Attestation Conditions
Attestation The act of confirming or attesting that something is true. For example, when punching out, users may need to attest that they took their meal breaks. conditions, which are used in the Attestation assignment, define the timing and value to trigger a question from a workflow when employees access their timestamp or device. For example, you could define a condition of greater than 240 minutes to trigger the question, "Did you take your meal break?" when an employee punches The entries on a timecard that mark the beginning (in-punch) or end (out-punch) of a work interval, such as the beginning of a shift or transfer. out after 240 minutes.
To access the Attestation Conditions page, go to Administration > Application Setup > Attestation > Attestation Conditions. From here you can create, edit, or delete conditions.

Click Create

The workflow will always run.

Caution: You should not use the Minutes Worked option if you also use the Use Scheduled Time rounding Rounding is a way to simplify payroll accounting and reporting, and to enforce shift start and end times. Punch rounds divide hours into equal segments of an hour. rule. The automatic marking of a work item to in_progress=0 makes the Minutes Worked condition fail because it uses the start time of the in-progress work item.
Provide the following additional information:
- Condition Operator - Select from the following:
- Greater Than (>)
- Less Than (<)
- Greater Than or Equal To (>=)
- Less Than or Equal To (<=)
- Value (minutes) — Enter the number of minutes.
- If no shift-start punch is found return — If there is no in-punch for the day, the system needs to know whether or not to run the workflow. If set to False, the workflow is not run. If set to True, the workflow is run.
The syntax for If no shift-start punch is found return is that if no shift start punch is found (so the user has a missing punch or is not punched in for the shift), return the condition answer is met (True) or not met (False). For example, the condition is set up as follows:
- Condition Type: Minutes Worked
- Condition Operator: Greater Than
- Value (minutes): 300
- If no shift-start punch is found return: True
- Exclude breaks from minutes worked — Select the Yes check box to exclude breaks and clear the check box to include them.
- Include Completed Shifts — This setting enables the system to distinguish actual punches from system-generated punches, such as those created by a missed punch round rule, when calculating minutes worked for a shift.
- True includes both actual punches and system-generated punches in minutes worked calculations. Note that in some system configurations, this can result in incorrect calculations when an actual punch follows a system-generated out-punch.
- False the default, ignores the completed attribute on the shift resulting from system-generated out-punches to correctly calculate the minutes worked when the employee punches.

Provide the following additional information:
- Condition Operator — Select from the following:
- Less Than (<)
- Less Than or Equal To (<=)
- Value (minutes) — Enter the number of minutes.

In the Conditional Operator field, select one of the following:
- Punched In
- Punched Out

Condition Operator — Select from the following:
- No Missing Punches
- Missing Punches

To enable workflows to be triggered when multiple conditions are met, you can configure a combined condition. For example, an employee can be prompted when the employee is punched in and he or she has a missing punch.
- Select a condition from the drop-down box.
- Always
- Minutes Worked
- Minutes Since Last Punch
- Punch Status
- Unapproved Timecard
- Missing Punches
- If necessary, add a logical operator, such as Not, in the drop-down box to the left.
- Select a Boolean operator: And or Or
- Click Add Condition
- Repeat steps 1—4 as necessary.
- When finished. click Save.
Note: Standard Boolean rules apply when creating combined conditions, for example AND takes precedence over OR.

The system checks whether a specific question has ever been answered, if it has been answered in a specified amount of time, or if it has been answered positively by an employee. For example, the system can present a question if the employee has not answered it this week.
Note: Type the question and answer values exactly as they appear in the Attestation model that is combined with the condition into the Attestation assignment.
- Return true if Question — Enter the string associated with the question being posed to the employee during Attestation. This string can come from these places in the Attestation model that is associated with the question:
The Default Label field in the referenced form for the User task, as it appears on the General tab for the radio buttons field in the Visual Editor.
The Value field in Initialize Variables for the Initialize Variables task, if any.
- Condition Operator — Select from the following:
- Has never been answered — In Value , enter a positive value.
- Has not been answered in x number of minutes/days — Select either the Days or Minutes radio button. In Value , enter a positive value.
- Has not been answered positively — In Positive Value, enter the string from the label field associated with the positive response in the referenced form for the User task, as it appears on the Options tab for the radio buttons field in the Visual Editor.Note: Copy and paste the string directly from the Visual Editor. If the value you specify for the Periodic condition does not match the value specified in the Attestation model, the condition is not met.
- Only consider completed transactions — To configure the condition to ignore incomplete or timed-out transactions, check the Yes checkbox.

