Configure Time Off-Only Managers
Some organizations need to give users in a manager role the ability to enter time off on behalf of employees directly in the Schedule Planner while also restricting their ability to perform other scheduling activities, such as adding shifts. One common use of this configuration is to support human resources (HR) managers responsible for managing long-term or medical leaves: these HR managers need to be able to add a leave or submit a leave request, but they should not be allowed to otherwise modify an employee’s schedule. In UKG Pro Workforce Management, such managers are referred to as time off-only managers.
The process for configuring time off-only managers is summarized here:
- Enable the Allow Enter Time Off in Schedule Planner without Schedule Access Edit ACP feature switch.
- Configure a time-off request Request subtypes that employees use to request time off for vacation, illness or recovery, appointments, personal time, or other absences. Time-off requests can be configured to support many different employment scenarios. subtype with the desired Enter Time Off Auto Approval setting.
- Create a department manager Function Access Profile (FAP) with only Schedule Access, Schedule Views, Enter Time Off , and Enter Time Off in a signed off period Access Control Points (ACPs).
- Assign the new FAP to managers who need only to submit time-off requests on behalf of employees in the Schedule Planner.
Each of these steps is described in detail in the following sections.

This feature switch allows you to enable managers to enter time off on behalf of employees while granting them only view-only schedule access in the Schedule Planner. See How ACPs Affect the Schedule Planner and Quick Actions for more information.
See Feature Switch to learn how to enable feature switches.

Next, configure a time-off request subtype Classifications of schedule requests from employees. to be used by managers when entering time off on behalf of employees. Of note in this request subtype configuration is the Enter Time Off Auto Approval setting. This field controls whether or not the Auto Approve check box is displayed on the Enter Time Off panel and what its default setting is. The Enter Time Off Auto Approval check box has these options:
- Enabled with default checked — the Auto Approve check box is displayed and it is selected. This is the default value for new and existing time-off requests. Based on this setting, time-off requests will be auto-approved when submitted.
- Enabled with default unchecked — the Auto Approve check box is displayed but it is not selected. Based on this setting, time-off requests will not be auto-approved when submitted. However, this check box can be selected to allow auto-approval when the request is submitted.
- Disabled — the Auto Approve check box is not displayed. The system does not auto-approve time-off requests when this setting is used for the request subtype.
See Configure Time-Off Requests for more information.

Next, create a department manager FAP using these ACPs:
- Schedule Access. This setting controls general access to the Schedule Planner.
- Set Edit to Disallowed. This prevents the manager from being allowed to make any other changes to the employees schedule, such as adding or removing shifts (which is enabled with the View setting).
- Set View to Allowed. With the feature switch enabled, view schedule access is all that is needed to allow the manager to enter time off on behalf of employees.
- Schedule View. This setting controls access to Schedule Planner views. Only these views support the Enter Time Off action:
- Set the Access Scope for the desired views to Allowed.Note: You must set the Access Scope for at least one of these settings to Allowed or the manager will not be able to enter time off for employees.
- Enter Time Off. This setting allows the manager to enter time off on behalf of employees in open visibility periods The time period during which specified open shifts are visible to specified employees..
- Enter Time in a signed off period. This setting allows the manager to enter time off on behalf of employees in a signed-off period or a time period that spans both a signed-off and open period.
- Values for both Enter Time Off and Enter Time in a signed off period fields are the same:
- All — Managers can enter time off on behalf of employees and for themselves
- All But Self — Managers can enter time off on behalf of employees, but not for themselves
- None — Managers cannot enter time off
- Choose All or All But Self to enable managers to enter time off on behalf of employees.
See Function Access Profiles for more information on specifying ACPs.

After you have created the FAP, assign it to the appropriate managers' People Information records. Go to Maintenance > People Information > Employee > Access Profiles to associate managers with the necessary access profile.
See Employee for more information.

When the feature switch is enabled and the Schedule Access, Schedule View, and Enter Time Off ACPs have been set appropriately, managers can enter time off on behalf of employees directly in the Schedule Planner, and they can use Quick Actions to perform tasks related to time-off requests. See Enter time off and Quick Actions, respectively, for more information on these subjects.
How the Enter Time Off ACPs are configured determines how the manager will be able to interact with the Schedule Planner and Quick Actions, as summarized in this table. Except where noted, this table assumes that:
- The feature switch is enabled
- The Schedule Access view ACP is set to Allowed
- The Access Scope for one or more of the Schedule View ACPs is set to Allowed
- "Enter Time Off" represents both Enter Time Off and Enter Time Off in a signed-off period ACPs
Enter Time Off | Schedule Planner | Quick Actions |
All, All But Self |
None |
The Quick Actions action bar is not displayed |
None (when both the Edit and View Schedule Access ACPs are set to Allowed) |
The Quick Actions action bar is displayed |