Configure Predictive Scheduling
When you configure predictive scheduling, the system ensures compliance with predictive scheduling legislation which requires employers to compensate employees for late scheduling changes. The system automatically creates a tag in the schedule when it detects an edit was made that violates a predictive scheduling rule Defines restrictions and requirements to ensure that a schedule meets certain criteria.. The tag warns the manager that the schedule change is eligible for predictive compensation to the employee, and the compensation is determined by the data configured in the tag. Managers with the required access can delete and restore predictive tags in the schedule. System administrators can customize the configuration for when, where, and how to calculate predictive compensation.

Configure the system setting to enable predictive scheduling on the tenant.
- In Administration > Application Setup > System Configuration > System Settings, select the Global Values tab.
- Set the global.PredictiveScheduling.enabled key to True.
- Click Tap Save.

Function access profile must be configured to allow managers to set up, view and edit predictive scheduling tags A graphic on the schedule that identifies a specific characteristic that applies to a specific employee on a specific day. Not a shift or a pay code. Example: On call..
- Go to Administration > Application Setup > Access Profiles > Function Access Profiles.
Select a profile and go to Manager - Common Setup > Schedule Configuration.
- Set Predictive Scheduling Setup to Allowed.
- Click Tap Save & Return.
- Select a profile and go to Manager - Department Manager > Scheduling.
- Set Delete Predictive Tags to:
- Allowed: Manager can delete a predictive tag by using the Delete option in the employee glance (also known as a contextual callout) Provides information and actions in a dialog box for an item on the screen when the user right-clicks or taps the item. in the Schedule Planner
- Disallowed: Manager does not have the Delete option available in the employee glance and so cannot delete tags.
- Set Restore Predictive Tags to:
- Allowed: Manager can restore a previously deleted tag by using the Restore option in the employee glance in the Schedule Planner
- Disallowed: Manager does not have the Restore option available in the employee glance and so cannot restore tags.
- Click Tap Save & Return.

Define the tag to display in the Schedule for predictive scheduling rule violations.
- Go to Administration > Application Setup > Scheduler Setup > Tag Definitions.
- Click Tap Create.
- Enter a Name and optional Description.
- In Tag Color, select a color for this tag to display in the Schedule.
- In Can Override Color, select Yes to allow managers to select a different color for their own view of the schedule tag. This setting does not affect the colors in the employees' calendars.
- In Visible to Employees, select Yes to show the tags in employees' calendars.
- In Tag Type, select Predictive.
- Click Tap Save.

