Run the Rule Analysis Report
The Rule Analysis Report provides details about how the system interprets pay rules, work rules, and other factors in its calculations. It includes content about a single employee’s timecard for a selected time period. Anyone with the appropriate access rights can access the Rule analysis report.
The Rule Analysis Report is typically used to explain why an employee is paid a certain way or to determine if there is a configuration problem. It breaks down the reported time into spans. Spans contain information about distinct periods of time in which system calculations were made. The system creates these spans when processing the various rules and data. Spans are not visible on the timecard.
Depending on your access rights, the report may also include links to the specific rules used in its calculations. When you click tap the link, the rule opens from Setup and you can review the configuration details and make changes, if necessary.
To access the Rule Analysis Report:
- Open a timecard and select a timeframe.
- From the action menu, click tap Analyze
> Analyze Rules
The Rule analysis report opens in the slide-out panel. The parts of the report are outlined in the following sections. You can expand and collapse the sections listed for each day.

The top of the Rule analysis report panel shows the list of either pay rules , employment terms Legal contracts between employer and employee. When scheduled to work hours differ from the hours in their contract, the pay rules of the employees determine the impact on pay., or both, which apply to the selected employee for the given time period. The items are listed by category, with employment terms first, in chronological order. A pay rule that is in effect for the employee for the loaded timeframe can come from the Pay Rule assignment in People Editor, a Pay Rule assignment in an Employment Term assigned to the employee, or both.
For example:
PR1 = Effective Date is the Beginning of Time to the End Of time
ET1 -uses PR1: effective Sept 1 to Sept 5
ET2 -uses PR2: effective Sept 6 to Sept 10
ET3 -> has no PR: effective Sept 11 to Sept 15
ET4 uses PR2: effective Sept 16 to Sept 20
Date range = August 30 to Sept 30
This information is displayed as: ET1, ET2, ET4, PR1, PR2. ET3 is not displayed because it has no rule.
Note: If no pay rule is associated with the employment term, the default pay rule assigned in the People Editor is displayed.
The pay rules that are listed can be derived from:
- The pay rule assignment in People Information
- The Employee Term assignment in People Information
Note: The pay rules are not integrated as a component in the Rules Analysis Tool. Therefore, the Rules Analysis Tool does not contain the pay rule information within the details of the report where it describes how totals are being calculated.

If extensions are in use that impact totals then the names of the extensions are listed here. If no extensions are in use this section still appears but extension names are not listed.

At the top of each day is a summary block that includes:
- Reason — For example, paycode A category of time or money that employees earn, for example, Regular Hours, Bonus, or Sick. edit, regular shift,
- Time — Timeframe for the day, for example 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- Hours — Total hours of the day, for example, 9:00
- Cost — Wages from the day
Also noted are:
- In progress
- Projected
- From Schedule

The report identifies any time span that involves a change in pay, work rule, paycode, pay rule, and so forth. For example, an employee may only have an In-punch and an Out-punch on a given day, but the system could identify multiple time spans such as breaks, transfers, or overtime, based on processing the employee's pay rules.
The Rule Analysis Report identifies each span by starting time and duration. It also identifies the following:
- The reason or reasons for the span — Typical reasons are default job, meals or breaks, overtime or shift differentials, transfers to different jobs, cancellations of deduction rules, and so forth.
- The job to which the span is charged.
- The paycodes that were used to pay the time for the span.
- Hours for each paycode resulting from the span.
- Pay results for each paycode resulting from the span.
- The cumulative pay results based on all of the spans.
- Summary of the span information rolled up by job.
- The date to which totals for each span are applied — Typically, the date is the same for every span, but depending on the configuration options, it may not be. For example, if a shift crosses the day divide Time that defines when one day ends and a new day begins. The day divide is defined in a pay rule. If a shift crosses the day divide, the pay rule defines how the hours are allocated: to the day before, the day after, or to the day on which the worked hour occurred., separate spans are credited to each day.
- The configuration object type associated with the span — Examples are overtime rule, schedule deviation rule, zone rule, and so forth.
- The name of the configuration object used to calculate the span.
The following types of spans are categorized.