The condition is used to trigger an Attestation question in relation to an employee's scheduled shifts. Typically used for Predictive Scheduling, the system determines if the employee is eligible for predictive pay based on the condition defined here. If the condition is met, the Predictive Scheduling workflow generates the applicable question.
There are four condition operators:

Starts the Attestation process if the employee has a scheduled shift such that any part of that shift is contained in the specified time range. To define the time range, enter the number of minutes before and after the punch time in the following fields:
- Minutes Before Punch
- Minutes After Punch
Both numbers can be positive or zero.

Starts the Attestation process if no shift is scheduled. When an employee who does not have a scheduled shift enters a punch, the Attestation question appears.
- Minutes Before Punch
- Minutes After Punch

This operator enables you to define a grace Graces determine when shift start and end times round to the previous increment and when they round to the next increment. period around the scheduled shift that does not trigger the Attestation question. You can define this grace period using the following:
- Minutes Before Scheduled Shift Start
- Minutes After Scheduled Shift Start
- Minutes Before Scheduled Shift End
- Minutes After Scheduled Shift End
- If no shift is in progress, the condition is met — The behavior of this field varies for punches from the Punch tile A container that provides navigation or action from its summary view. and punches from My Timecard. Its values are Yes and No (the default):
- Punches from the Punch tile:
- Yes: For each punch, the Punches Against Schedule Shift Operator identifies the scheduled shift associated with the punch and then evaluates the punch time against scheduled shift start and end times.
- No: The system uses the worked shift associated with the punch to identify the scheduled shift and then evaluates the worked shift's start and end times. If at least one of the worked shift's start or end times meets the condition, the condition is met for all punches added to the worked shift.
- Punches from My Timecard: The Punches Against Scheduled Shift Operator ignores the setting of the If no shift is in progress, the condition is met field. Instead, the system uses the worked shift associated with the punch to identify the scheduled shift and then evaluates the worked shift's start and end times. If at least one of the worked shift's start or end times meets the condition, the condition is met for all punches added to or edited in the worked shift before the timecard was saved.
- Punches from the Punch tile:
If the punch is outside of the grace period, the system triggers the Attestation question. If the punch is within the grace period, there is no Attestation question.

Compares the scheduled shift duration (ignoring breaks) against a specific minimum and maximum shift length value in minutes.
- Minimum Shift Length (minutes)
- Maximum Shift Length (minutes)
- If no schedule shift is found, condition is met — Select Yes to trigger the Attestation question if no shift is in progress or No to have no Attestation question.
Note: This condition works outside of the punch interpretation rules.

This condition is used to test for the existence of punches between the shift's start punch and the current time. It can look for a specific punch, any punch, or no punch.
There are six condition operators. All operators include the following:

- Comment — (Optional) This is a drop-down list of all of the configured comments in the Punch category. If select a comment, only punches with the selected comment attached to the punch are considered. Note the following:
- If the comment becomes inactive or if a punch category is changed, the condition is still evaluated.
- If a comment is deleted, the condition is evaluated as false.
- In both of these cases, there is a blank option in the panel.
- If no shift-start punch is found, return — Determines the result to use if no designated shift start punch is in the timecard.
- Minutes After Shift Starts — Defines the timeframe, relative to the shift start punch, in which the condition looks for punches. Select the number of minutes in each field:
- Start Of Range
- End Of Range

- If no shift-start punch is found, return — Determines the result to use if no designated shift start punch is in the timecard.
- Minutes After Shift Starts — Defines the timeframe, relative to the shift start punch, in which the condition looks for punches. Select the number of minutes in each field:
- Start Of Range
- End Of Range

- Comment — (Optional) This is a drop-down list of all of the configured comments in the Punch category. If a comment is entered, only punches with the selected comment attached to the punch are considered. Note the following:
- If the comment becomes inactive or if a punch category is changed, the condition is still evaluated.
- If a comment is deleted, the condition is evaluated as false.
- In both of these cases, there is a blank option in the panel.
- If no shift-start punch is found, return — Determines the result to use if no designated shift start punch is in the timecard.
- Minutes After Shift Starts — Defines the timeframe, relative to the shift start punch, in which the condition looks for punches. Select the number of minutes in each field:
- Start Of Range
- End Of Range

- If no shift-start punch is found, return — Determines the result to use if no designated shift start punch is in the timecard.
- Minutes After Shift Starts — Defines the timeframe, relative to the shift start punch, in which the condition looks for punches. Select the number of minutes in each field
- Start Of Range
- End Of Range

