on Automated Break Placement rules that are configured in employees' default work rules, such as required break length, time without a break, and coverage.
- When swapping shifts between employees, shift breaks are updated according to the target employee's work rule.
- When swapping an employee shift with an open shift, shift breaks are updated if there is a transferred work rule.
- Shifts or days with no shifts between two employees on the same day. Both employees must be qualified and available.
- Two items between two employees on different days.
- Time-based paycodes
Swaps between different days do not overwrite other items on the same day. ClickTap the first item. ClickTap the second item. The swapped items move to the cells of the original items. To swap again so that the employee has one item, select the first cell. ClickTap a second item.
You cannot swap:
- Items with a group
- Items between the same employee
- Locked shifts

What: Approves a time-off request Request subtypes that employees use to request time off for vacation, illness or recovery, appointments, personal time, or other absences. Time-off requests can be configured to support many different employment scenarios.
How: Select a submitted time-off request and click Approve

What: Refuses a time-off request
How: Select a submitted time-off request and click Refuse

What: Cancels a time-off request.
How: Select a submitted time-off request and click Cancel
Note: Depending on your system configuration, you may not have access to cancel time-off requests for employees whose jobs are not included in your employee group on the date that is being modified.