Manager - System Configuration ACPs
These access control points control access to system configuration functions typically performed by system administrators.

If Allowed, managers can set up workflow notifications Informs people to run business processes or integrations, complete forms, or respond to events in business processes. Example: Approve a time-off request. for employees. Managers can use workflow notifications to inform users of specific system events or to remind them of an action for which they are responsible, such as reminding employees to approve their timecards, or notifying managers when a group edit Changes made to more than one employee record at a time, for example, add or delete a paycode or punch to a group of timecards. that they initiated is finished.

If Allowed, user can access the Integration APIs.

If Allowed, managers can access System Information, including information about servers, applications background processors, database, licenses, meters, threads, and user information. Access to System information also allows managers to perform tasks such as stopping and restarting threads and servers.

If Allowed, managers can access the system log report.

If Allowed, managers can access System Settings in the System Configuration module in setup. System settings include numerous tabs that contain settings that specify how various system components function, including background processors, database, event manager, logging, reports, security, and timekeeping.

If Allowed, managers can access Setup and perform the setup tasks. You can allow access to one or more, or all of the following:
- Access Profiles setup — If Allowed, managers can add, edit, delete, and view access profiles. You can allow access to the following:
- Data Access Profiles
- Generic Data Access profiles
- Function Access Profiles
- Logon Profiles
- Accruals setup — If Allowed, managers can access and perform tasks in the Accruals setup component.
- Comments setup — If Allowed, managers can access and perform tasks in the Comment setup component.
- Retention Policies — If Allowed, managers can access and perform tasks in the Record Retention Policies setup component.
- Limited Policy Monitor — If Allowed, managers can access and perform tasks in the Limited Policy Monitor setup component.
- Limited Policy Results — If Allowed, managers can access and perform tasks in the Limited Policy Results setup component.
- Display Preferences setup — If Allowed, managers can access and perform tasks in the Display Preferences setup component. You can allow one or more, or all of the following:
- Display Profiles — If Allowed, managers can access and perform tasks in the Display Profiles configuration.
- Site-defined labels — If Allowed, managers can access and perform tasks in the site-defined labels configuration.
- Pay Rules setup — If Allowed, managers can access and perform tasks in the Pay Rules component.
- Currency Policy — If Allowed, managers can configure currency policy.
- Locale Policy — If allowed, managers can configure and assign locale policies. Assign locale policies in People Information (Employee > Access Profiles).
- Setup Data — If allowed, administrators can extend translations in language packs to translate certain data that were created during setup.
- Notification Profile — If Allowed, managers can access and configure notification profiles.
- Statutory Reporting — If Allowed, managers can access, configure, and run Statutory reports.
- Employment Terms Legal contracts between employer and employee. When scheduled to work hours differ from the hours in their contract, the pay rules of the employees determine the impact on pay. setup — If Allowed, managers can access and configure Employment terms information.
- Integrations Setup — If Allowed, managers can access and configure Integration information. For details, see Configure Access to Integrations > Configure the FAP for integrations and Transaction Assistant Corrects transaction errors in integrations without the need to resubmit entire projects..
- Cost Center Maintenance setup
- Labor Category setup
- Labor Category Entries List setup
- Transfer Display Profiles setup — If Allowed, administrators can setup transfer display profiles.
- Team Setup — If Allowed, managers can edit and view configured teams.
- Attestation The act of confirming or attesting that something is true. For example, when punching out, users may need to attest that they took their meal breaks. Setup — If Allowed, administrators can configure Attestation.
- Employee Group setup — If Allowed, the user can configure employee groups. The default is Disallowed for all actions.
- If Add, Edit, or View are set to Allowed, then the Employee Group link is available in Application Setup > Business Structure Represents the logical structure of an organization as it concerns staffing. It contains the locations and jobs to which an employee may be assigned. Setup.
- If View is set to allowed, the Employee Group table is available in People Information and can be edited.
- Exception Category and Tile A container that provides navigation or action from its summary view. Setup — If Allowed, the user can configure the Exception Tile (Manage Timecards tile) and Exception Categories.
- Feature Switch — If Allowed, the user can enable and disable feature switches.

If Allowed, users can access the Batch Action Sets, Batch Controller, and Batch Job List menu items.

If Allowed, managers can configure Adjustment rules. You can allow one or more, or all of the following:
- Bonus Configuration — If Allowed, managers can configure Bonus settings for the Allocation type in and Adjustment rule trigger.
- Wage Configuration — If Allowed, managers can configure Wage Adjustment settings for the Allocation type in an Adjustment rule trigger.
- Adjustment Rules Job — If Allowed, managers can access the jobs available for triggers in Adjustment rules.

If Allowed, managers can access and configure Percent Allocation rules.

If Allowed, managers can access the jobs to which Percent Allocation rules are to be applied

If Allowed, managers can configure and manage Rest Between Shift rules.

If Allowed, managers can access and add or edit time zone information.

If Allowed, managers can access the Security Alerts editor and perform associated functions. They can also use the Security Audit Data Export function.

If Allowed, managers can perform one or more, or all, of the tasks associated with KPI Key Performance Indicator measures the result of an activity in an organization so that you can compare it to operational or strategic goals and attempt to improve performance. Builder.
- Mapping Categories: If Allowed, managers can create, edit, and maintain mapping categories.
- Metrics Measures and tracks workforce performance by comparing planned with actual workload or coverage, or by showing variances at any organizational level.: If Allowed, managers can create, edit, and maintain metrics.
- Historical Load: If Allowed, managers can load historical data for metrics and KPIs.
KPIs: If Allowed, managers can create, edit, and maintain Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Measures the result of an activity in an organization so that you can compare it to operational or strategic goals and attempt to improve performance. (KPIs). Includes the following:
Mapping Categories
Historical Load
Target Management > Standard Target Management: If Allowed, managers can create standard targets and thresholds for metrics and KPIs that are displayed in dataviews A configurable tool for analyzing data and taking actions on a group of employees or an organization. and reports.
Target Management > Healthcare Productivity Healthcare Productivity allows managers to analyze payroll, volume, and daily labor data so that they can make informed budget and schedule decisions based on metrics for the actual volume, the core scheduling plan, and staffing decisions. Previously, Healthcare Productivity (HCP) was called Healthcare Analytics (HCA). Target Management: If allowed, managers can create healthcare productivity targets and thresholds for metrics and KPIs that are displayed in Dataviews and reports.
- Healthcare Analytics: If Allowed, managers can configure Healthcare Analytics.
- Auditor Setup: If Allowed, managers can configure Auditor.

If Allowed, managers can access Setup Data Manager (SDM) Moves and manages configuration data across software and hardware environments. from the Main Menu.

If Allowed, user can access the CONFIGURATION_APP service.

If Allowed, user can access the Service System Settings.

If Allowed, user can access the Seed User Account Settings page to log on to the system for the first time to start the configuration process.
Note: This user account is subject to MFA; see the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) topic.

If Allowed, user can access the Support Account Settings page to control access to the tenant by several levels of support.

A custom tile on the Home page The page that is presented to the user upon login, which contains the tiles that let the user access or navigate to common tasks. can display or link to an application or web site.

If Allowed, user can access the event connector service.

If Allowed, managers can import fiscal calendars for Healthcare Analytics

Healthcare Productivity Service > Access Scope, select Allowed to enable system access to healthcare productivity data and to allow managers to run productivity reports.

If Allowed, users can access the HCM Profile Setup pages in Setup Applications so they can create HCM Profiles that include WFM time and attendance employee attributes that are available in HCM. For more information, see HCM Profile Setup.