Jobs and Business Structure
- Types are logical organizational levels in your enterprise, such as region, division, store, area, or department.
- Jobs are roles that have a fixed responsibility, such as registered nurse, associate, or welder.
- Locations can be physical locations, such as an operating room or a mail room, or logistical units, such as support, administration, or a home care unit.
Use the business structure configuration space to build a hierarchy of types, locations, and jobs. Optionally, you can also create cost centers.

- Add cost centers so they appear in the drop-down list when you configure locations on the business structure. Cost center configuration is optional. See Cost Centers.
- Add types for each level that you need on the business structure. When you build the business structure, you are required to attach an organizational type to each configured location. For example, when you configure a location for Boston, New York, and San Francisco, they would each need a corresponding organizational type. See Types.
- Add jobs so they can be assigned to locations on the business structure. See Jobs.
- Add locations. Jobs can be assigned to locations on the business structure where employees work the jobs. After you attach jobs to locations, the business structure is complete and you can assign jobs to individual employees. You can also create organizational groups and transfer sets using the jobs. See Locations.
Note: The & (ampersand) and the - (hyphen) are allowed as special characters Special characters are characters that are neither alphabetic nor numeric. These characters may not be allowed in text because they have programmatic uses. Other terms for special characters include reserved characters, restricted characters, forbidden characters, excluded characters, included characters. in the names of Business Structure Represents the logical structure of an organization as it concerns staffing. It contains the locations and jobs to which an employee may be assigned. elements; however, the ampersand is not supported as the first character.

Click Main Menu
Here you can manage types, locations, and jobs. The options for managing the business structure are:
- Add — Create a new business structure component (type, location, or job).
- Update — Edit a type, location, or job.
- Delete — Delete a type, location, or job.
- Set the as of date — Opens the location type tree as it exists on the selected day. The default is today.
When you are managing locations, you can also:
- Find Locations
- Assign Jobs
- Copy Location
- Move Location
- Paste Location