The system uses the schedule change criteria to specify which schedule actions to monitor and when these actions are done relative to the shift or schedule period A repeating span of days in the schedule that is defined for administrative purposes, such as pay periods. start time.
- Go to Administration > Application Setup > Scheduler Setup > Predictive Scheduling > Schedule Change Criteria.
- Click Tap Create.
- Enter a Name and an optional Description for the schedule change criterion.
- In Schedule Change, select the schedule action to track.
- Shift Added — Tracks when a new shift is added or an existing shift is assigned to an employee.
- Shift Deleted — Tracks when an existing shift is deleted or unassigned.
- Shift Extended — Tracks when the duration of an existing shift is extended by more than the specified amount of time.
- Extended More Than (minutes) — Specify the minimum amount of time (in minutes) that the shift must be extended by in order to trigger the Shift Extended criteria. This field is required.
- Extended Less Than or Equal to (minutes) — Specify the maximum amount of time (in minutes) that the shift must be extended by in order to trigger the Shift Extended criteria. This field is optional.
- Shift Shortened — Tracks when the duration of an existing shift is shortened by more than the specified amount of time.
- Shortened More Than (minutes) — Specify the minimum amount of time (in minutes) that the shift must be shortened by in order to trigger the Shift Shortened criteria. This field is required.
- Shortened Less Than or Equal to (minutes) — Specify the maximum amount of time (in minutes) that the shift must be shortened by in order to trigger the Shift Shortened criteria. This field is optional.
- Shift Moved — Tracks when both the start time and end time of an existing shift change, but there is no change to the duration of the shift.
- Moved More Than (minutes) — Specify the minimum amount of time (in minutes) that the shift must be moved by in order to trigger the Shift Moved criteria. This field is required.
- Moved Less Than or Equal to (minutes) — Specify the maximum amount of time (in minutes) that the shift must be moved by in order to trigger the Shift Moved criteria. This field is optional.
- Start time of moved shift remains on the same calendar day — Select this option to track schedule changes where a shift has moved within the same calendar day.
- Start time of moved shift is no longer on the same calendar day — Select this option to track schedule changes where a shift has moved to a different calendar day.
- Shift Moved and Extended — Tracks when both the start time and end time of an existing shift change, and the duration of the shift is extended.
- Moved and Extended More Than (minutes) — Specify the minimum amount of time (in minutes) that the shift must be moved and extended by in order to trigger the Shift Moved and Extended criteria. This time represents the total amount of time that the shift has moved plus the amount of time that the shift has been extended. This field is required.
- Moved and Extended Less Than or Equal to (minutes) — Specify the maximum amount of time (in minutes) that the shift must be moved and extended by in order to trigger the Shift Moved and Extended criteria. This time represents the total amount of time that the shift has moved plus the amount of time that the shift has been extended. This field is optional.
- Start time of moved and extended shift remains on the same calendar day — Select this option to track schedule changes where a shift has been extended and moved within the same calendar day. This will trigger only one criterion and pay out one bonus.
- Start time of moved shift and extended shift is no longer on the same calendar day — Select this option to track schedule changes where a shift has been extended and moved to a different calendar day. This will trigger two different criteria and pay out two different bonuses.
- An employee has a shift from 8a - 4p on Monday.
- A Shift Moved and Extended criterion is configured to trigger when the moved and extended total is more than 90 minutes but less than or equal to 120 minutes: Moved and Extended More Than (minutes) = 90; Moved and Extended Less Than or Equal to (minutes) = 120.
- If the manager changes the shift to 7:30a - 4:30p, the shift has been moved by 30 minutes and extended by 60 minutes. The criterion is not triggered because 30 minutes plus 60 minutes is not greater than 90 minutes.
- If the manager changes the shift to 7:30a - 5p, the shift has been moved by 30 minutes and extended by 90 minutes. The criterion is triggered because 30 minutes plus 90 minutes is 120 minutes, which is greater than 90 minutes and less than or equal to 120 minutes.
- An employee has a shift from 8a - 4p on Monday.
- A Shift Moved and Extended criterion is configured to trigger when the shift is moved to a different calendar day and is extended by X minutes.
- If the manager moves the shift to 7:30a - 5p on Tuesday, the shift has been moved to a different day and extended by X minutes. The Shift Moved and Extended criterion will be triggered.
- If the Shift Extended criterion is also configured with same priority as the Shift Moved and Extended criterion, than both criteria will be triggered and both bonuses will be paid.
You can configure a predictive scheduling rule that pays a different premium for shifts moved and extended within the same day versus shifts moved and extended on a different calendar day.
Select one or both of the following parameters to track the start time of moved and extended shifts.
In this example, a shift is moved and extended, and remains on the same calendar day:
In this example, a shift is moved and extended, and is now on a different day:
- Shift Moved and Shortened — Tracks when both the start time and end time of an existing shift change, and the duration of the shift is shortened.
- Moved and Shortened More Than (minutes) — Specify the minimum amount of time (in minutes) that the shift must be moved and shortened by in order to trigger the Shift Moved and Shortened criteria. This time represents the total amount of time that the shift has moved plus the amount of time that the shift has been shortened. This field is required.
- Moved and Shortened Less Than or Equal to (minutes) — Specify the maximum amount of time (in minutes) that the shift must be moved and shortened by in order to trigger the Shift Moved and Shortened criteria. This time represents the total amount of time that the shift has moved plus the amount of time that the shift has been shortened. This field is optional.
- Start time of moved and shortened shift remains on the same calendar day — Select this option to track schedule changes where a shift has been shortened and moved within the same calendar day. This will trigger only one criterion and pay out one bonus.
- Start time of moved shift and shortened shift is no longer on the same calendar day — Select this option to track schedule changes where a shift has been shortened and moved to a different calendar day. This will trigger two different criteria and pay out two different bonuses.
- An employee has a shift from 8a - 4p.
- A Shift Moved and Shortened criterion is configured to trigger when the moved and shortened total is more than 60 minutes but less than or equal to 120 minutes: Moved and Shortened More Than (minutes) = 60; Moved and Shortened Less Than or Equal to (minutes) = 120.
- If the manager changes the shift to 7:30a - 3p, the shift has been moved by 30 minutes and shortened by 30 minutes. The criterion is not triggered because 30 minutes plus 30 minutes is not greater than 60 minutes.
- If the manager changes the shift to 7a - 2:30p, the shift has been moved by 60 minutes and shortened by 30 minutes. The criterion is triggered because 60 minutes plus 30 minutes is 90 minutes, which is greater than 60 minutes and less than or equal to 120 minutes.
- An employee has a shift from 8a - 4p on Monday.
- A Shift Moved and Shortened criterion is configured to trigger when the shift is moved to a different calendar day and is shortened by Y minutes.
- If the manager moves the shift to 8:30a - 3p on Tuesday, the shift has been moved to a different day and shortened by Y minutes. The Shift Moved and Shortened criterion will be triggered.
- If the Shift Shortened criterion is also configured with same priority as the Shift Moved and Shortened criterion, than both criteria will be triggered and both bonuses will be paid.
You can configure a predictive scheduling rule that pays a different premium for shifts moved and shortened within the same day versus shifts moved and shortened on a different calendar day.
Select one or both of the following parameters to track the start time of moved and extended shifts.
In this example, a shift is moved and shortened, and remains on the same calendar day:
In this example, a shift is moved and shortened, and is now on a different day:
- Location Changed — Tracks shift location changes that occur at the specified Location Type during the change detection period.
In Location Type, select a location type that has been defined in Business Structure Represents the logical structure of an organization as it concerns staffing. It contains the locations and jobs to which an employee may be assigned. Setup > Jobs and Business Structure. Only those Location Types that are active as of the current day are displayed.
When an employee's shift location is changed in at least one of the shift segments Parts of shifts that are assigned to a job in the business structure, either primary or transfer jobs.ts, the system triggers a predictive penalty if any location is changed that has a Location Type with a hierarchy greater than or equal to the selected Location Type.
Suppose the defined Location Type hierarchy is Banner/District/Store/Department/Job, and the selected Location Type is Store because the organization only wants to trigger predictive penalties if the employee is moved to a different store.
An employee has been scheduled to work at Eastern Seaboard/New York City/Downtown Store/Floor/Greeter when the schedule is posted. In this Business Structure path, the Downtown Store node has the Location Type of Store. If the employee is rescheduled to another job in Downtown Store, the system does not generate a predictive penalty. However, if the employee is moved to a store other than Downtown Store, the system generates a predictive penalty.
For more information about Location Types, see Locations.
Note: The system cannot evaluate Location Changed criteria for Location Types that have expired. If the specified Location Type has expired, you must edit the criteria to select a different Location Type.
- In Shift Qualifier, select the shift profile set to filter the specific types of shifts you want to track. For example, you may want to track shifts of a certain length or on a certain day of the week. If no Shift Qualifier is specified, all shifts are tracked.
- Under Change Detection Period, specify when you want changes to the schedule to be detected.Note: The employee's time zone, not the manager's, is used for time calculations when evaluating when schedule changes are made.
- In Detection Relative to Start Of, select either Shift or Schedule Period. The default setting is Shift.
- If you select Shift:
- Specify the interval of time and the units (minutes, hours, or days) for the change detection period. This interval is based on future schedule changes.
For example, if you want changes to the schedule that occur between 24 hours and 168 hours before the start of a shift, enter 24 in Between (Greater Than or Equal To), enter 168 in And (Less than), and select Hours in Units.
- If you select Schedule Period, you can specify a rolling period for tracking changes. When a change occurs during the Edit Period, the dates in the schedule specified in the Schedule Change Period are tracked.
- Specify the start date in Edit Period Start and the end date in Edit Period End of the time period during which the manager can edit and save changes to the schedule.
- Specify the start date in Schedule Change Period Start and the end date in Schedule Change Period End.
The Current Edit Detection Period dates and Current Schedule Change Detection Period dates display in the Change Detection Period section to help you track the current rolling period.
Example: If you specify an Edit Period from 12/29/19 to 1/4/20, and a Schedule Change Period from 12/29/19 to 1/11/20, the rolling period dates that display on 1/13/20 would be:
Current Edit Detection Period: 1/12/2020 to 1/18/2020
Current Schedule Change Detection Period: 1/12/2020 to 1/18/2020
- Select Detect Past Changes if you want to detect schedule changes to shifts that have already occurred.
- Click Tap Save.
- Configure additional schedule change criteria as needed.
Select one or both of the following parameters to track the start time of moved shifts.