- Start of a new shift
- Transfer of:
- Job
- Cost center
- Labor category
- Work rule
- Break
- Bonus/deduction
- Transition to overtime rule
- Transition to zone rule
The item listed for reason of a worked span might be one of the following (other reasons can also be listed):

- Start time and end time
- Reason: approved overtime or unapproved overtime
- Apply-to date (supplied by the system)
- Punch rounding (indicates the rounding rule used, from the work rule).
- Work rule
- Paycode distribution
- Combination rule
- Business structure allocation information
- Job (full path with location and job name.)
- Cost center (optional)
- Labor categories (optional)
- Status of any overtime counters affected by the span.
- Zone(s) applying to the span
- Affected paycode totals with hours amounts and pay amounts, plus the pay rate used.

- Start time and end time
- Reason: Back from break
- Punch rounding (indicates the rounding rule used, from the Work Rule)
- Work rule
- Paycode distribution
- Combination rule
- Business structure allocation information
- Job (full path with location and job name.)
- Cost center (optional)
- Labor categories (optional)
- Status of any overtime counters affected by the span.
- Zone(s) applying to the span.
- Affected paycode totals with hours amounts and pay amounts, plus the pay rate used.

- Start time and end time
- Reason: continue shift
- Apply-to date
- Punch rounding (indicates the rounding rule used, from the Work Rule ).
- Work rule
- Paycode distribution
- Combination rule
- Business structure allocation information
- Job (full path with location and job name.)
- Cost center (optional)
- Labor categories (optional)
- Status of any overtime counters affected by the span.
- Zone(s) applying to the span
- Affected paycode totals with hours amounts and pay amounts, plus the pay rate used.

- When the pay rule's fixed rule credits worked time to "day actually worked," a new span is created at the day divide.
- Start time and end eime
- Reason: Day divide
- Punch rounding (indicates the rounding rule used, from the Work Rule below).
- Work rule
- Paycode distribution
- Combination rule
- Business structure allocation information
- Job (full path with location and job name.)
- Cost center (optional)
- Labor categories (optional)
- Status of any overtime counters affected by the span.
- Zone(s) applying to the span
- Affected paycode totals with hours amounts and pay amounts, plus the pay rate used.

- Start time and end time
- Reason: Limit exceeded If overtime approval is in play, indicates "approved overtime" or "unapproved overtime".
- Apply-to date (supplied by the system)
- Punch rounding (indicates the rounding rule used, from the Work Rule below).
- Work rule
- Paycode distribution
- Combination rule
- Business structure allocation information
- Job (full path with location and job name.)
- Cost center (optional)
- Labor categories (optional)
- Status of any overtime counters affected by the span.
- Zone(s) applying to the span
- Affected paycode totals with hours amounts and pay amounts, plus the pay rate used.

- Start time and end time
- Reason: New shift
- Apply-to date (supplied by the system)
- Punch rounding (indicates the rounding rule used, from the Work Rule)
- Work rule
- Paycode distribution
- Combination rule
- Business structure allocation information
- Job (full path with location and job name.)
- Cost center (optional)
- Labor categories (optional)
- Status of any overtime counters affected by the span.
- Zone(s) applying to the span
- Affected paycode totals with hours amounts and pay amounts, plus the pay rate used.

- Start time and end time
- Reason: Schedule deviation (before or after) begins
- Apply-to date (supplied by the system)
- Work rule
- Paycode distribution
- Combination rule
- Schedule deviation rule
- Business structure allocation information
- Status of any overtime counters affected by the span. Affected paycode totals with hours amounts and pay amounts, plus the pay rate used.
- Job (full path with location and job name.)
- Cost center (optional)
- Labor categories (optional)
- Affected paycode totals with hours amounts and pay amounts, plus the pay rate used.

- Start time and end time
- Reason: Scheduled work rule transfer
- Apply-to date (supplied by the system)
- Work rule
- Paycode distribution
- Combination rule
- Business structure allocation information
- Job (full path with location and job name.)
- Cost center (optional)
- Labor categories (optional)
- Affected paycode totals with hours amounts and pay amounts, plus the pay rate used.

