Run Healthcare Productivity Reports

Note: This section is for Healthcare Productivity reports. For other standard reports, refer to the Run reports and Standard reports topics.

Healthcare Productivity reports help you to monitor daily and pay-period productivity data so that you can improve staffing decisions. These reports are based on work units, and you can schedule or manually run report generation.

Before you start, make sure that your access to the Healthcare Productivity reports is configured; see Administer Access to Healthcare Productivity Reports.

Note: To schedule reports, see the Schedule and Manage Report Jobs topic.

  1. Select Main Menu  > Dataviews & Reports > Report Library.
  2. From the Report Library, click tap Run Report .
  3. In the Select Report panel, select Healthcare Productivity and one of the reports.
  4. Click Tap Select.
  5. Select the applicable Report Parameters according to the topic for the following reports:

    Note: In addition to the standard reports, custom reports may be configured and available. See the Custom Healthcare Productivity Reports and Work Unit Custom Healthcare Productivity Reports topics

  6. In Output Format, select one of the following:

    Caution: The CSV (comma-separated values) output is not suited for Healthcare Productivity reports because of the complex structure of the reports.

    Note: Healthcare Productivity reports support only PDF, Excel, and Interactive formats; other formats are not supported.

  7. Click Tap Run Report.

    Status indicators

    •  In-Progress: The report is running.
    •  Completed: The report ran successfully without errors.
    •  Failed: The report has errors; check the Run Summary for details. Correct the error and run the report again.
  8. Select the report and click tap the right arrow .
    1. Click Tap View Report.
    2. To modify reports, see the Organize and modify data with interactive viewer topic.