Create predictive scheduling bonus rules to define how the bonuses are calculated.
- Go to Administration > Application Setup > Scheduler Setup > Predictive Scheduling > Predictive Scheduling Bonuses.
- Click Tap Create.
- Enter a Name and optional Description.
- In Bonus Pay Code, select a standard or money-based pay code from the list.
- In Bonus Amount, select the bonus type and amount:
- Fixed amount — Enter the number of hours or the monetary amount for the penalty.
- Percentage of total work time duration — Enter a percentage of the shift length for the penalty.
- Percentage of modified work time duration — Enter a percentage of the modified shift length for the penalty.
Note: You can modify an existing bonus, for example, if an incorrect bonus amount was configured. When a bonus is changed, the totalizer re-evaluates existing tags in the schedule and updates them to reflect the new bonus value. Tags included in signed-off periods are not updated. -
In Wage Rate, select the wage type and amount
- Percentage of regular wage rate — Enter a percentage of employee's regular wage rate to use for the penalty.
- Other wage rate per hours — Enter a monetary amount to use for the wage rate for the penalty.
- Click Tap Save.
- Create additional bonus rules as necessary.
It s recommended that you create a pay code, such as Predictive Penalty, to use specifically for tracking predictive scheduling bonuses. For information about creating a pay code, see Paycodes.