- Start time and end time
- Reason: Transfer (business structure, cost center, labor category, work rule)
- Apply-to date (supplied by the system)
- Work rule
- Paycode distribution
- Combination rule
- Business structure allocation information
- Job (full path with location and job name.)
- Cost center (optional)
- Labor categories (optional)
- Status of any overtime counters affected by the span.
- Zone(s) applying to the span
- Affected paycode totals with hours amounts and pay amounts, plus the pay rate used.

- Start time and end time
- Reason: Zone entered (indicates the name of the zone)
- Apply-to date (supplied by the system)
- Punch rounding (indicates the rounding rule used, from the duration paycode's assigned work rule).
- Work rule
- Paycode distribution
- Combination rule
- Business structure allocation information
- Job (full path with location and job name.)
- Cost center (optional)
- Labor categories (optional)
- Status of any overtime counters affected by the span.
- Zone(s) applying to the span
- Affected paycode totals with hours amounts and pay amounts, plus the pay rate used

- Start time and end time
- Reason: Break, plus the name of the break rule in play.
- Punch rounding
- Work rule
- Paycode distribution
- Combination rule
- Business structure allocation information
- Job (full path with location and job name.)
- Cost center (optional)
- Labor categories (optional)

- Start time and End time
- Reason: Either Bonus (time added) or Deduct (time subtracted) plus the name of the rule in play.
- Apply-to date
- Punch rounding
- Work rule
- Paycode distribution
- Combination rule
- Business structure allocation information
- Job (full path with location and job name)
- Cost center (optional)
- Labor categories (optional)
- If a bonus, affected paycode totals with hours amounts and pay amounts, plus the pay rate used.

If the timecard includes paycode edits, the Rule analysis report lists each paycode as a separate span. For each paycode edit, the report lists the paycode, the amount added and the reason, scheduled edits, historical edits, and moves.
The item listed for reason of the paycode might be one of the following (other reasons can also be listed):

Paycode edits can be of days, money, or hours type.
- Paycode name and amount
- Reason: Paycode edit
- Business structure allocation information
- Job (full path with location and job name.)
- Cost center (optional)
- Labor categories (optional)
- Paycode totals (for simple paycode edits, a reiteration of the top row, plus the impact on any combined paycodes containing this paycode.)
- Note that day paycodes do not contribute to combined paycodes.
- Duration paycodes act like punched spans except that their reason is the word "Duration" followed by the paycode name.
- Start time and end time
- Reason: Duration: [paycode name]
- Apply-to date (supplied by the system)
- Punch rounding (indicates the rounding rule used, from the duration paycode's assigned work rule).
- Work rule
- Paycode distribution
- Combination rule
- Business structure allocation information
- Job (full path with location and job name.)
- Cost center (optional)
- Labor categories (optional)
- Status of any overtime counters affected by the span.
- Affected paycode totals with hours amounts and pay amounts, plus the pay rate used.

Carry-forward edits are paycode edits, both user-entered and system-generated, that occur in a signed-off period and that may influence overtime calculations in the following, unsigned-off pay period.
- Edit totals are reported and include an apply-date.
- Data is reported only when the first date of the report time period is the start of a pay period and the previous pay period was signed off.
Note: In a timeframe that includes other signed-off dates, carry-forward data associated with those dates is not reported and is not used for the totalization that produces the report. Missing carry-forward information for a date means that carry-forward data is being ignored or not reported.
Each carry-forward paycode edit is listed with the following information:
- Amount
- Apply date
- Reason
- Paycode name

The item listed for reason of a worked span might be one of the following (other reasons can also be listed):
- Reason: Holiday credit holiday name]
- Business structure allocation information
- Job (full path with location and job name.)
- Cost center (optional)
- Labor categories (optional)
- Affected paycode totals with hours amounts and pay amounts, plus the pay rate used.

- Affected paycode and amount
- Reason: Correction (plus its historical date)
- Business structure allocation information
- Job (full path with location and job name.)
- Cost center (optional)
- Labor categories (optional)
- Affected paycode totals with hours amounts and pay amounts, plus the pay rate used.

Identifies callback spans for on-call shifts

Identifies spans of time that employees missed that they were scheduled to work.