Attestation Assignments
An Attestation The act of confirming or attesting that something is true. For example, when punching out, users may need to attest that they took their meal breaks. assignment defines a button, condition, and workflow combination. An Attestation assignment must contain at least one button and typically uses a condition and a workflow as well.
To access the Attestation Assignments page, go to Administration > Setup > Attestation > Attestation Assignments. From here you can create, edit, or delete assignments.

From the Attestation Assignments page, click Create
The Create or Edit Attestation Assignment page opens. This page includes these grids: Button, Condition, Punch The entries on a timecard that mark the beginning (in-punch) or end (out-punch) of a work interval, such as the beginning of a shift or transfer. Button Workflow, Template Mapping Punch Button Workflow, Manual Time Entry Workflow, and Template Mapping for Manual Time Entry Workflow. Select the button, condition, and/or workflow from these grids and assign them to the Attestation assignment.

The Button grid lists all the buttons that have been created. To include a button in the Attestation assignment, select one of the buttons listed and click Assign
If necessary, you can create or edit a button from this page. Click Create
For Manual Time Entry, you must configure a Timecard Save button.

The Condition grid lists all the conditions that have been created. To include a condition in the Attestation assignment, select one of the conditions and click Assign
If necessary, you can create or edit a condition from this page. Click Create

This workflow is typically used to define activities in the current time period. The Punch Button Workflow grid lists the all the workflows that have been created. To include a workflow in the Attestation assignment, select one of the workflows listed and click Assign
If necessary, you can create or edit a workflow from this page. Click Create
Note: Workflows appended with Manual Time Entry cannot be used for Punch Button workflows.

This workflow has the same capabilities as Punch Button Workflow, but it is designed to work only with Attestation models that support Attestation template mappings. Beyond that difference, the workflows are identical. See Attestation Template Mappings for more information.
Note: Workflows appended with Manual Time Entry cannot be used for Template Mapping for Punch Button workflows.

This workflow is typically used to define activities in a past time period. The Manual Time Entry Workflow grid also lists all the workflows that have been created, but only the workflows appended with Manual Time Entry are applicable for this type of workflow. To include a workflow in the Attestation assignment, select one of the workflows and click Assign

This workflow has the same capabilities as Manual Time Entry Workflow, but it is designed to work only with Attestation models that support Attestation template mappings. Beyond that difference, the workflows are identical. See Attestation Template Mappings for more information.

A Column Selection
- To change the columns displayed in the grid, click Column Selection
- To search for items within a column, click Filter

After you define the button, condition, and workflow, click Save to save the assignment.
When the success message appears, click Back To Attestation Assignments. The new assignment is now listed on the Attestation Assignments page.

- On the Attestation Assignments page, select an assignment and click Delete
. - When the warning message appears, click Yes.
Note: You cannot delete an Attestation assignment that is being used in an Attestation profile.