Create predictive scheduling rules using a combination of the schedule change criteria and the predictive scheduling bonus rules.
- Go to Administration > Application Setup > Scheduler Setup > Predictive Scheduling > Predictive Scheduling Rules.
- Click Tap Create.
- Enter a Name for the rule.
- In Version Effective Dates, select New Version.
- In Effective Date, select the date on which the predictive scheduling rule takes effect. For example, you may need to configure the rule and set a date in the future for the rule go into effect due to upcoming legislation changes around predictive compensation.
- Enter an optional Description.
- Select Exclude employee initiated Self-Service requests if you want the system to ignore detecting schedule changes that are initiated by employees.
- In Tag, select the predictive scheduling tag to display to managers in the schedule.
- Set up the predictive scheduling triggers:
- Under Predictive Scheduling Triggers, click tap Create.
- In Priority, specify the priority that the trigger has over the other triggers in the list. You can enter an integer value greater than or equal to 1. A value of 1 is the highest priority. Lower numbers indicate a higher priority; higher numbers indicate a lower priority. For example, a trigger with a Priority of 1 has a higher priority that another trigger with a Priority of 4.
- Select a Schedule Change Criteria from the list.
- Select a Predictive Scheduling Bonus from the list.
- Click Tap Save. Add additional triggers if desired.
- Click Tap Save.
One or more predictive scheduling tags must be created before you can select it from the list. For more information about creating a tag, see Tag Definitions.
This priority setting enables you to specify which criteria is used to pay out predictive scheduling bonuses when multiple Schedule Change Criteria are triggered simultaneously. The trigger with the highest priority is the one for which the bonus is paid out.
You can assign the same priority to more than one trigger. If multiple triggers have the same highest priority and are triggered simultaneously, the system adds the bonuses corresponding to the Schedule Change Criteria for those triggers and the total sum is what is paid out.
Note: If multiple changes occur on a shift in the same day (such as Shift Moved and Shift Extended, or Shift Moved and Shift Shortened), those changes are treated as a single schedule change, and the schedule change criteria for that combined action is triggered. For example, if a shift is moved and then extended, it triggers the Shift Moved and Extended action, along with its associated criteria. The Shift Extended action and its criteria will not be triggered separately. Separate actions on the same day will have penalties paid out for each action. For example, if you delete a shift and then add a new shift on the same day, two penalties are paid out — one for the Shift Deleted action and one for the Shift Added action.
Note: When creating a new trigger, the default value is empty and you are required to enter a priority value. For existing triggers, a priority value of 10 is assigned by default.
The predictive scheduling triggers are sorted in descending order based on the Priority.