- Comment — (Optional) This is a drop-down list of all of the configured comments in the Punch category. If a comment is entered, only punches with the selected comment attached to the punch are considered. Note the following:
- If the comment becomes inactive or if a punch category is changed, the condition is still evaluated.
- If a comment is deleted, the condition is evaluated as false.
- In both of these cases, there is a blank option in the panel.
- If no shift-start punch is found, return — Determines the result to use if no designated shift start punch is in the timecard.
- Minutes After Shift Starts — Defines the timeframe, relative to the shift start punch, in which the condition looks for punches. Select the number of minutes in each field
- Start Of Range
- End Of Range

- If no shift-start punch is found, return — Determines the result to use if no designated shift start punch is in the timecard.
- Minutes After Shift Starts — Defines the timeframe, relative to the shift start punch, in which the condition looks for punches. Select the number of minutes in each field
- Start Of Range
- End Of Range

The condition checks that the geolocation coordinates available for the Attestation process on a mobile device are within the range of coordinates defined in Known Place configuration associated with employee's primary job.
- An organization wants to prompt employees to move closer when punching close but not inside their home Known Place. The organization may also want to prevent the employee from punching outside of their Known Place with details.
- An organization wants to prevent employees from punching outside of their home Known Place and notify the manager and/or warn the employee. The organization may also want to let employees punch but notify the manager and/or warn the employee.
- When an employee works in different locations, the organization wants to be able to ask different questions. For example, an Oregon employee may occasionally work in California. When this employee works in California, the organization wants to ask different questions when the employee finishes the shift.
- Data-collection devices do not support coordinates, so when an employee is using a device, the geolocations are skipped.
- Known Places are associated with a job or a location. If assigned to a location, then all jobs within the location have that defined Known Place.
- Known Places should be configured with GPS coordinates instead of WiFi. If you use WiFi, the condition is evaluated as false unless If known place cannot be evaluated, condition is met is set to Yes.
- When the condition has a home Known Location, the system uses the employee's punch to determine the defined Known Place. When employee punches, the system first finds the job and then looks for defined Known Place.
- When the condition is using Known Locations, the system uses the geolocation of the mobile device.
- This condition is not supported in Attestation Assignments for the Timecard Action buttons because timecard punch entry does not verify location.
- The employee's Location Data function access control points define behaviors around the employee being able to punch.
- Attestation cannot be triggered in a Known Place if the Known Place becomes inactive or deleted or if the location/job assigned to a Known Place has expired unless the option Allow condition to be met if condition cannot be evaluated is set to Yes.
- The Known Place drop-down list is empty if any Known Place assigned to a condition becomes inactive or deleted.
There are six condition operators, organized by Home Account Known Place and general Known Place.

The system checks that the geolocation coordinates available for the Attestation process are within the range of coordinates defined in the Known Place configuration associated with the employee's primary job.

The system checks that the geolocation coordinates available for Attestation process are within an extended radius beyond what is defined in the Known Place configuration associated to the employee's primary job.
Extend Known Place Radius (meters) — Enter the distance in meters to extend the Known Place.

The system checks that the geolocation coordinates available for Attestation process are outside an extended radius beyond what is defined in the Known Place configuration associated to the employee's primary job.

The system checks if the geolocation coordinates available for the Attestation process are within the range of coordinates defined in selected Known Place configured in the condition.
Known Place — Select the Known Place to use.

The system checks if the geolocation coordinates available for the Attestation process are within an extended radius beyond what is defined in the specific Known Place configuration.
Extend Known Place Radium (meters) — Enter the distance in meters to extend the Known Place.

The system checks if the geolocation coordinates available for the Attestation process are outside an extended radius beyond what is defined in the specific Known Place configuration.
Known Place — Select the Known Place to use.
If known place cannot be evaluated, condition is met — If geolocation coordinates are not available for the Attestation process or there is no known place configured for employee's primary job, select Yes to trigger the Attestation question anyway or No to not trigger the Attestation question. (For Attestation originating from a data-collection device, this condition always evaluates to No.)
Note: This setting only determines how to handle the Attestation condition. The existing FACP controls if can the employees actual punch can be saved or not.

The system checks to see if the person's timecard is approved for the timeframe defined in the button.

Select a condition, click Edit and change the following as needed:
- Name — Change the name if needed.
- Select one of the following:
- Save changes everywhere that the named entity is used. Entity: Name — Changes the condition everywhere it is used.
- Save as a new named entity — Creates a new condition based on the current condition. You must change the name as well.
- Condition Type — Select one of the following. Depending on the condition type selected, additional fields appear.
The workflow will always run.
Minutes Worked
Caution: You should not use the Minutes Worked option if you also use the Use Scheduled Time rounding rule. The automatic marking of a work item to in_progress=0 makes the Minutes Worked condition fail because it uses the start time of the in-progress work item.
Provide the following additional information:
- Condition Operator - Select from the following:
- Greater Than (>)
- Less Than (<)
- Greater Than or Equal To (>=)
- Less Than or Equal To (<=)
- Value (minutes) — Enter the number of minutes.
- If no shift-start punch is found return — If there is no in-punch for the day, the system needs to know whether or not to run the workflow. If set to False, the workflow is not run. If set to True, the workflow is run.
The syntax for If no shift-start punch is found return is that if no shift start punch is found (so the user has a missing punch or is not punched in for the shift), return the condition answer is met (True) or not met (False). For example, the condition is set up as follows:
- Condition Type: Minutes Worked
- Condition Operator: Greater Than
- Value (minutes): 300
- If no shift-start punch is found return: True
- Exclude breaks from minutes worked — Select the Yes check box to exclude breaks and clear the check box to include them.
- Include Completed Shifts — This setting enables the system to distinguish actual punches from system-generated punches, such as those created by a missed punch round rule, when calculating minutes worked for a shift.
- True includes both actual punches and system-generated punches in minutes worked calculations. Note that in some system configurations, this can result in incorrect calculations when an actual punch follows a system-generated out-punch.
- False the default, ignores the completed attribute on the shift resulting from system-generated out-punches to correctly calculate the minutes worked when the employee punches.
Minutes Since Last Punch
Provide the following additional information:
- Condition Operator — Select from the following:
- Less Than (<)
- Less Than or Equal To (<=)
- Value (minutes) — Enter the number of minutes.
Punch Status
In the Conditional Operator field, select one of the following:
- Punched In
- Punched Out
Missing Punches
Condition Operator — Select from the following:
- No Missing Punches
- Missing Punches
Combined Conditions
To enable workflows to be triggered when multiple conditions are met, you can configure a combined condition. For example, an employee can be prompted when the employee is punched in and he or she has a missing punch.
- Select a condition from the drop-down box.
- Always
- Minutes Worked
- Minutes Since Last Punch
- Punch Status
- Unapproved Timecard
- Missing Punches
- If necessary, add a logical operator, such as Not, in the drop-down box to the left.
- Select a Boolean operator: And or Or
- Click Add Condition
- Repeat steps 1—4 as necessary.
- When finished. click Save.
Note: Standard Boolean rules apply when creating combined conditions, for example AND takes precedence over OR.
The system checks whether a specific question has ever been answered, if it has been answered in a specified amount of time, or if it has been answered positively by an employee. For example, the system can present a question if the employee has not answered it this week.
Note: Type the question and answer values exactly as they appear in the Attestation model that is combined with the condition into the Attestation assignment.
- Return true if Question — Enter the string associated with the question being posed to the employee during Attestation. This string can come from these places in the Attestation model that is associated with the question:
The Default Label field in the referenced form for the User task, as it appears on the General tab for the radio buttons field in the Visual Editor.
The Value field in Initialize Variables for the Initialize Variables task, if any.
- Condition Operator — Select from the following:
- Has never been answered — In Value , enter a positive value.
- Has not been answered in x number of minutes/days — Select either the Days or Minutes radio button. In Value , enter a positive value.
- Has not been answered positively — In Positive Value, enter the string from the label field associated with the positive response in the referenced form for the User task, as it appears on the Options tab for the radio buttons field in the Visual Editor.Note: Copy and paste the string directly from the Visual Editor. If the value you specify for the Periodic condition does not match the value specified in the Attestation model, the condition is not met.
- Only consider completed transactions — To configure the condition to ignore incomplete or timed-out transactions, check the Yes checkbox.
Note: Copy and paste the string directly from the Visual Editor. If the value you specify for the Periodic condition does not match the value specified in the Attestation model, the condition is not met.Scheduled Shifts
The condition is used to trigger an Attestation question in relation to an employee's scheduled shifts. Typically used for Predictive Scheduling, the system determines if the employee is eligible for predictive pay based on the condition defined here. If the condition is met, the Predictive Scheduling workflow generates the applicable question.
There are four condition operators:
Shift Exists
Starts the Attestation process if the employee has a scheduled shift such that any part of that shift is contained in the specified time range. To define the time range, enter the number of minutes before and after the punch time in the following fields:
- Minutes Before Punch
- Minutes After Punch
Both numbers can be positive or zero.
No Shift
Starts the Attestation process if no shift is scheduled. When an employee who does not have a scheduled shift enters a punch, the Attestation question appears.
- Minutes Before Punch
- Minutes After Punch
Punches against scheduled shift
This operator enables you to define a grace period around the scheduled shift that does not trigger the Attestation question. You can define this grace period using the following:
- Minutes Before Scheduled Shift Start
- Minutes After Scheduled Shift Start
- Minutes Before Scheduled Shift End
- Minutes After Scheduled Shift End
- If no shift is in progress, the condition is met — The behavior of this field varies for punches from the Punch tile and punches from My Timecard. Its values are Yes and No (the default):
- Punches from the Punch tile:
- Yes: For each punch, the Punches Against Schedule Shift Operator identifies the scheduled shift associated with the punch and then evaluates the punch time against scheduled shift start and end times.
- No: The system uses the worked shift associated with the punch to identify the scheduled shift and then evaluates the worked shift's start and end times. If at least one of the worked shift's start or end times meets the condition, the condition is met for all punches added to the worked shift.
- Punches from My Timecard: The Punches Against Scheduled Shift Operator ignores the setting of the If no shift is in progress, the condition is met field. Instead, the system uses the worked shift associated with the punch to identify the scheduled shift and then evaluates the worked shift's start and end times. If at least one of the worked shift's start or end times meets the condition, the condition is met for all punches added to or edited in the worked shift before the timecard was saved.
- Punches from the Punch tile:
If the punch is outside of the grace period, the system triggers the Attestation question. If the punch is within the grace period, there is no Attestation question.
Shift Length
Compares the scheduled shift duration (ignoring breaks) against a specific minimum and maximum shift length value in minutes.
- Minimum Shift Length (minutes)
- Maximum Shift Length (minutes)
- If no schedule shift is found, condition is met — Select Yes to trigger the Attestation question if no shift is in progress or No to have no Attestation question.
Note: This condition works outside of the punch interpretation rules.
Shift Punch
This condition is used to test for the existence of punches between the shift's start punch and the current time. It can look for a specific punch, any punch, or no punch.
There are six condition operators. All operators include the following:
Any Punch
- Comment — (Optional) This is a drop-down list of all of the configured comments in the Punch category. If select a comment, only punches with the selected comment attached to the punch are considered. Note the following:
- If the comment becomes inactive or if a punch category is changed, the condition is still evaluated.
- If a comment is deleted, the condition is evaluated as false.
- In both of these cases, there is a blank option in the panel.
- If no shift-start punch is found, return — Determines the result to use if no designated shift start punch is in the timecard.
- Minutes After Shift Starts — Defines the timeframe, relative to the shift start punch, in which the condition looks for punches. Select the number of minutes in each field:
- Start Of Range
- End Of Range
No Punch
- If no shift-start punch is found, return — Determines the result to use if no designated shift start punch is in the timecard.
- Minutes After Shift Starts — Defines the timeframe, relative to the shift start punch, in which the condition looks for punches. Select the number of minutes in each field:
- Start Of Range
- End Of Range
- Comment — (Optional) This is a drop-down list of all of the configured comments in the Punch category. If a comment is entered, only punches with the selected comment attached to the punch are considered. Note the following:
- If the comment becomes inactive or if a punch category is changed, the condition is still evaluated.
- If a comment is deleted, the condition is evaluated as false.
- In both of these cases, there is a blank option in the panel.
- If no shift-start punch is found, return — Determines the result to use if no designated shift start punch is in the timecard.
- Minutes After Shift Starts — Defines the timeframe, relative to the shift start punch, in which the condition looks for punches. Select the number of minutes in each field:
- Start Of Range
- End Of Range
No In-Punch
- If no shift-start punch is found, return — Determines the result to use if no designated shift start punch is in the timecard.
- Minutes After Shift Starts — Defines the timeframe, relative to the shift start punch, in which the condition looks for punches. Select the number of minutes in each field
- Start Of Range
- End Of Range
- Comment — (Optional) This is a drop-down list of all of the configured comments in the Punch category. If a comment is entered, only punches with the selected comment attached to the punch are considered. Note the following:
- If the comment becomes inactive or if a punch category is changed, the condition is still evaluated.
- If a comment is deleted, the condition is evaluated as false.
- In both of these cases, there is a blank option in the panel.
- If no shift-start punch is found, return — Determines the result to use if no designated shift start punch is in the timecard.
- Minutes After Shift Starts — Defines the timeframe, relative to the shift start punch, in which the condition looks for punches. Select the number of minutes in each field
- Start Of Range
- End Of Range
No Out-Punch
- If no shift-start punch is found, return — Determines the result to use if no designated shift start punch is in the timecard.
- Minutes After Shift Starts — Defines the timeframe, relative to the shift start punch, in which the condition looks for punches. Select the number of minutes in each field
- Start Of Range
- End Of Range
Known Places
The condition checks that the geolocation coordinates available for the Attestation process on a mobile device are within the range of coordinates defined in Known Place configuration associated with employee's primary job.
- An organization wants to prompt employees to move closer when punching close but not inside their home Known Place. The organization may also want to prevent the employee from punching outside of their Known Place with details.
- An organization wants to prevent employees from punching outside of their home Known Place and notify the manager and/or warn the employee. The organization may also want to let employees punch but notify the manager and/or warn the employee.
- When an employee works in different locations, the organization wants to be able to ask different questions. For example, an Oregon employee may occasionally work in California. When this employee works in California, the organization wants to ask different questions when the employee finishes the shift.
Note:- Data-collection devices do not support coordinates, so when an employee is using a device, the geolocations are skipped.
- Known Places are associated with a job or a location. If assigned to a location, then all jobs within the location have that defined Known Place.
- Known Places should be configured with GPS coordinates instead of WiFi. If you use WiFi, the condition is evaluated as false unless If known place cannot be evaluated, condition is met is set to Yes.
- When the condition has a home Known Location, the system uses the employee's punch to determine the defined Known Place. When employee punches, the system first finds the job and then looks for defined Known Place.
- When the condition is using Known Locations, the system uses the geolocation of the mobile device.
- This condition is not supported in Attestation Assignments for the Timecard Action buttons because timecard punch entry does not verify location.
- The employee's Location Data function access control points define behaviors around the employee being able to punch.
- Attestation cannot be triggered in a Known Place if the Known Place becomes inactive or deleted or if the location/job assigned to a Known Place has expired unless the option Allow condition to be met if condition cannot be evaluated is set to Yes.
- The Known Place drop-down list is empty if any Known Place assigned to a condition becomes inactive or deleted.
There are six condition operators, organized by Home Account Known Place and general Known Place.
In Home Account Known Place
The system checks that the geolocation coordinates available for the Attestation process are within the range of coordinates defined in the Known Place configuration associated with the employee's primary job.
Near Home Account Known Place
The system checks that the geolocation coordinates available for Attestation process are within an extended radius beyond what is defined in the Known Place configuration associated to the employee's primary job.
Extend Known Place Radius (meters) — Enter the distance in meters to extend the Known Place.
Outside Home Account Known Place
The system checks that the geolocation coordinates available for Attestation process are outside an extended radius beyond what is defined in the Known Place configuration associated to the employee's primary job.
In Known Place
The system checks if the geolocation coordinates available for the Attestation process are within the range of coordinates defined in selected Known Place configured in the condition.
Known Place — Select the Known Place to use.
Near Known Place
The system checks if the geolocation coordinates available for the Attestation process are within an extended radius beyond what is defined in the specific Known Place configuration.
Extend Known Place Radium (meters) — Enter the distance in meters to extend the Known Place.
Outside Known Place
The system checks if the geolocation coordinates available for the Attestation process are outside an extended radius beyond what is defined in the specific Known Place configuration.
Known Place — Select the Known Place to use.
If known place cannot be evaluated, condition is met — If geolocation coordinates are not available for the Attestation process or there is no known place configured for employee's primary job, select Yes to trigger the Attestation question anyway or No to not trigger the Attestation question. (For Attestation originating from a data-collection device, this condition always evaluates to No.)
Note: This setting only determines how to handle the Attestation condition. The existing FACP controls if can the employees actual punch can be saved or not.
Unapproved Timecard
The system checks to see if the person's timecard is approved for the timeframe defined in the button.
- Condition Operator - Select from the following:
- Click Save.

- Select a condition and click Delete
- Click Yes in the warning message.
Note: You cannot delete a condition that is already used in an assignment.

- Select a condition and click Column Selection
- In the Column Selection glance (also known as a contextual callout) Provides information and actions in a dialog box for an item on the screen when the user right-clicks or taps the item., select the columns to appear
- Click Save.