Configure the Daily Productivity Tile
Healthcare Managers rely on daily and pay-period productivity metrics Measures and tracks workforce performance by comparing planned with actual workload or coverage, or by showing variances at any organizational level. in Healthcare Productivity Healthcare Productivity allows managers to analyze payroll, volume, and daily labor data so that they can make informed budget and schedule decisions based on metrics for the actual volume, the core scheduling plan, and staffing decisions. Previously, Healthcare Productivity (HCP) was called Healthcare Analytics (HCA). to determine whether they are meeting their budgets.
The Daily Productivity smart tile A container that provides navigation or action from its summary view. (custom tile) warns of variances from productivity metrics and can indicate problem areas. Managers use this tile to act quickly on the variances that are above or below a threshold instead of waiting until later — or too late — in the pay period. Otherwise, managers have to generate or search through reports to determine which actions to take.
From the tile, the manager can do the following:
- Drill down to act on information about the outlier metrics, whether to a schedule, report, or staffing dashboard.
- Compare multiple metrics such as productivity index, variance hours, overtime hours, agency hours, non-productive hours.
- Change the sort order.
- Personalize the tile.
- Compare metrics at other work units.
The smart tile is on the Home page The page that is presented to the user upon login, which contains the tiles that let the user access or navigate to common tasks. so that it this fits into the daily work flow of the manager.
Note: A best practice to maintain good system performance is to configure tiles to have short date ranges, few columns, and hyperfinds A search engine that filters and selects groups of employees through queries that specify conditions or locations (criteria). that contain few work units.
- The tile shows daily metrics only.
- You cannot edit the time period.
- This tile is most appropriate to front-line managers who oversee employees in a small number of work units. A best practice is to configure the primary metric plus 3 or 4 secondary metrics in one tile, and then use another tile to show more secondary metrics. To manage employees in large numbers of work units, use reports.
The limit to the amount of information that the tile can show is defined as follows:
(Total number of jobs in the work unit Work units (WU) define departments, work groups, and combine business structure nodes or jobs into single entities for productivity analysis. All Healthcare Productivity reports require work units.) x (number of days) x (number of selected columns) = 35,000.
The challenge is to balance the number of columns, metrics, or work units on the tile to avoid error messages that state that the requested data exceeds the defined limits. You have to test by trial and error the maximum number of work units that the tile and details can support. Example: If the tile shows 6 metrics and includes 5 more metrics in the details, the hyperfind query may not be able to contain more than 40, 30, 20, or 15 work units.
- You cannot use the Daily Productivity tile to drill down from work units to individual employees. A workaround is to configure an Embedded Analytics tile.
Note: The default metrics and time period are derived from the Daily Productivity Trend — 14 Days report. For details about the metrics, see the Daily Productivity Trend — 14 Days Report topic.

- Assign Licenses for Healthcare Productivity.
- Configure access to the tile; see the Configure Access to Healthcare Productivity topic.
- Configure Work Units, Configure Work Unit Hyperfinds, and Configure Work Unit Hyperfind Profiles.
- Configure Targets for Healthcare Productivity.
- Configure the offset from the reference date in the site.healthcareanalytics.referencedate.offset system setting; see the Healthcare Productivity System Settings topic. The default offset is 1 day before today.

- Click Tap Main Menu
> Administration > Application Setup > Common Setup > Custom Tiles. - Create, edit, or remove custom tiles as follows:
- Click Tap Create
. Enter a unique Name. - Select a custom tile. Click Tap Edit
. Select one of the following: - Save changes everywhere that the named entity is used — Save the changes to all installations of the current tile.
- Save as a new named entity — Save the changes as a new tile
- Select a custom tile. Click Tap Delete
. Click Tap Yes to confirm.
- Click Tap Create
- Enter a Label.
- In Tile Type, select Healthcare Productivity.
The following items are not editable here:
- Target
- Threshold
- Reference Date: The anchor or effective date of the tile.
- Time Period
- (Optional) In Dataview A configurable tool for analyzing data and taking actions on a group of employees or an organization., select the business structure dataview so that managers can go from the Daily Productivity tile to see detailed data about the worked hours of employees at a location (work unit) for a job.
Note: If the dataview is not available, create a business structure dataview with the required data columns; see the Create a Dataview topic.
Example: Create a Daily Productivity Drill Down Analysis dataview with the following columns: Work Unit Name, Daily Productive Hours, Daily Overtime Hours, Daily Productive Hours Target, Daily Productive Hours Variance, Daily Productivity Index, and Daily Paid Hours.
- In Sort By, select whether to sort the work units within the primary columns in Ascending or Descending order.
- In Primary Column, do the following:
- By default, Daily Productivity Index is configured already.
- Create, edit, or remove columns.
- Click Tap Add
. - Select a column. Click Tap Edit
. - Select a column. Click Tap Delete
. Click Tap Yes to confirm. Note: The tile must contain one primary column.
- Click Tap Add
- In Name, select a metric.
- Enter a unique Label to show in the tile.
- Do either of the following:
Select Period to Date to show data for the pay period up to today.
Clear Period to Date to show data for only a single day.
- Click Tap Save.
- In Secondary Columns, do the following:
- The following columns are configured already:
- Daily Productivity Index
- Recommended Adjustment
- Daily Overtime Hours
- Daily Productive Agency Hours
- Daily Non Productive Hours
- Daily Productive Hours Variance
- Create, edit, or remove columns.
- Click Tap Add
. Enter a unique Name. - Select a column. Click Tap Edit
. - Select a column. Click Tap Delete
. Click Tap Yes to confirm.
- Click Tap Add
- In Name, select a metric.
- Enter a unique Label to show in the tile.
- Do either of the following:
Select Period to Date to show data for the pay period up to today.
Clear Period to Date to show data for only a single day.
- Do either of the following:
Select Show on details page only to show this column only on the details page and not in the custom tile.
Clear Show on details page only to show this column on both the details page and the custom tile.
- (Optional) Select Show on details page only to.
- Click Tap Save.
- Repeat for another column.
Note: The tile can show up to 12 elements, and the details can show up to 25 columns, at least one of which must be a primary column.
- (Optional) Select Column Selection
to hide or show columns. - (Optional) Select Filter
and enter keywords to show only columns that contain the keywords. - (Optional) To change the order of the columns in the tile, click tap Re-Order Selection.
- The following columns are configured already:
- Click Tap Save.

Assign smart tiles to the display profiles and home pages of the people who need to see the tile. Assign the profiles to the people according to their role.
Note: For details about all of the options, refer to the Home Page Management and Display Profiles help topics.
- Click Tap Main Menu
> Administration > Application Setup > Display Preferences > Home Page Management. - Select a profile to update. Click Tap Edit
. - In Tiles, select the Healthcare Productivity tile to add to the profile.
- Click Tap Save.
- Repeat for other profiles.
- Click Tap Main Menu
> Administration > Application Setup > Display Preferences > Display Profiles. - Assign the Home Page Profile to the person's Display Profiles.
- Repeat for other profiles.