Apply the predictive scheduling rule to a location in the business structure using a location profile.
- Go to Administration > Application Setup > Scheduler Setup > Location Settings > Location Profiles.
- Click Tap New.
- Enter a Name for the profile and an optional Description.
- In Predictive Scheduling Rule, select a rule from the list to use for this location.
- Click Tap Save and Assign to Location.
- In Location Selection, select the location to assign the predictive scheduling rule to, then click tap OK.

By default, predictive compensation is paid to all employees when the process is enabled. You can configure the system to specify whether predictive compensation is paid out for specific employees.
- Go to Maintenance > People Information.
- Click Tap the employee's name to display their Person Record.
- Click Tap Scheduling > Scheduler.
- In the Process Predictive Scheduling Changes column, select one of the following:
Note: This field can only be blank when no value has been assigned. Once you have set it to True or False, it cannot be set to blank again.
- True: Enables the predictive scheduling process for the employee, as of the specified Effective Date.
- Blank (Default): When left blank, the system behaves as if it were set to True, but you cannot select an Effective Date. The system uses the current date for the Effective Date.
- False: Disables the predictive scheduling process for the employee, as of the specified Effective Date .
- Specify the Effective Date.
- Click Tap Save.
The Effective Date is the date on which predictive scheduling processing takes effect for the employee or on which predictive scheduling processing is no longer in effect. It references the date that edits are made to the schedule and not the date of the scheduled shift. The Effective Date can only be set to a date in the future (tomorrow or later); it cannot be set to the current date or a past date.
For example, if you disable the predictive scheduling process for an employee, and specify an Effective Date of 12/1/2021, any schedule edits made prior to 12/1 (regardless of the scheduled shift date) are processed through Predictive Scheduling.
When shifts are edited, the Effective Date of the Predictive Scheduling Rule is determined by the system as follows:
- When a shift that is in the past is edited, the system uses the date when the shift started as the Effective Date.
- When a shift that either starts today or on a date in the future, the system uses the date that the edit was made as the Effective Date.
For more information, see the People Information > Scheduling help topic.

By default, a predictive scheduling rule assigned to a location is applied to all employees working at that location. You can configure the system to apply a different predictive scheduling rule for an employee when they work a job that has a predictive scheduling rule applied through a location profile.
- Go to Maintenance > People Information.
- Click Tap the employee's name to display their Person Record.
- Click Tap Scheduling > Scheduler.
- In the Process Predictive Scheduling Rule Override column, select the predictive scheduling rule to apply to the employee.
- Specify the Effective Date for the rule override to take effect.
- Click Tap Save.
For more information, see the People Information > Scheduling help topic.