Payroll Prep Process

On the Payroll report page (Team > Payroll > Process Payroll), select the Payroll Prep Process icon next to each payroll to go to the Payroll Prep Process page. This page lists all of the steps for processing payroll. The steps are in order, and they easily walk you through the payroll processing.

Note: In Company Setup, your company has configured specific security and Business Process An organized flow of activities or tasks that achieves a business goal. An automated business process minimizes the amount of paperwork and manual tasks to complete that process by way of automatic actions, online forms, and automatically generated messages. Steps that determine which Payroll Prep Process steps you see. You might not see all of the ones covered in this guide. If you are a client, you will need to work with support to have the business process steps that your company needs.

As you go through each step in Payroll Prep, you can select Mark As Complete to set a step as Completed. For Completed steps, you can use the Reset button to change the step back to an incomplete state. After you select the Reset button, the Mark As Complete button returns to the step.

The following Business Process Steps information affects Partners only.


Payroll Pre-Check Report

Payroll practitioners can view pre-check reports that are populated throughout the pay period as changes are happening in the system. This allows admins to check changes that are occurring to employees throughout the pay period, all in one area of the system. This also makes it so that admins do not have to wait until the pay period start.

Select the View Pre-Check & Validation Records link in the Review Pre-Check Report step on the Payroll Prep page and you will be navigated to the Payroll Pre-Check Report.

This report shows records of changes to employees, including the following:

  • New Scheduled Earnings

  • New Scheduled Deductions

  • New Base Compensation Records

  • New Hires

    Note: The new hire's first two payrolls will be included in the Pre-Check Report as long as they are assigned to a Pay Period Profile and the payrolls have already been created.
  • Terminated Employees (based on the date of the pay period when the termination applies)

  • Workers Comp Policy (If there is a Workers Comp Policy that is expiring within the range of 40 days before the effective End Date (chosen in Policy Info) and 7 days after the effective End Date, a pre-check record will be added in the Payroll Pre-Check Report for all of the pay periods and matching EINs.)

  • Pay Period Profile

The report message is a selectable link that navigates you to the pertinent page. For some general employee updates (e.g. base compensation, new hires) the link will navigate the user to the Employee Profile.

Users can mark items as reviewed on the Payroll Pre-Check Report. To mark an item as reviewed, select the checkbox next to the applicable record and select the Mark as Reviewed button at the top-right corner of the report. A Reviewed By column shows Y or N for whether the record was reviewed or not.

This section includes the following topics to explain each step of the Payroll Prep process: